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Posts posted by Thane

  1. 28 minutes ago, Fire Emblem Fan said:

    They said we'd get the results on the 23rd, but they could definitely show them earlier than that if they wanted to. They certainly have enough time to count the votes by at least the 20th.

    In one week?! My patience is almost like a child before Christmas when it comes to this stuff. 

  2. Honestly, I can see Camilla and Berkut winning two categories each, the fourth being the only one where people won't vote much for either of the two. Unless Byleth wins the first one. 

    I mean, Camilla feels like THE face of siblings in Fire Emblem. 

  3. 9 hours ago, Ertrick36 said:

    I remember that it felt like nobody except @Thane hated the game.

    I think a lot of people didn't like it, but I remember being one of the loudest critics of the writing of that game. While I was far too prissy and aggressive with my posts, I stick by my critique of Fates' writing, that's for sure. It really is amazing how it fails on every level.

    But I remember how fun it was on Serenes Forest around that time, yeah. Constant discussions and debates and memes. Must've sucked for the mods though.

  4. Went with Lyon, but I was also tempted to choose Mustafa. 

    I really like these questions. I can't wait for the results, although right now I worry that Camilla will win the first category and Berkut the second and third 

    Either that, or the guy with a Jorge spamming bot will make a return.

  5. I've got three Liliths, two +Res and one neutral. I suppose I should merge one into the neutral version of her for some sweet stats. However, how would you guys build Lilith and who would you pair her up with? I'm thinking of Altina, myself.

    Also, is there anyone who really wants Joint Drive Attack? It seems like everyone could use it, but is it extra good on someone in particular?

  6. 13 minutes ago, Jave said:

    Camilla is totally going to win this, is she?

    Smh all these deviant voters. I went with A!Tiki.

    I do think Byleth might win this category. Makes me wonder what the other categories are, and if they'll make a banner of this in the end.

  7. 15 minutes ago, Book Bro said:

    what's the CHOP organisation? Am I missing something or is it just an axe pun?

    In the Osain's Forging Bonds, CHOP is what burly axe wielders in Askr call their group. I believe Dorcas, Arthur, and maybe Bartre were in it, trying to recruit Osain. In the Feh manga, Edelgard tries recruiting them to the Adrestian Empire. 

    Also, cute pixel art, but I hope this isn't the real/only Feh channel in a while. 

    ... I will admit I liked the lord descriptions a lot. Very meta. And it might hint at Legendary Seliph. Also, both Dimitri and Claude were infantry. 

  8. 6 hours ago, Moltz23 said:

    That's great, thank you! Man, I wish the pictures were a bit bigger to make it easier to read. I might give translating a bit of this a go tomorrow if I'll have time, but I'm not as good at Japanese and therefore not as fast at translating as others in the community.

    Edit: https://serenesforest.net/2020/03/24/three-houses-nintendo-dream-interview-reveals-first-route-claudes-real-name/ 

    Guess that won't be necessary.

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