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Posts posted by BluCommander

  1. You're fine with timeskips of 15 years minimum being forced into every game, but not some potentially irrelevant-to-the-main-story time zapping.

    Y'all need to get your priorities in order.

    Not quite. I would rather not have children in every iteration, and thus, 15 year timeskips. But if we're getting children, I would rather not have a lot of time travel. Plot kinda falls apart with time travel unless you are very careful.

  2. Matador is pleased with the salt. :)

    Fighting the Matador sure as hell made me salty haha.

    Anyway yeah, I feel I should clarify (from my post 200 pages ago) it is time travel I have a problem with. The children themselves I am fine with, although it's strange that they did it 2 games in a row. Not sure how I feel about children appearing in every iteration from now on, but whatever. Just no more time travel please.

  3. Oh god, do you think Not!Severa will give birth to Not!Cordelia?

    Pls no.

    I think we can say children are back, it's true. But where there is any mention of a time-travel thing ?

    Well, in the picture the 1st gen character hasn't aged at all, so it's not a bad guess. They could pull a Geneology though, just with characters that don't age.

    Like many others have said I was hoping for S supports but not children. On the bright side, it seems like supports and partners will be more limited, and I support (heh) that. Less supports will hopefully mean better written supports.

  4. Well in America at least it is going to be 40$ for the base game, in whichever path you choose.

    In Japan the extra paths are going for 2000 yen, which ends up being a little over 16$ when converted to USD. My guess is that each dlc path will go for an additional 20$, but it is also possible that they could lower it to 15$. I don't see the price going any higher than 20$ though.

  5. Im hoping for something involving gameplay like a bad ending for overusing dragon vein in the campaign.

    Well if they do go this route they sure as hell better let us know that dragon's vein has "negative consequences" or something. I'll use any tactics at my disposal so it would really suck if I got a bad ending for that.

  6. Were assassins able to lopt in awakening? They were able to in fe7 through fe9, aND I think fe10 as well. Usually it is stealing items from enemies that assassins can't do, not opening doors and chests.

    The Assassin class itself couldn't, but theives promoted to assassins kept their lockpicking skill. Thats more of a nitpick though. For all intents and purposes assassins could pick locks.

    Edit: Ninja'd

  7. I'll be going:

    No Reset
    No Grind


    Although the No Reset is subject to change. I'm okay losing units sometimes as it makes my headcannon story more interesting, but if for some reason Nohr shits on me more than I anticipate then I may start resetting.

  8. I started wanting to play Hoshido, then when it was announced Nohr was going to play like older fire emblem games I switched to Nohr. Then I switched to Hoshido after some Hoshidan characters were announce (Rinka, Oboro etc.), and then when they announced more Nohr characters I switched back to Nohr again.

    I plan to stick to Nohr, but with how wishy-washy I have been you never know. Oh and like many others I will play them all eventually anyway.

    Awakening gave the us the freedom to freely customize our army to however we want and that best thing about Awakening. Unrestricted reclassing is a must in any FE games for me now on.

    I disagree, but it's simply a matter of taste. Guess it's a good thing we're getting a Hoshido and a Nohr version.

  9. Kamui says "F this noise" and goes to live alone in the mountains. (S)he recruits squirrels and deer and various other wildlife to help Kamui take down this "darn bear" that keeps harrasing Kamui. But it turns out that the "darn bear" was just trying to warn Kamui that Mr. Acorn (Kamui's best friend) is actually trying to revive an evil dragon bent on destroying the world... then some other stuff happens... and Ryouma and Garon kiss or something.

  10. "Dear Odin, you need to read more books so I made you this one. Love, Mum"


    "Odin's tome of potential names to unleash the blood-boiling power within."

    Man... Western names just are not gonna compare to these names here. Really makes you wonder how the skill will function localized... It would be great if we could somehow get more than the typical character limit for Odin's tomes specifically. :p

    A longer character limit would be amazing haha, but I imagine they'll change it to names with all caps or something similar.

  11. Depending on how the captured units will work, and how their usability is, I might do a playthrough of using all captured units (with Kamui as the exception of course) just for the lulz of it all.

    This is what I will likely end up doing as well. Perhaps a lunatic+ run where I won't feel guilty about losing some people. Idk fire emblem with generic units appeals to me for some reason.

  12. I don't think that using it during a given chapter as opposed to not using it in a given chapter will affect the story in any significant way, if that answers your question. I will be happily surprised if I am wrong however. It would be really cool if, for example, you dry up a river (like Camilia does in the trailer) and because of that some villagers lose their water supply and the consequences affect the story in some way later on. I don't think anything like that is going to happen, but ill admit that the idea excites me regardless.

  13. I checked the video again, and it says "Each of those stories will approach different endings, depending on your choices" which seems like there multiple endings per side.

    I get the feeling that, as some said, the endings might depend on how many major characters you're able to spare. I've seen quite a few other games do something like that.

    This has been done in past fire emblem games as well so it really wouldn't surprise me if this was the case.

  14. It wouldn't surprise me if there were multiple endings per route. I'm on my phone at the moment so I can't check, but the translated trailer said something to the extent of "EACH path has multiple endings"

    Nintendo of America's emphasis on choices in this game also seems to suggest this. I don't think they would put this big of an emphasis on choice if there were only one (although it is a big one) choice, but we will know for certain soon enough I suppose.

    When I get to a computer I will edit in a link to the part of the trailer I am referring to.

    Edit: So it says, "Each of those stories will approach different endings, depending on your choices" which suggests to me that there are multiple endings per side.

  15. Thanks again for the translations.

    Regarding prisons, It seems fairly obvious that Orochi "convinces" inmates to join you through seduction.

    Makes me wonder what Zero does. Given his sadistic nature it wouldn't surprise me if he tortured them. (Although I'm not sure I would trust someone I had tortured to watch my back on the battlefield.)

  16. Although I have actually enjoyed the not!Children characters thus far, I think three is enough and I hope they don't add anymore.

    Also holy hell do Pieri and Odin's personal skills sound amazing. +4 to 4 different skills is amazing, and just for killing an enemy, something you are usually doing anyway. +10 to crit for having a forged weapon also sounds amazing, imagine giving Odin a maxed out crit tome, and then putting an additional +10 crit on that; you might be able to get a 50% crit rate tome with that which sounds extremely powerful.

  17. Gravestones would be an interesting touch to My Castle, I know that I would like to see it.

    Perhaps you could have some for your fallen siblings on the opposite side, as well as any units you happen to lose in classic mode (though that does make me wonder about how they would work in Phoenix/Casual mode)

  18. I would actually really like to see this. It would be interesting if that area south of Nohr was a desert area with a Middle Eastern influence. We've also seen screenshots of desert areas (although it may have just been part of 'My Castle' or something, I can't really recall.)

  19. I already see it, Kamui god of face-rubbing on tvtropes, just like Flynn being the god of 'I want your money' or whatever. *sigh*

    Still, the picture was hilarious !

    Actually his name is Fry and he is the god of 'Shut up and take my money.' Please don't kill me.

    For some reason I find Kamui running to Gunther a lot funnier than I should.

  20. Even in areas where it is difficult to get street passes there are still ways.
    For example, in an update at one point I recall them making it so you can get multiple streetpasses from one person. (You also get the streetpasses of people they have streetpassed with).
    You can also go to Nintendo Zones, which give you streetpasses.

    Living in areas where it's hard to get streetpasses makes it harder, but you can still manage to get them.

    Edit: I know that some Target and Best Buy locations have Nintendo Zones, you can find a lot of stores like that in the U.S.

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