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Everything posted by Carnation

  1. I like how there's more voice acting in combat. Now the characters have lines for missing and dodging attacks and I just love it. It's such a small thing, but it makes combat even more engaging and fun to watch. The selection quotes I'm less keen on, but at least they change depending on how much HP units have.
  2. Titania is the only one that even remotely interest me, but that's mainly because I don't like Saint's design in Echoes at all. But spending money on a pretty video game dress (that I can't even use right away and don't care about its gameplay features) doesn't sound appealing. Yet another skippable DLC for me.
  3. Silque and Genny. I just desperately want both of them to have more supports. Silque is used to traveling while Genny would rather stay at home writing about adventures... Surely they'd have something to talk about.
  4. I feel conflicted. I'm nearing the end of Act 3, and I have to say SoV's not going to be one of my favorites. Presentation-wise it's a lovely thing: the cast is nicely fleshed out (although I wish there were juuust a bit more interactions between them), the story is told compellingly, the voice acting is wonderful and Hidari's art is for the most part nice and fitting for this kind of title... But the problems I had with Gaiden's gameplay and maps are still present in this remake. Too spacious and empty and tedious. When it comes to FE, I seem to value gameplay over story, so SoV has been kinda tough to enjoy at times. I'll probably play this game again once the Cipher DLC characters are out, but for me there's not much replay value here otherwise.
  5. I want to say it's Julianne Alexander (credited as Connor Kelley), but I don't know for sure. She has voiced Felicia, Setsuna and Catria.
  6. Hah, I'm glad I wasn't imagining things. I'm fairly sure I heard Taliesin Jaffe voicing some NPCs in the gameplay videos, but I don't see his FE Heroes pseudonym on the cast list. Guess he's using another alias or is just uncredited.
  7. Now I'm glad I didn't cancel my preorder. The box and it's contents look fantastic. I like the reversible cover a lot. But man, it's a huge box compared to the Fates one.
  8. I thought he could be voiced by Willingham, but I can definitely hear Sinclair there. It's most likely him.
  9. Yeah, I'd say it Seitz. I guess it doesn't matter too much - they sound somewhat similar. But I'm curious why they changed his VA, because it's not like Willingham isn't in the game. I think he's voicing Berkut? Never mind, it's someone else.
  10. When Echoes was revealed in the FE Direct, for a minute I thought the kid Celica was this Emma from Cipher. I misremembered her color scheme, but her ribbon had stuck with me. Anyway, this DLC seems like it could be worth a purchase. The pack costs 5€, so it isn't as pricey as the other pack I'm interested in (Rise of the Deliverance, 13€). Lando's victory pose is fantastic.
  11. As far as I know he is, which is why I'm hesitant to say it's actually him, haha.
  12. Not that I'm 100% sure about this, but I can't shake this feeling that Kliff could be voiced by Chris Patton. All I was thinking during the Kliff/Tobin support in one of the gameplay videos was "why does his voice remind me of Baccano of all things?" I can't say I'm super familiar with his roles because he mainly dubs anime, but in some of his lines Kliff kinda sounds like him. It doesn't even seem impossible for him to be in Echoes, considering that he's also in another upcoming game.
  13. I went with Python and Genny solely because I liked using them in Gaiden. Their redesigns are rather nice, too.
  14. I'm a little surprised Genny had only two lines of story dialogue in this entire video. It's not like I expected every recruitable character to have much story presence (despite how small the overall cast is), but she gets quite overshadowed by Mae, Boey and even Saber. Does this happen to some other characters as well?
  15. Maybe. If I end up liking the cast, I'll get the Deliverance pack... when it's on sale. I got the support/story DLCs for Awakening and Fates, so I'm not surprised this pack is the only one that interests me at all. I think I'll look into it before purchasing, since it's quite pricey. I'm curious about the Cipher DLC, but I don't know for sure if it's something I'd like to get. I have no opinion on Cipher's original characters - I barely knew they even existed.
  16. The full site is now open: http://fireemblemechoes.nintendo.com Contains info on the DLC and more. I wish the character page had voice clips, like the Japanese site did. Sadly, the UK site hasn't been upgraded (yet?).
  17. I wonder if someone has already scanned their Japanese artbook? The biggest reason why I haven't just canceled my preorer is that the extras are really good - basically all of it's contents are the kind of stuff I'd love to own. When it comes to merchandise, I'm always the most interested in artbooks and soundtracks and the only amiibo I own, Marth, could use some company. And the pins are simply cute, I love that they used map sprites for them. So it's pricey, but at least there's nothing I'd regret getting. My expectations for the game itself are all over the place.
  18. ^ This is why I paused my watch history on Youtube. I don't care about getting spoiled too much, but I'd like to experience some things while actually playing the game. I preordered the Limited Edition, but have begun to doubt if I actually need it. Here it costs 99€, which is the same amount I paid for the Fates Special Edition. I don't regret getting that game in the slightest, but all SoV's LE has going for me are the - admittedly very nice - extras. At least I still have about a month to decide if the game will be worth that much money. I thought Gaiden was an interesting experience but ultimately quite tedious to play, so I'm very curious to see if SoV has changed anything for the better. I've already seen some comments about SoV's map design that made me feel a tad disappointed.
  19. Grinding for supports is tedious, so if a duo happens to get support points during battles, they might as well get married. I tend to decide pairings on a whim and the criterion is usually just that I haven't done a pairing before - I like doing something different on every run. Cuteness and ideal hair colors for children can also be important factors. The stats mean very little to me, but I've started to take reclassing into account, thanks to my first PMU run. Until now, I avoided using the new seals in Fates because I wasn't sure what to do with them, but using them is surprisingly fun.
  20. I haven't listened to all of them yet, but so far Berkut's themes have definitely stood out the most. From the less intense themes I've liked SoV's version of Land of Sorrow and the port theme. Both are very lovely.
  21. I'm sorry if this came up earlier, but I'm skimming through this thread... Do we know the composer for SoV yet? I'm listening to the leaked soundtrack and it's fantastic, I'd like to know who's work it is.
  22. All hail our pink overlord! Cute justice, cute power~ To be honest, I actually like this theme more than the green one.
  23. If anyone in these videos sounds like Max Mittelman, I'd say it's Gray. The combat animations for this game are pretty sweet, but tbh my favorite detail so far is how Alm and Celica light up their own torches.
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