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Posts posted by Jediabiwan

  1. The Master Sword was powerful enough to double as a legendary weapon. Considering how many sword users you have in this game and the fact you can have the weapon as early as before the desert...

    Anyways, my prediction is that it will be a Brave Sword.

    Well besides being only usable by ladies, the only downside of the lady sword was -20 crit, plus it was effective against many units and had a lower weapon level. It looks like it will be returning but i hope it can't be forged.

    I knew I saw it somewhere, but I couldn't find it in the forums. Thanks!

  2. Lady Swords now buyable on the online shop.

    Which is awesome being how I was so mad when I missed out on the first one in FE3, the second comes way too late. It was extremely awesome in FE3 and comparing, especially in cost now, to a silver sword, should be even more awesome in FE11 unless its power is decreased. It will also give creating a female "my unit" more of an advantage. However I also heard the master sword would be available which would be ridiculous.

  3. Wow, downloadable maps that are new chapters? This certainly one way to help flesh out parts of the story. That's a good opportunity to give certain characters some backstory as well. Great update! I'm kind of disappointed that the battle animations are the same (although, we only saw the mercenary and pirate animations). I just hope that Marth's is different--,oh, please IS!!

    IF you look at the screenshots you can see that Marth's is basically just the same with a few different colors.

  4. In FE3 book two it actually had 5 uses, but you couldn't sell it like in book one. However, since you couldn't sell it in FE11 I doubt you can in FE12. I hope though that you have to wait a few chapters to get your characters back in casual mode so it could be used to bring them back early.

  5. Oh. Well, k then.

    True, though I like FEDS due to the fact they don't throw a super unit your way (unless you count Shiida when she has a forged Wing Spear with Warpskipping, but even then you need to forge something and then have a warper, it's not just one guy. That's at least team work). I'm not sure how well the sales of that did, though I recall it selling better than the past few FEs...Though that's probably because it finally had Marth in it.

    Indeed, though RD still puts me off in that it just throws a small army of people that can do that right then and there. Even FE7 it was only one guy they threw at you that was similar to that. Perhaps I'm just offput when they just show up at random able to make everyone else on the army look pathetic, but that's just a personal gripe.

    I think that perhaps FE11 should have thrown super units at you instead of extra chapters. It would have been interesting if they just gave you new characters if lots of yours had died, or increased the power of the ones you got. They really should have made the pre-promotes better as I see their point to be helping out players who couldn't train their own characters. This doesn't help if almost the pre-promotes suck. I really liked chapter 24x, as it made sure you had at least some ways to damage the final boss, and made sure you got the falchion which is pretty hard to get if you don't know what you are doing.

    I really like how FE7 handles pre-promotes. You get quite a few good ones, and few bad ones. They usually aren't better than units you train, but are comparable or a little worse. Then they give you Athos the final chapter, who can't handle the whole chapter by himself, but can solo the dragon, which, if you didn't train your lords, helps a lot. I remember the first time, my final team included Pent, Hawkeye, Harken, Jaffar, Vaida, Renault, a unpromoted lyn, a level 11/1 hector, a 13/3 Eliwood, and the only unit i actually trained from the beginning, a level 20/20 oswin. Athos did most of the work and was the only way to easily beat the dragon, as most of my units could not land over 10dmg on it.

  6. One thing I liked about FE11 which many people didn't was that it didn't add too much as a remake. Lots of people are talking about adding new magic types, or totally new classes. I am ok with a new character or two, but it should be remade in the style of FE11. Not necessarily b/c FE11 did it the best, but b/c it is a sequel to FE11. I am fine with a few new character or chapters, especially axe users, but when i see quotes like this:

    supports: like FE9, at the base. like FE10, possible with everyone. like FE GBA, support conversations and paired endings.

    weapons: swords (knife as sword usable by thieves), lances, axes and bows(no crossbows)

    anima(wind, thunder and fire are good, but as one weapon type), Light, dark and staves (equip-able with low MT)

    no reclass system


    swords: myrmidons, swordmasters, mercenaries, heroes(+axe)

    lances: soldiers, halberdiers, peg. knights, falcon knights(+swords)

    Axe: fighters, warriors, wyvern knights, wyvern lords(+lance)

    bow: archers, snipers

    and cavaliers/ paladins and armors/generals of every weapon type

    anima: mage, sage(+staves+light)

    light: monk, bishop(+staves+anima)

    dark: shaman, druid(+anima+staves)

    staves: cleric, valkyrie(+light+horse)

    and a mamkute/ manakete

    or laguz, but that's very false hope

    no lord class, but a lord with one of the classes.

    and about the shadowy figure, did anyone think about it maybe being a character you can create yourself? not only like the strategist as in name only, but really like choosing a class, name, affinity etc.

    I wonder if poeple even realize tis is FE3 being remade. Seriously, the above poster doesn't seem to either know what FE3 was or not know that it is being remade. Also forging should be thrown out, and reclassing should have new sets and limitations on the number of changes. Keep the magic classes separated from physical and maybe limit to one change before promotion and one change after. Also definitely keep the hard modes. For sure add more custom-looking battle animations, but keep the same styles. Support convos would also be nice, but i don't really think they are necessary.

  7. Wow this is awesome! I just started playing FE3 though, and now I am tempted to stop, but I will probably continue as this looks like it could have some big changes and it would be fun to see the differences. I hope they add custom colors to the sprites, but keep SD's which i like otherwise. I also hope remove forging which I agree with some people is totally unbalanced and also class changing. These three things are my main complaints about SD. Heck, while I'm at it they should remove replacement characters, make better side quest requirements, add supports, and add more chapters. I am still very exited about this game, and from what I have seen in FE3 it looks like it could be very interesting.

  8. I seemed to recall that earlier you said that the pursuit skill would give a bonus to spd, but now on the front page it says it is removed entirely. Is this true? I think you should have it give at least some bonus, as it helped certain characters a lot.

  9. I think they could have been the best except for 2 reasons that people have already stated. First, and by far the worst, the lack of uniqueness. If every character of the same class did not look the same, it would be awesome and really make the graphics more impressive. With out unique looks, I sadly prefer the GBA graphics. The second small problem is the lack of a custom animation for the Falchion like in the GBA games, but that is not such a big deal. I really think it would have made the weapon look more impressive though. Custom animations for each weapon would be awesome, but not necessary. Otherwise, I love the graphics, and hope to see a new game with similar style and more uniqueness.

  10. I remember that my friend somehow got to the final level w/ only the two Lords (Erika was level 6 with crap stats, but Ephraim was level 18), Gerik (level 20), and a level 1 Myrrh. So apparently it is hard for some people! I don't know how he sucked that much, but he did. Anyways, I had no trouble beating the final chapter with basically just Ephraim and Myrrh (It was on easy mode, but Myrrh should not be able to take out the final boss in 2 rounds).

    I do have to say I really like the branched promotions as well as the first english manakete (she was soooo awesome the first time I saw her) in this game, but everything else is crap.

  11. Thiw is awesome, I wish we had this before! It is amazing to see that Akaneia and Jugdral are actually connected! There had been lots of speculation, but now the truth comes out. Now I wonder if they were both connected to Elibe...

  12. Well, I've been playing Fire Emblem for a long time, but never really had the patience to sit down and play FE4 and FE5. I managed to get to chapter 4 in FE4, but I never managed to finish; I even had all my pairings set up and everything! But now, I can play them with a SNES emulator on my iPod touch and have a lot more time to play them. I like playing FEs on a hand-held much better. I have played FE6 twice, FE7 four times, FE8 three times, and FE11 twice, compared to only once of FE9 and FE10. (Still not much compared to you guys, I know) So I was wondering, should I play FE4 all the way through, then FE5, or FE4 half-way, FE5, then the second half of FE4? I know some of the generals of the story, but not too many specifics, and was just wondering if you think there would be benefits to interrupting the story of FE4 and getting the details of FE5. So what do you guys think.

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