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Everything posted by Carnation

  1. I'm glad and a little surprised that not all of them are ice related puns. "Service with a smile" is my favorite, but I do like "You leave me no choice" for how the VA delivers it.
  2. I wouldn't mind if Kozaki returned again, I enjoy his style and his art was what piqued my interest in Awakening. I don't know many artists by their names, but one of my recent favorites is Masayuki Doi (here's a design he did for Shin Megami Tensei IV). He has a nice style, but most of all I love how expressive his characters are. I guess it would be cool to see what he'd do for a game like Fire Emblem.
  3. I love good laughs and Kaden's crit laugh is hysterical. When I saw Fates's English gameplay footage for the first time, Kaden's laugh and his "Beautiful, just like me" were the most memorable combat quotes I heard.
  4. Oh, I didn't even realize the sets come out so regularly. That and Cipher's popularity give me more hope about seeing FE7 and FE8 cards soon! Nice to hear about FE6 cards, too. I'll definitely take a look at the artwork when they come out.
  5. Out of curiosity (since I don't follow FE Cipher at all)... are there any cards of the GBA Fire Emblem games? Like already existing or coming out soon. I'd love to see what kind of artwork Sacred Stones cards would have, I so love those characters. For once I'm glad to be so busy right now, I barely have the time to think about Fates during daytime. I'll spend my Friday participating in a first aid course, hopefully that'll prevent me from counting the hours until I can hurry to the game store to get Fates...
  6. I'm just going to pick whatever interests me - with Awakening, I only purchased Scramble and Future Past packs and was satisfied with those. With Fates... I'm thinking only Hidden Truths from pack 1. The upcoming packs seem to have more to offer for my tastes - I don't really care about grinding or classes or skills, but I like extra stories and conversations. I like Anna, but not so much I'd want to pay to get her. I think you can get the witch class for free in A Gift from Anna (but you'd have only one witch per save file)? That's perfect for me, because the class looks very cool, but I don't need a witch army.
  7. That was beautiful! I love how passionate your singing is - it's so cool to finally hear you singing as yourself, hehe. Thank you so much for taking the time to do this! Definitely brightened up my day and made me even more excited about Fates's approaching European release date.
  8. Laslow's crits aren't particularly memorable, but I picked "Stop staring at me!" because of this. I do like how Laslow's VA delivers all his combat quotes, "How about a two-step?" is my absolute favorite.
  9. Looks like I'll get the Fates SE after all! I had preordered it from one local game shop back in December, but they don't have it listed on their site anymore and the whole thing seemed a bit suspicious to me... But today their customer service e-mailed me confirming that my order is still fine, they unlisted the SE simply because it sold out. Very happy I can get all routes on one cartridge! It'll cost a bit, but that just means I won't buy other games this year except for Zero Time Dilemma. Now how can I possibly wait patiently for the 20th?
  10. Not really. I mean, I'm still looking forward to Conquest's story, and I've been told several times that it's bad. But the few positive comments I've read about the story make it sound like I'd enjoy it, so who knows. What I do know is that like with all FEs I've played so far, I'll most likely end up caring more about the characters and the gameplay than the story. tbh the negativity surrounding Fates has been a bit exhausting and the localization drama didn't help at all. It's weird, playing Fire Emblem is relaxing and puts my mind at ease, but sometimes the fandom has the opposite effect on me. Perhaps I'm just not as passionate about the series as others are? I think I'll take a long break from all FE related places after I get my copy of the game. I can't wait to play Fates on summer evenings and just relax. I didn't manage to get the SE, which is a bummer, but considering how slowly I play these games, getting all three routes at once could be pretty overwhelming.
  11. That's adorable. This thread is one of the nicest things to happen in any fandom I've been in, rereading the messages here gives me warm fuzzies. I'm also really looking forward to the video! I've been listening to the song a lot lately, it's so soothing to listen to after busy days at work. I'm sure the video will be lovely as well.
  12. ...It honestly didn't even cross my mind that someone wouldn't want to keep theirs. I've already seen the contents of the book, but if I ever feel like I must own it, asking around for someone's unwanted copy isn't a bad idea.
  13. Hard to believe the wait will soon be over! I just preordered Conquest - kinda sad I can't get the Special Edition, but now I don't have to buy all routes at once and I won't make myself poor. It's better this way. (but man, if there will ever be a proper Fates art book, I wish it'll be released in English. I love art books and not getting the one that comes with the Special Edition hurts) The first map pack doesn't have much that interests me, but the witch class looks very cool.
  14. Here you go. Interesting to hear that the royals share a critical quote with their retainers. It's a pretty cute detail. What about the children, do they share any quotes with their parents like in the Japanese version? Or are they completely different, like in Awakening's English version?
  15. Or did they mean if there's an option in the menu for making the grid more visible? I don't have the game, so I can't answer to that.
  16. Hey cool, just when I was hoping to see some Conquest gameplay in English! Thanks!
  17. I really hope people react more positively to her performances as Queen Mikoto and Oboro :/ I don't necessarily dislike her Effie, but the way the character is written in the localization is so jarring. It's not the voice actresses fault though.
  18. Ahhh thank you! started with the best boy too good job Even after listening to them several times, Izana and Arthur still make me laugh the hardest. I need to reconsider my marriages... I don't know if I can resist bubble baths and justice. Keaton's deliveries are my favorites. He's just so relaxed, it's nice to listen to. (and the way he says "your kisses are my new favorite treasure" is very cute) I should listen to more ladies, but I like Nyx a lot, even though she sounds very young. She has a couple of lines where her voice sounds so bitter, it immediately stood out to me.
  19. Did I hear this right, is Shigure voiced by Matt Mercer? but he doesn't sing in his confession anymore rip disney prince shigure Now I've listened to all of them and yeah, most of the voices are totally fine. I feel like Awakening was just more even, when it came to voice work? Like there weren't real standouts, because almost everyone was so on point. With Fates I can think at least four, maybe five voices I don't really like. But there are few AMAZING voices and the majority is fine. All in all, I like it. Next I need the combat quotes, because those are the ones I'll be listening to most of the time anyway.
  20. I said I imagined Kaiji Tang voicing someone like Shiro, finally got to Shiro's lines and hear Kaiji Tang's voice. It's like it was meant to be~
  21. Arthur's confession is flawless. Can he say anything that doesn't make me smile? Gunter is so smooth, oh my. So Kaiji Tang voices Ignis (or whatever his English name is) as well? Not gonna lie, I expected it to be a character like Shiro. Izana is hysterical, I have a new favorite character. But O'Brien as Laslow is so asdfghjkfdffdgh yes good
  22. Oh god listening to Dwyer made me so uncomfortable D: Keaton... is that Gideon Emery? I approve.
  23. Hi Rena! I'm so glad you were able to see this topic and how we appreciate you and your work! Sorry you had to deal with the bad side of the fandom. I love what I've heard of your Azura so far, the different versions of the song are fantastic (the Nohr version is so powerful, I love it!) and I find the localization for it impressively well done. Great job! I look forward to hearing more of your works in future!
  24. USgamer reviews: Conquest 4.5/5 Birthright 4.5/5
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