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Everything posted by Aleph

  1. If you're modifying the list in the Nightmare module's resource file all you're doing is telling Nightmare that the value you want to pick is valid. Whether or not it actually is depends on whether you make it that way by allocating and referencing the new resource you've made within the ROM file.
  2. Command 01 is added by FEditor (i.e. by me) and is documented there. The command takes an argument of how many of the previous frames to loop.
  3. Nightmare modules are all just text, the dropdown options are all just text; yes, that is how it works and it is awesome. It would be more awesome if it were more accurate with representing reference and boolean data types OH WAIT Nightmare 2.0 does that Nightmare 3 (or whatever he's calling it) will be much better though (when Zahlman finishes it) because it will be more like a compiler, resolving all kinds of issues with - modularity (nightmare (the original) and nightmare 2.0 both have no real future as far as adding support for unique data types) - memory management (FEditor has shown that trying to manage memory within a binary file is awful; nm 3.0 won't manage memory over time but will instead compile everything all at once, removing issues of program interoperability of free space) - accessibility (nm 2.0 is already cross platform due to being in java, but nm 3 will be in python which is (also cross platform. but also) simpler to write, build, deploy and use) - possibly other stuff I can't think of So yeah we should bug Zahlman to finish that. Yes! I am pretty sure hovering over them uses the moving sprite that is part of the same sheet as when you actually have the character move around. This is selected using a different index that is also used for other things which, again, going off of hazy memory, causes problems by forcing you to change something you don't want to change in addition to the thing you do. I noted which index it was in my own updated version of the FE7 modules years ago. No idea what the community did with that, but here's this
  4. Or just put it at the end of the file.
  5. Also fairly certain you shouldn't do this; sneeze violently and freely or you'll hurt yourself. Just...don't aim it so freely or you'll hurt others instead
  6. Necessary: Humility Diligence Obvious: Charity Kindness Natural consequence of the above: Temperance Useless: Patience Chastity
  7. I am well aware that people go out of their way to do things that are disgusting and detrimental to themselves and others just to piss me off. That kind of proves my point about stupidity.
  8. Uh...you mean like the Hammerne staff?
  9. I teach people that they can just sneeze into their arm/sleeve because they don't touch stuff with those things and they're just like "whooooa that's so smart" and then never do it. You can't cure stupidity I guess
  10. lust gluttony sloth wrath dunno what the other 3 are I've never experienced them before
  11. so basically you made a list of all of the worst shows
  12. 0x3E is 62, unless you're saying there's another RAM limit aside from the unit array itself?
  13. Aleph


    You're kidding right It's literally a click away. All of the stuff released with JFP (that I know of) has a link right to it. Not just to the app, either, which happens to be in Java and is closs platform and tiny (the app itself is just a .class file). It links to the source code too, which is like 200 lines long at the most. It's not new, all of the top hackers in this community know about it and have verified its integrity and it is just as easy for the average person to use as NUPS. The only real issue is people answering questions about "patching" with "NUPS" instead of giving all of the options. If they had asked about "UPS patching" that would be different. Nothing about UPS is mentioned in this post. If people are using crappy patching formats because they are more well known, continuing to suggest them will only keep it that way.
  14. I don't mess with events much, that's more Nintenlord's thing - try using his Event Assembler, it probably does all of the remaining stuff that you didn't know there was already a program for.
  15. Wow really? VC is the worst possible thing; quit making money off of old stuff and make some new stuff that isn't an NSMB clone. Yes, N64 games are the best games. This kind of crap is why.
  16. From here Notice that Blazer's claim indicates it is possible to use a map that extends into the data allocated after map data. Those of you who are making maps that big are probably extending your maps beyond what is technically safe to do so unless that data is garbage, which no one has confirmed. e: this forum software is garbage
  17. So you're not using an assembler? It doesn't sound like you have any real source code. More like...destination code.
  18. Geez did you write down that disassembly by hand or something? What disassembler are you using? This will still save time for people who are trying to use this source as a basis for stuff (or understanding why it works) but has a ways to go before it's one click away from being turned into a binary patch. I'd be interested to see what solution you come up with on your own for rewriting the source to be capable of that for comparison to existing methods.
  19. RIP axt though. I used that thing on peoples' faces. Probably more than on their back. Yes, that includes classes that weren't Heavy. Even Scouts could get caught in that thing if you controlled them with AB well. What, you think all Scouts are perfect at kiting? You can't really kite someone who has cover nearby to duck behind. Any moment you're behind a wall where they can't see you is time you can act without their knowledge. Are you still going in that direction to get away? Are you waiting there for them? Are you pretending to wait for them but actually coming right back around the corner to surprise them? Should you take the corner wide to avoid the airblast, or are they too good with the flare gun for you to risk the range disadvantage? So yeah, it's definitely not "no big deal" that they nerfed it. I personally can't think of any time I felt remotely overpowered using an Axtinguisher from the front. The nerf has real consequences and it also has no warrant. It's just as bad as the sticky nerf in that regard. Good thing they redacted the sticky nerf though. That was definitely the biggest fail. That said, I don't think I'd be getting back into the game unless they made The Classic appealing enough for me to play with. They can start by removing the shitty move speed penalty when charging unzoomed.
  20. Did this require modifying the assembly code? Perhaps in a way that we can be shown in a spoiler containing the source code?
  21. There's a huge difference between a misplaced letter and an intentional disregard for correct spelling. I also don't see how comprehensibility is adequate when inconsistency, laziness and ignorance have some of the more brutal consequences humans are capable of. To the extent of warranting smugness and boorishness. If you have the capacity to write well then you have no excuse to not correct your spelling* and grammar accuracy in passing. * Also, really? Spelling proper nouns wrong? From what I can tell most spelling errors (not mistakes like the typographical kind, but actual errors in which the person writing believes they are correct) result from people learning or being taught the wrong spelling. Proper nouns are names of things that are contemporary. They are recently learned, not ingrained years prior and excusably misunderstood. It requires extreme disregard, resembling or equating to disrespect, to habitually misspell them.
  22. I played smb3 and I still have to ask - what the fuck is a tanuki?
  23. I suppose since javac.exe doesn't mind a few spelling errors here and there either, I should give you all the same privilege. Do me a favor and tell your English teachers about your sentiments with regards to spelling and grammar, then let me know how they respond - I am genuinely curious. Your posts are hidden for me by default, so the probability of that happening for any given post of yours is very low.
  24. feediwho? I've never heard of either of those programs. You should use FEditor, which has a free space management system that you can manually override to specify changes you made outside of the program. As a bonus, the documentation that comes with FEditor explains exactly how to do this. FEditor will also apply a bunch of useful patches to your ROM for you in well known free space areas that were agreed upon by the community years ago.
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