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Ike's True Descendant

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Everything posted by Ike's True Descendant

  1. I have some questions regarding gender based classes. I wanted to see what others though were the best roles for these classes. I wanted to have an idea of each class's strong points so that I can apply the best skills and other things to make them as strong as possible for their role. List of Classes: Falcon Knight Dark Flyer Valkyrie Berserker Warrior DSl classes not included.
  2. I have used her as a Dragon Lord before but I wish her speed would be a little higher. I think that I will make her a lord again. Did you have any lluck raiseing her resistance?
  3. I was considering making Cherche one because of her choices of classes leaning towards support and her somewhat low speed. I looked at other people and they have better class choices. its too bad they didn't get higher skill and speed, plus the chance to use a sword. Oh well.
  4. Oh, really, I would think a cult would be a more effective way to manipulate people to join your cause of destorying the world. If you truly got the people to belive that your ideas were the only way to save mankind, then you could control their actions and ideas, and could use them as pawns for your own means. Reglion is a strong tool to control people. If people truly belive in something they will do some unbeliveable things if they think it will help their reglion.
  5. I wanted to see what some people though would be skills for a Griffon Rider. I understand that most dislike the class but I would like to try it out.
  6. Well let me repharse the question- I was looking for pairings where every child had a good pairings so that every child could play to their strong points. I know that some are considered to be suport based children but, everyone has strong points they can play off of. I am looking for suggestions where I can play to all of their strong points. Sorry i understand why you said their is not Best combo. This is true the Best is in the eye of the beholder.
  7. I had a unsure feeling that Lyon was destoryed by the DK and that the DK was tring to manipulate Eirika on her route about possiblely saving him, but on Ephriam's route I though that Lyon expressed his hate and jealousness toward Ephriam showing that he wanted to improve his kingdom but destorying his enemy-Ephriam. Now that you both gave your thoughs on this question I belive I understand what truely happened. Thanks
  8. Hello, I was redirected to post this here so: I wanted to see what others though were the best power couples for a lunatic run. I know that everyone thinks Galeforce is king but, I am looking for the best power couples for everone so that every child has their strongest potenial. If you think you have the best Power Couples list please psot below so we can share our thoughs.
  9. Ok then if he is more support based what would be some good ideas to max out his supportness(Is this a word?)? PS: can rally skills stack? I was curious about the grandmaster rally skill stacking with others?
  10. Well yeah, he was really the first Fire Emblem game that I played and I liked how they made his character. I also like how his background story is not similar to most background storys for most rpg hero's. I felt he stands out more and I like that. No, Paris claimes he is Ike's True Descendant but I have come to state that I am the true descendant. However, I though that they did a pretty good job on his character and look. However, I still think Ike is better looking. Paris is more into intense training than Ike but, I think Ike was more compassionate but, they are both are well like by their peers. This is part of the reason why think they did a good job on him. PS: sorry for my little rant on Paris.
  11. Welcome!! I hope you enjoy it here. PS: Italian food is the best!
  12. I think that his reasons made sense, and besides it is a game. i mean you are suppose to win the game. the bad guys are suppose to do dumb mistakes that casue you to win the end, even if it makes no sense. Plus you can do anything in video game, even more when they allow time alteration allowed as part of the plot.
  13. I wanted to see what others though were the best power couples for a lunatic run. I know that everyone thinks Galeforce is king but, I am looking for the best power couples for everone so that every child has their strongest potenial. If you think you have the best Power Couples list please psot below so we can share our thoughs.
  14. I had some confused though about Lyon. I wanted to see what others though about him. In Eirika's route Lyon seems more out of control, trying to feed on Eirika's previous friendship with Lyon to get the Sacred Stones, but on Ephraim's route Lyon claimed he was in more control and was aware of his actions of destorying the stones. I was unsure if Lyon was truely taken over in both routes or if the story changes depending on which route you take. Could someone please clear up this question for me?
  15. I think that each game has its good points and its bad points however, I would have to say my favorite would have to be Path of Radiance. The first thing I liked from the fact Ike was NOT a Lord, who started off in some sort of civil war or some other kind of big war with an enemy nation. I liked the background story. I feel like the story had more to it than most fantasy games. I liked how alot of the characters roles played out. It did turn into a good-guy bad-guy situation most are use to. I think that helps when the heros look like aganist the odds they have to win to the future of man-kind. The strong racism in the game helped make it more realistic. I also liked how it showed the growth of Ike through out the story. I liked Radiant Dawn as well. However, the support system was very weak. I feel like because of that the story lost a bit to it. Their were some new characters and ideas added, that they didn't finish, which I feel could have been saved if they didn't leave out the supports. I liked how both sides were both fighting for a good cause at first and how people can change when they are forced too. Regardless of their characteristics, and nature. I liked Awakening, however, I though the whole I killed my best friend, now I must turn evil, and came back from another world bit. I think they went a little far with that one. However, part of the reason why I like it is because of the children units. I found it very realistic with the marriage part. I liked how they didn't try to make monster units like Sacred Stones to be the Evil Guys. i just found the monsters to be some-what weak enemies. I still think they did very well on it!
  16. Ok I though about what I wnated the build for. I think I would like your thoughs for an Apotheosis run. I wnat to do the "secert" route. I plan on my avater to have all the possible he can learn, so anything is good. I would like to make him a front line attacker. Could you please sugeest your thoughs on this situstion. Sorry I will be more detailed next time.
  17. Well then, would this work: Limit Breaker, Vantage, Vengance,Counter,and a faire be a good male set? For Female would Limit Breaker, Galeforce, Lifetaker, Luna, Pavise be a good set?(exepect female to be magic class)
  18. What could I replace LT with that is not LB? I have the choice to use LB but would like to see what to use besides it.
  19. The Blue flame has arrived for Real! Really though I have used this web site Many times as a resource, so I am no stranger. However, I am new in the forums. I have played several FE games but not the real old ones like Akaneia Saga or any older ones. I have played FE Awakening and have liked it pretty well, however dislike the casual mode. However, my heart will always be with The Tellius series with IKE! I am not very good with intros but, I hope that all of us can get along and help each other.
  20. I was trying to pick the best 5 skills that would make a male and female my unit the best possible unit. These skills must make the my unit as powerful as possible. Right now here are my thoughts for the best 5 skills for male and female unit: Male My Unit Counter Wrath Vengance Vantage Lifetaker Female My Unit Galeforce Lifetaker Vantage Vengance Armthrust/Bowbreaker/Tomebreaker What are your thoughs? Which skills would you change and why? What class would you have as their final class?
  21. I forgot about that map and the paragon skill. After I though about it I did do what you suggested and I recalled it worked well. Thanks for the advice!
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