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Posts posted by Thane

  1. 6 minutes ago, Diovani Bressan said:

    The order for now was:

    Nifl Lyn >> Askr Cordelia >> Muspell Ike >> Embla Sophia >> Nifl Azura >> Askr Eliwood >> Muspell Hector >> Embla Sanaki >> Nifl Roy >> Askr Linde

    No kingdom/empire was skipped. They completed all 4 before restaring the cycle. I believe we may get a 3-4* Muspell next.

    Hit me with that Kagero. Colorless, and her stats are so mediocre. I want to use my +10 unit more than I currently am.

    1 minute ago, Michelaar said:

    I'm guessing it may come tomorrow/tonight? Considering most of the events if not all of them have already passed.

    Sweet. I forgot to save the current banner so I'm a bit blind. Hit me with that Three Houses summer banner.

  2. Not a big fan of Linde's new look. I can't even put my fingers on what it is exactly, besides it looking like she's got weird horns and her chest looks like it's being highlighted in a painful manner by metal.

    Does anyone have the current schedule? I'm surprised we haven't gotten a new one. I want to know when to expect the next batch of summer units.

  3. On 6/1/2020 at 3:05 AM, Faellin said:

    Story wise: Alm. I am always fond of lords who start off from basically nothing, just another person in some remote village who eventually grows to be a true hero through shear determination and their drive to keep pushing forward.

    That's not really Alm though. He was born under a special prophecy, to special parents, and was personally trained by a legendary warrior and personal friend of the emperor of Rigel. 

    As for my favorite lords, I'm tempted to say Dimitri and Edelgard.


    Dimitri is a traditional Fire Emblem lord on one hand, and a broken shell of a man on the other. While him coming back to his senses was too sudden and arguably one of the worst parts of Three Houses' story, I really appreciated him having to battle, lose to, and then overcome his own inner demons. I appreciate the more internal struggle that so often is absent or gets brushed aside for lords in Fire Emblem.

    Edelgard suffers from her route being unfinished and several plot threads skimmed over or ignored to make everything move along smoothly. She could also have benefited from more concrete proof of the Church needing to be taken down before the mole people. These are serious flaws, but everything else I adore. The confidence and determination, the fact that we got a playable lord as a main antagonist, that she's someone you need to battle but she's got her own beliefs and goals that make sense, the Flame Emperor act...it's all so good and unconventional and just what I needed from a Fire Emblem protagonist.

    I've said before that one of my main problems with the Fire Emblem series was them playing stories so safe and sticking to a very tried and true formula in terms of writing. This affects protagonists and villains to a great extent as well, and  I'm glad that Three Houses deviated heavily from falling into the same trap as many of its predecessors did.

    Unit-wise, though? If Robin counts, the sword + tome combo is hard to beat, I must say! A cool cloak is just an added bonus.

  4. Oh hey I predicted Oboro and Hinata, that's fun. I really hoped we'd get more Hoshidan outfits though, damn. I never would've expected Rafiel and Nailah for this banner. 

    People have predicted Sigurd and Deirdre for this banner for years now. Feels weird Hinata got a bridal alt before Sigurd... Or an alt in general. 

    With Radiant Dawn getting half a banner, and Awakening being the game that has gone the second longest without a proper New Heroes banner, I guess the next banner will be Awakening focused. 

  5. 5 hours ago, Jotari said:

    What do you mean you don't buy it? Like you literally don't think an aspect of Faye is unhealthy desire to prove her worth to Alm by killing in his name? Because Alm literally says it. You're fine not liking Faye, but I honestly can't get how you wouldn't get what I was saying about her.


    What I mean is I don't think Faye was ever meant to be portrayed in that light. She's effectively there as shipping bait or even comic relief, but she's not her own character and certainly not a comment on how war takes its toll on the mind. In the Japanese supports Alm doesn't seem to express much of a worry at all; he says he should learn from her in finding happiness in the little things.

    Alm: エフィって……▼ すごくささいなことで 感動できるんだな。▼ いいなあ、僕も見習わなきゃ。

    Alm: That Faye...she sure can get passionate/moved by the most trivial things. That's good. I should learn from that.

  6. 8 hours ago, Jugdral Defender said:

    It's so weird to think that it's been so long since we got a full on Tellius banner. Last year was crazy with Tellius releases

    Right? They got so many seasonals I hadn't noticed that PoR/RD haven't gotten a banner in a while. I've been too focused on the Awakening drought. 

    Tellius would be great; I've wanted Dheginsea for a while, but I also really want some more Awakening units. I guess the former could get a New Hero banner and the latter could get a seasonal banner. 

    I also really want more Three Houses units but I'm assuming they'll get a summer banner soon as the game's first proper seasonal banner, as only Sothis has a seasonal thus far.

  7. I'll copy what I wrote on Reddit not long ago when this question was asked.

    If we exclude Fates, then my choice remains the same as always: Alm.

    Faye may have been a horrible addition to Echoes, a one note caricature of a character, but she's not at all important in the grand scheme of things.

    Alm, however, is the central focus of Echoes, so much so that he more or less renders his supposed counterpart and fellow protagonist, Celica, superfluous.

    Alm starts out as a friendly and patient guy who's ready to do the right thing. He's a great fighter from the get-go and achieves victory after victory. In fact, Alm simply does not stop winning, and absolutely demolishes any resistance put up against him, even when Berkut is at the helm, which has the consequence of making the villains look ineffective at the best of times.

    Not only that, but Alm is also the chosen one, the one destined to save Valentia and use the plot sword to defeat the big bad dragon. While Celica gets manipulated and captured, Alm defeats the empire despite the massive disadvantage Zofia has (a grossly overlooked part of the story), saves the princess and defeats the big bad.

    This kind of power trip is not very appealing to me, but what absolutely ruins it for me is Alm's lack of opposition and, for the lack of a better word, controversy. Alm basically does or says no wrong...ever. Even if you'd argue that he does, like when he goes after Nuibaba, it ends with the absolutely best possible results. He's such a good guy that he mourns both Fernand and Berkut, people he knows as nothing but petty traitors or opponents who never even showed him respect, and in Berkut's case a cold-blooded murderer.

    Alm does not fit the story of his own game. In a game about duality and reaching a middle ground between extreme ideals, Alm is too perfect to exist, which negatively impacts everyone around him. This holds doubly true for Celica.

    19 hours ago, Jotari said:

    Faye I think works because from the outset we all know she has zero chance with Alm due to his designated pairing with Celica. She's not presented as an alternate option for a harem, but more as a hopeless case. Which isn't revolutionary, it's basically Cordelia done right by actually interacting with her unrequited love, but then they toss in some elements of her not adapting to this life of suddenly being a soldier all that well at all. She turns proving her worth to Alm into proving how well she can kill people and that's freaking scary! And one of the few times in the series where they make some passing attempt to show how conflict can influence psyche.

    I don't buy any of this. Faye was deliberately added as stated in an interview to not make Alm's party that much of a sausage fest, and her being obsessed with Alm is in line with how the rest of the game is laser focused on him as well. I wish they did more with Faye as a character, like exploring her desire for a simple life, but she only talks about Alm. She talks about him in her support with Silque, she talks about him in the prologue, she talks about him in combat, her base monologues are all based around him. Really, it's grating, and it would have been even if she had any depth.

  8. Screen_Shot_2018-04-27_at_11.43.10_AM.jp

    Just imagine the coffee being that sweet, sweet drama and me making Lisa's face.

    I'm a sucker for two sides you care about fighting if there's a good reason for it. Radiant Dawn cheapened it a bit with the Blood Pact and Three Houses had problems making the Golden Deer feel relevant in the war, but my goodness do I like the intense battle dialogue in those games.

    I think I'd like a game where there's only one route, but one where there are smaller choices to make that can either win new allies and/or lose old ones. I also think it could be cool to have a game where you play as one group defending your homeland à la every Fire Emblem game ever, but after you win and conquer the enemy nation there's a time skip and you start playing as the underdogs in the recently conquered, formerly hostile nation, like the Dawn Brigade. 

    To try and structure this scatterbrained post a bit, I'll write a list of things I think could be cool.

    1. One route that contains several choices, both major and minor. 
    2. Timeskip and two different groups of playable characters. You get one group in the pre timeskip period and one in the post timeskip period. One of the aforementioned choices should be which group wins in the end
    3. The ability to recruit very rare playable units. You should also be able to lose playable characters that follow you. They could join the other group down the line.
    4. Optional: Industrial Revolution setting. Perhaps magic vs. technology could be a part of the conflict.
  9. 2 minutes ago, Mercakete said:

    But in Future Past, wasn't Morgan not possessed? (S)he just really, really believed in his/her dark dragon parent. Completely sane, just misguided, from what I remember. Kana, on the other hand, kind of went through a similar thing to his/her parent.

    I think that'd be a cool angle though. Corrin is not possessed either, they're just on the verge of losing control. Grima influences Morgan to do awful stuff.

  10. I really like the Fallen Hero theme, myself. I do think that M!Corrin was a waste of a precious slot considering we got the female version last year. 

    I would've also preferred seeing Greil over Ike, but Ike is a cash cow and people love him, so I can understand them doing this.

    Morgan would've been a cool fit as a nod to Future Past.

  11. Another day, another failure at advancing in Hall of Forms. Spent the three turns "grinding" and while I got Atk/Spd Push 4 for Lilina (dangerous with Madness Flask though), I got nothing of note for the rest. I don't think I'll be able to beat the next chamber 20 either, featuring Tsubasa, Cherche, Tibarn, and Chad. Lilina would've been able to one-round Cherche but Tibarn has Ward Fliers, so that won't work.

  12. 10 hours ago, Hilda said:

    Gronnblade with Attack Speed Link Reposition and Rally SPD/RES+ helped a ton for me!

    Yeah, though my Lilina keeps getting Poison Strike and that first gen dancer weapon (among others that don't help). At least she's got Steady Stance 4 and a Close Defense seal...y-yay...

    My best unit is Roy with his pref, Draw Back, Ruptured Sky, DD4, Lull Spd/Def, Rouse Spd/Res, and a Brazen Atk/Def seal, but he still did 0 damage to Perceval. Thea also has Ruptured Sky, and that Spd/Def Stance 3, Speed Tactics, and a QR seal, so she can tank a bit but she did like five damage to Perceval. 

    I guess my best choice is to grind the first map until I either face nothing but Stahls in chamber 20 or Lilina gets Gronnblade.

  13. Seeing Raging Storm and Caeda's weapon, I wonder just how far they'll take Atrocity. I know Edelgard's B skill must be strong ebough to make it a better investment than regular Bold Fighter, so I hope Atrocity will be similarly valuable. 

    How big of a drawback would Atrocity need if it actually made Dimitri effective against everything? 

  14. 2 minutes ago, Ertrick36 said:

    So in the end I might be excited about how much better the stories in FE can get, I'm worried that future entries will make me want to replay them even less.  It's been almost a year since FE:TH had released and I'm still struggling just to beat more than the one route I've beaten.  Contrast that to FE:Fates, where I had all three paths beaten before the year was out.  Yeah, the story in that game sucked something fierce, but the gameplay loop was better.

    I get what you mean. This really comes down to what you prioritize in games. What sticks with me is almost always the story and not the gameplay, at least when it comes to Fire Emblem. Conquest had brilliant gameplay but that's not the first thing I remember when I think about Fates; it's the writing, and that writing has been discussed to hell and back so I won't go into details. 

    I acknowledge a lot of Three Houses' narrative shortcomings but I think the positives far outweigh the negatives, and I rather enjoy the gameplay as well. ...Minus Maddening same turn reinforcements.

  15. 3 hours ago, Falcom Knight said:

    Fire Emblem is supposed to be a round-based strategy RPG, and nothing else!

    It's worth keeping in mind that I believe it's Kusakihara who has said he's against this kind of thinking and has been at least since Echoes. 

    Three Houses did a lot of things right and a lot of things wrong. However, that's a very vague statement that could effectively be applied to any game in the series, or any game ever. I believe Etheus got the right of it when he said Three Houses needs some streamlining and that it'll be good for the franchise moving forward provided they understand what they did right.

    The worldbuilding and how important the world as a whole is is taken to a whole new level in Three Houses. The cast generally feels well developed, with unique relationships between each other and ties to various parts of Fódlan and beyond. It gives the whole game a sense of being grounded in some kind of realism that the series never quite delivered on before. It also went in completely new directions with two of the lords, which is a welcome change for me, as one of my main complaints about the series before Three Houses was how...interchangeable many of the lords felt. Dimitri and Edelgard have arcs that are unique to them, and it's hard to see them working as characters in another game due to how well fleshed out Fódlan is, and the same can be said even for some support characters.

    My main criticism of Three Houses is the seeming abandonment or brushing over of major plot lines where you're left to speculate why a character acted in a certain manner. I think this is primarily due to the game having needed more time in the oven, however, and not due to incompetence (well, not only incompetence). It is clear that developing multiple paths is a massive undertaking, and I think the next game in the series should focus on one narrative. You can implement choices throughout the game to a certain extent anyway, and if you need to do a route split, do it near the end so it's easier to develop and flesh out. 

    Claude is another major criticism I have, but that may be an entire topic on its own. Sufficed to say, Kusakihara, the man I mentioned before, explicitly said Claude turned out to be more of a good guy than was intended, and throughout all of Verdant Wind in particular, I felt that. Claude's lack of personal attachment to the war could have worked, but instead it ends up making him come across as aloof and impossible to emotionally connect with. As the director himself stated, Claude ended up becoming another character than what was originally planned, which is why his attitude and actions in the first half of the game don't seem to correspond with his war phase self.

    Here's the quote and the source


    Claude started with the keywords “scheming hero;” I wanted to make somebody who would have his own machinations behind the scenes, the kind of guy you couldn’t hate despite his character. As I was writing him, I guess I ended up making him more of a “pure” good guy than I had originally intended. (laughs)


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