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Posts posted by Silith13

  1. Last week I stayed the same. This week I´m set to go up 1 rank which is good. I´m mostly worried about my inability to win on defence.

    WHen I face enemies they are always about 2 tiers below me when I select Advanced. If it´s the same for my opponents on defence then my squad faces people at tier 18+. I don't see myself winning defence anymore like this.

  2. Hmm. I'm waiting on stamina now since I used most just before the day started. (derp) My first attempt at Lunatic was... pretty bad. Ursula cannot pull the bow knight as she gets oneshot by it.

    With all the talk of Michalis around I got a new plan which hopefully fares better.

    EDIT: nvm. Michalis cannot survive the axe pegasus and the bow knight at the same time. Hmmmmm. Maybe if I have Draug pull the bow knight, then have F!Robin kill the two cavs with help of Azura.... grumble.

  3. So for offense I'm pretty good. Not having the best skill inheritance hurts sometimes but I get some feathers and orbs from it so it's cool.

    Sadly for defence I am getting a fat 0 now. The first few weeks my blue team was getting good stuff but now it just doesn't cut it anymore. I'll leave a spoiler with a full list of max level dudes I have and hope someone will help out.



    With skill inheritance:

    5* Hana (-HP/+atk) with Draconic Aura and Vantage3
    5* Ursula with Bowbreaker 3
    4* Draug (-atk/+def) with regular armourslayer, Defiant Defence3, Vantage3, Threaten Attack2 and Bonfire

    Without skill inheritance:

    5*: Lilina, Roy, Ryoma, Azura, Frederick, Priscilla.
    4*: Alphonse, Navarre, Olivia, Zephiel, Eliwood, Xander, Sophia, Serena, Abel, Catria, Est, Florina, Cordelia, Anna, Bartre, Gunther, Michalis, Camilla, Fae, Robin!F, Cecilia, Jeorge, Setsuna, Felicia, Saizo, Azama
    3* Draug, Palla, Subaki, Narcien, Nino, Felicia(with better IV then the 4*)
    2* Draug


  4. Red:

    Sword: Hana

    Tome: Lilina though I like Sophia too,

    Dragon: Adult Tiki 


    Lance: I guess Azura, maybe Florina too, though mine is +atk/-res which isn't ideal.

    Tome: Ursula. No contest.

    Dragon: Nowi and F!Corrin are close. I use neither.


    Axe: Frederick. Did not expect to to start liking a character I hated in his original game.

    Tome: Frobin. I got a good Nino too but she has to grow more first.

    Dragon: Fae. And I like her the most of the dragons.


    Bow: Setsuna. And mine is -spd so no Quadsuna for me.

    Hidden Weapon: Oooh. Do I need to choose? I guess it's Saizo though my Felicia and Kagero are so good too. And my Matthew and Saizo are such darlings too. And Jackob refuses to be pulled. And Jaffar too I guess but he's 5* only so that's to be expected.

    Staff: Azama. Amazing in leveling groups thanks to his low damage output, high defence and his ability to always weaken enemies regardless of their statistics. Priscilla for my best healer though.

  5. 11 minutes ago, ILikeKirbys said:

    Wrys has a maximum of (with Assault, +ATK, ATK +3 and a Rally ATK/Hone ATK 3 buff) 45 ATK. Compare to Genny, who reaches 45 ATK with Assault and =ATK, and can be pushed into the 50s except at -ATK (where she only hits 49) through the setup that lets Wrys touch Genny's neutral base ATK with Assault.

    Meanwhile, Wrys has 19/22/25 DEF, which is only slightly higher than Genny's 18/21/24 DEF. Also, he's even slower than Genny at 20/23/26 SPD to Genny's 22/25/29.

    Wrys's primary advantages over Genny are his higher RES, at 33/36/39 to Genny's 31/34/37, and much higher HP, at 39/42/45 to Genny's 29/32/35, and his Slow staff, which drops enemy SPD by 6. These... aren't exactly traits that scream GIVE THIS OLD MAN WRATHFUL STAFF to me. I wouldn't even bother with Close Counter, since, well, what is he gonna tank anyway, besides dragons (though I guess if you're really desperate for an anti-Dragon tank, I guess it could work)? Any physical attacker will ORKO him, and if they have Desperation he won't even get a chance to hit back before he dies.

    Honestly, if you want him to be used for combat, Wrys is probably better off with RES +3 / Tomebreaker of your choice / Hone/Fortify of your choice so he can tank mages and slow them so his teammates who can deal actual damage can kill them.

    Really, Lissa's probably a better candidate for Close Counter/Wrathful Staff since she has decent defenses (unlike Wrys, whose DEF is awful) and comparable HP to Wrys while still being able to reach 40/43/47 ATK with Assault, -/=/+ATK, ATK +3 and Rally ATK, which still isn't quite Genny-level ATK but is still pretty alright (it's a little less than Wrys, but Lissa can actually maybe tank sometimes so it's not as bad). She's even faster than Wrys, though she's still slow (exact same SPD as Genny tho). And everyone gets her since she's free like Wrys.

    Lissa might even be the best Close Counter healer, thanks to her good defenses and HP combined with passable ATK... Although Azama might be slightly better, since he has higher DEF and HP while having slightly higher SPD and still having decent RES and can drop nearby enemies' ATK with Threaten ATK and can run Pain without Skill Inheritance... Though his nonexistent ATK may not be so desirable.

    So to get back to your question, Close Counter/Wrathful Staff meme Wrys is chilling with Azama in the Healers Who Probably Don't Really Need Nor Particularly Want Wrathful Staff Club.

    You didn't get the dankness that is Wrys. He'll be so MLG that enemies cannot help but want his hands caress their bodies.

  6. 1 minute ago, DehNutCase said:

    That probably just means that your units need to be cancerous in addition to being blue. I have like 7 defense wins this week, and 3 or so are from my full blue lineup: Cordelia, Olwen, Azura, Rein. (And with Cordelia as the face, people probably don't want to click her since it implies flier emblem.)

    I got Ursula, Abel, Cordelia and Azura. But aside from Bowbreaker on Ursula and spur atk on azura I used no skill inheritance on them.

  7. Can all the tripple Nowi teams please bugger off. My one character that can sort of handle one of them cannot handle two let alone 3.


    EDit: Are the enemies you face based just on rarity and not on skill inherritance? Because I face full inherited teams with my fresh 5* units. If so I could do better with a full 4* team with no losses then my current team which risks losing and even if I win it's over half the time with at least a single casulty.

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