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Everything posted by Mousefire

  1. stupid copyright issues...
  2. those are hacks made by japanese hackers. As far as I can tell nobody over here knows how to do any animations.
  3. aren't there websites with translations? In fact...
  4. That's funny. Everyone is a female to me unless proven otherwise
  5. 8/30 I might have gotten more, but I didn't notice the generation thing.
  6. That title's kind of vague... Perhaps you could compare a regular rom and your rom in nightmare and see the differences for journeyman.
  7. There are like 30 something spots to fill ...so I assume yes
  8. the fuck... 8/10 http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=AZoYsx9wyhs
  9. I know some hex. Here's some hope for this hack
  10. We could just forget inserting mugs and just recolor and reassign the ones in game.
  11. The only story hack I know of the snes ones was an fe5 one by Pukachi, and it only had recolored mugs.
  12. Is it actually possible to insert mugs into fe4? I know the febinary guys figured it out, but I don't know anybody over here who knows how to
  13. 5/10, probably nice during the game but not all that great for plain listening.
  14. has Soul? He has. I don't check often enough
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