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Everything posted by Aleph

  1. that explains why it looks like bacon wrapped bacon
  2. The UT is one of many resources pinned in the...Hacking Resources...sub forum. Maybe go there and read through all that first?
  3. I don't feel like even the question form of your statement would be very interesting, or that the topic title would be very helpful even if it were.
  4. please don't although AP is mostly for crappy 32 bit stuff so it's not very final
  5. guys I regularly call such functions in my hacks you could just read my doc https://dl.dropboxusercontent.com/u/336940/Software/Hextator%27s%20Doc/Media/Games/Hacks/Console/NGBA/Fire%20Emblem/7%20-%20Blazing%20Sword/MagRes/fe7.h
  6. if you researched your opinion about communists you would know that yours is stupid
  7. yes this is nice a lot of you have awful taste in music so I wasn't expecting to find anything good here ;/
  8. yes those characters are missing 0x85 commands they need by default rescripting them may be unnecessary if you're crafting modifying the frame data in a dump
  9. cam you could try to convince him to use the assembly patcher format by converting his source for him to show him how easy it is
  10. I definitely recommend not doing that you probably made some modification to an auto patch somehow
  11. there should be links to these programs (you'll probably want FEditor and GBA Graphics Editor) in one of the pinned threads...I hope
  12. obvious: menu only shows 5, would need another page to elegantly display the additional supports not obvious: only 7 bytes (for 7 characters) allocated for support level
  13. You made a plan and stuck to it, that's a good start. You should definitely learn how to use a debugger and save yourself the grief in the future though >_> That said, intuition will get you everywhere.
  14. I tried to find a video to see how she fights as a playable character (she is recruitable right?) but only found a video of her being fought as a red team enemy. :/
  15. Eh, I prefer their older stuff. Psychobells was great but I feel like they moved more toward a style I liked (or at least, they improved their production quality to a level that wasn't shameful), then moved away again. After Choirs of the Eye or perhaps even during it. By Gamma Knife I was pretty disinterested.
  16. the word you're looking for is "lovely"
  17. I thought Lyn looked great in the DLC pics. Like she finally realized how much more badass she is than everyone else and put on her no-fucks-given face.
  18. oddly enough I prefer metallica over dream theatre even though I'm into progressive, weird shit oh here's a thing https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=7X6FKD1EX_o totally posted this before but whatevs
  19. Is this animation being inserted from a dump or generated from source files?
  20. uh yeah Fire Emblem's text is huffman compressed by default, no dumper is going to recalculate the tree for something like that you'd have an easier time finding a dumped rom with a whole hentai gallery stuffed in the title screen (or something similarly dramatic but less exaggerated that would still get my point across) kinda funny how I never noticed this even though I wrote the program you found it with
  21. Aleph


    FEditor Adv has been updated with a fix for the issue illustrated in the second part of this 4 part video (thanks to Siuloir and (especially) Arch for assisting with identifying and fixing this issue). Also, the map sheet is now initialized to zero bytes during the custom spell constructor code, thus removing the appearance of garbage data that was an issue (and still is) even for the original spells. http://dl.dropboxusercontent.com/u/336940/Distribution/FEditor%20Adv.7z The issues are currently only fixed for 7 and are still present for 6 and 8.
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