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Posts posted by Silith13

  1. Got to 4/15 last month with Zephiel and 3 Draugs. This month the tempest trials will devour any chance of getting that one orb. The amount of stamina I would need to spend there is probably more then the amount I would need for +10K in the tempest trials for 3 orbz.

  2. 2 minutes ago, Ice Dragon said:

    Where I come from, mowing a lawn earns you enough money to buy 30 orbs.

    And where I'm from I'm not allowed to buy orbs on Nox and I don't have an IoS or Android Iphone.

    Aside form the armour quests I've gotten all the orbs attainable so far. This event will mark the next amount missed, sadface.

  3. Maybe a reward system along the lines of the hero gauntlet would be better where we compete amongst each other  for feathers. And all other rewards are based on a personal best score?

    Like for the final seal you need that 700+ run.

    For those who clear this with ease they can aim for lots of feathers by competing and for those like me who struggle trying to get that higher score will keep us busy.

    Eeeeh while typing I'm already not liking it. The game is so much P2W if that is put in. The important rewards being behind whalewalls would be bad. And the competitive point would mean no stamina potions may be involved. Bleh.

  4. W00. Making progress. Only took me two teams to get to the last fight. And the third took them down. Boey just like in Echoes is hard to deal with. Surviving a Hana as a green mage. Something Veronica cannot even dream off.

  5. I hope to see some non-cavalry non-distant counter units here soon.

    Lilina is for me a big help. She's on my second team and usually allows me to carry through 3-4 maps along with Elise, Cordelia and Michalis. She just has that single super strong hit.

  6. Just had my first two wins with the third team in a row. Feels good.

    Edit: I want to add it feels crazy I'm in the top 25K overall having used no stamia potions and being succesfull only about half my attempts. (and having done the Zephiel stuff too.)

  7. I did. It was my own fault. I was like. Hey I think I can actually Pull Veronica with Ryoma and she'll die on the next phase. Big mistake. To make up for it I finally got a full clear using only 3 teams! W00!

  8. Julia pulls Cecilia. Julia takes next to no damage. Cecilia is down to 30%. When your turn comes you can savely kill her. Yessss. Everything looks good.

    Cain foaming from mouth: "ASGAFDSGADFSAGFS WINGS OF MERCY!"

  9. If my first three teams manage to beat all 6 maps then my 4rth team can usually win the last map. But I haven't had really bad spawns yet. Cecilia, Hector, Frederick would be bad. Ryoma can only handle so much greens.

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