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Posts posted by Silith13

  1. The Blade tomes get huge boosts from the horse emblem buffs (you can inherit skills from Gunther and Jagen). Leo and Cecilia are the logical red and green cav mages to use if you want to sacrifice a Nino and Tharja too.

    I believe Reinhardt is best kept with Dire Thunder but if you get Olwen or Ursula they will make great use of Blárblade.

  2. 11 hours ago, Tactician_Iris said:

    And shout-out to @Silith13, your Jaffar made light work of opponents during matchups that due to colour imbalance would've been dicey to deal with without him. And as your Jaffar did for me, I hope a certain Summer!Corrin of mine (Ilia in game) helped you out.^^

    Summer!Corrin helped a lot. Though I entered the fights with level 1 Xander so your corrin whiped the floor with them. The Lon'Qu someone else kept providing was also really good. I don't know if it was someone on here that did that. The dedication of a Lon'Qu with Counter was heartwarming.

  3. Up till the last patch that killed it for most emulators I used NOX. Tried the memu thingy but found no way to delete deviceaccount.xml (xit my life amirite). So I had to delete all local data every time and sit through a 8-9 minute redownload of the entire game every time I wanted to play or face the 80X error midway through.

    Caved in and brought a smartphone for 80 euro's. It's refreshing to not have to worry.

  4. Mathilda is tempting to pull for but with 2 blue units on the focus I'm just going to wait untill she's actually the sole blue unit in a banner someday just like I did with Jaffar. Eh I can go like 4 more banners before I reach 999 orbs anyways.  And I can still increase my barracks size for when the mother of all pull sessions starts.

  5. On a more serious note I think it's good for some of the 5-star exclusives at release to become 4-5 and a few of the 4-5's to become 3-4's. But it would need pretty good restrictions which go down. Valueable skills such as distant counter/close counter should stay where they are (as much as I personally would love to have them) And some units with unique weapons shouldn't get moved down as eaily either.

    So here's a list of units I think are good for getting pulled down.

    5 to 4-5

    Hawkeye, Raven, Elise, Leo, Tiki(young), ((And maybe Azura))

    From 4-5 to 3-4

    Camilla, Catria, Chrom, Fae, Jakob, Lilina, Maria, Nowi, Peri, Sakura, Sheena.

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