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Posts posted by BluCommander

  1. I would prefer it if Luna was her own character, but I would also be fine if she were Severa from the present, and her presence in Nohr is explained (it doesn't have to be anything major, it could be briefly mentioned and I would be satisfied, it just has to make sense.) Anything having to do with the outrealms should remain non-canon in my mind and I will be really upset if the outrealms explains her presence in Nohr.

  2. I have been lurking on Serenes Forest for a while now, mostly on the IF, Sacred Stones, and Radiant Dawn threads. I have never really felt I had anything to add to the conversations being had, so I never really posted anything because of that. Lately, the IF hype has been getting to me though and I finally feel like I have stuff to say in the conversations. So hello!

    I feel like my entrance into the Fire Emblem games is a bit abnormal so I guess this is as good a place as any to share that.

    Like many (most?) here my first exposure to Fire Emblem was through Smash Brothers. I really enjoyed playing both Marth and Roy, and who can hate "Together We Ride." Eventually after playing enough Melee I decided I wanted to try a fire emblem game for myself. I didn't know anything about fire emblem at the time, except that the series had been around for quite some time, so I decided to emulate the first fire emblem game and play that. Funnily enough I didn't even manage to do that. I didn't know it at the time, but I actually ended up playing Gaiden. I really enjoyed what I played of it, I had played Advance Wars 1 & 2 before Gaiden, so I wasn't unfamiliar with how to play the game. About 6 or 7 chapters in to Gaiden however I had lost a few units, and I ultimately got too intimidated with the game and quit playing.

    Cut to... later. All of this happened some time ago so I have difficulty remembering when stuff happened. I eventually decided to get into Fire Emblem again and this time I found FE7 (still not sure how I didn't find this before Gaiden). Like Gaiden, I also really enjoyed this game. I finished Lyn mode, but after starting Eliwood mode I lost interest in the story and stopped playing. I guess the transition between the two modes had something to do with it, I got about 4 chapters into Eliwood mode before I stopped playing FE7.

    Now go to 2012, I had a 3ds but nothing to play on it. I hear a new Fire Emblem game is coming out on the 3ds and it has good reviews, so I buy it (shortages didn't prevent me from doing so luckily) and love it. Awakening was a really easy game to get into and it really got me back into the series. After I finished Awakening I went back and finished FE7. Then I started both Sacred Stones and FE6, but stopped playing both opting instead to play Path of Radiance. I am now about half way through Radiant Dawn, and I started playing Sacred Stones on my phone on the side and I am loving me some Fire Emblem. I criticize Awakening a lot for it's large empty maps, "artificial" difficulty etc, but hell, I can't fault it for really getting me into the series; but yeah, that's my unconventional (I guess with the exception of playing Gaiden it isn't THAT strange) entrance into Fire Emblem.

    A lurker rises from the lurkings and says... hi.

  3. I would like it if IF returned back to each character only having supports with a handful of other characters (with the exception of Kamui, who should be able to support with everyone). I think it would make a lot of sense to have a 2-6 LGB characters who can romance 2 or 3 other characters that are gay or bi. I'd like it if they could still have platonic supports with those of the same and opposite gender as well. Kamui's sexuality would obviously be left up to the player.

    If IF returns to how Awakening was with supports where anyone can support just about anyone else I would rather see LGB excluded. I just don't trust IS with handling so many supports and not fucking up the LGB characters, I don't want to have another Heather character on our hands. I thought characters like Soren in the past were handled pretty well, and I think IS could improve on that, given that each character had less, but better written, supports.

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