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Dandy Druid

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Everything posted by Dandy Druid

  1. I don't consider abstinence a big deal. Having sex out of wedlock is fairly common, but we shouldn't pressure those who want to wait til marriage. Saving til marriage is cool too- it all depends on the person. Losing your virginity should be done on your own time, and if you're not mentally ready, then don't do it. Now for the child aspect- I would say get married, but mainly for economical reasons.You don't need to get married to know you and your significant other love each other, but getting married for tax reasons/financial support may help with child raising. If one partner dies on the job and they're not married, their significant other will not receive any form of monetary compensation. Regardless if both parents are in the picture or not, ensuring the child's happiness is the priority. As long as the child is happy and is encourage to try many things to become a well-rounded individual. Plus, it's more of a social norm. Although I don't consider marriage a requirement to making a child happy, it is very much the norm for a child to have both of their parents married, and if the child ever talked about this, they may get teased by other classmates (depends on the area they live in as well). Not to mention the child's extended family would probably raise their eyebrows. Although I think it was rude of your friend to say your opinion was rude because you were religious. It sounds like a form of gatekeeping; you don't need to have sex to have an opinion on abstinence.
  2. Aren't there already triforce shirts??? Anyways, there's not a lot of you can do about this- historically men are rarely used as muses for art and fashion, and it's still like that today. And most western societies don't place too much of a focus on men's fashion because masculinity is ironically fragile, so anything borderline avant garde won't be as successful as it would be with a female muse. Plus, the male anatomy pretty much prevents guys from wearing too many shapes. I mean, there's a reason why out of the 24 cycles/seasons of America's Next Top Model, there has never been a strictly male seasons (men have competed, but it was a coed competition). It's not only about ratings (because guys wouldn't be entertaining in the first place), but it's also about how there's not a huge emphasis on men's fashion in the first place, at least in the United States.
  3. 1) We do have a game after Gaiden. Mystery of the Emblem and its remake. Or were you referring to something else? Personally, I don't want to see too much of Marth. Poor boy has been through enough suffering because of war. 2)Different modes- yes. A randomizer or a simple PME mode that can be unlocked as NG+ could be very fun. But the idea to battle people online has been done with Fates and Awakening, and you could technically do it with characters from past games if you recruit through that spotpass thing-a-ma-jig. If you're referring to real time battles, I'm not sure if it would work. Real time battles are prone to having rage quitters and people that may take A LONG TIME to figure out what they're gonna do on the player phase.
  4. Changing my mind sorta on part 3. I rather have a money grubbing dancer who really just wants the funds to send back to the orphanage she was raised in. May be a rival to Lara, and you can use both of them, but not at the same time (this is where the fatigue system comes in). Or maybe she comes in if you didn't class change Lara, or you have to pay her to join, with the more expensive price giving her better skills and stats.
  5. Nah. I've watched a playthrough of the game and just chose Vega because I liked him as a character. I want to play TRS but my laptop is kind of outdated and shitty so I'm not sure if it'll run properly. But I really do need to play that, that way my Vega can be authentic. I'm just a poser as of now.
  6. Oh ok. This makes sense. God I need to play TRS.
  7. I pretty much like this whole cast tbh. 1. Melia- I like her a lot for some reason. Her design is great and I find her character intriguing. 2. Reyn cuz it's always Reyn time! He's an entertaining sidekick. I always appreciate a sidekick that's not some sort of meek kid. 3. Dunban- I love a good dodge tank. Plus he's also very interesting. 4. Shulk- I love his VA, and I feel like he's one of the rare protagonists that doesn't get on my nerves. 5. Riki, the Heropon! Probably my favorite nopon. 6. Sharla- in comparison to the others, I don't find her that interesting. But I always love a healer.
  8. Ok, you both mentioned Saias/Cyas/whatever, so I'll just explain one possible reason why Manfroy wanted to kill him off. Correct me if I'm wrong about a certain fact. In-game it is said that Saias was targeted because of his Major Fala blood, which means he could wield Valflame. However, this shouldn't be a problem if Arvis is known to have the tome and Saias is all the way over in Thracia. Sure, there's warping shenanigans, but Saias didn't have the means to do that. So whatever "threat" Manfroy saw was kind of weird. Then again, it makes it seem like Manfroy is going senile in Gen. 2 (seriously why did he spare Julia?) However, another potential reason Saias would be a threat is if he was OLDER than Julius, meaning he would technically be the rightful heir to Arvis' throne, not Julius. The public didn't know this, but if word ever got out, it could place serious mistrust in the homeland of Grandbell, and then Saias could start his own rebellion, and they were already trying to take care of Seliph's. At the very least, Julius would be mocked for being a second son and not the eldest. But then again, I'm not sure how you can mock the reincarnation of a dragon of darkness and despair. Ehh I'll just write this mystery off as a questionable choice by Manfroy's senile ass. Now back to Arvis' acceptance. I don't know about you Koko, but I wouldn't want to team up with my father's murderer. Plus Seliph wanted the throne, and Arvis would just be an obstacle in the future. Even though Arvis was essentially betrayed by his own son, who could ask a father to kill his own child. Unless Kaga wanted to make some sort of Abraham/Isaac parallel, which I can totally see.
  9. The info drought we're experiencing is seriously depressing. I'm only being overdramatic because the bookstore didn't give me all my textbooks and I was a dumbass and didn't check right away so I'm just being pissy.
  10. I mean, since Manfroy threatened him, killing himself or joining Seliph's army wouldn't be an option, since Manfroy would perceive that as disobeying his orders and kill Julia. Having Seliph kill him is one way to ease the guilt he's had for years over Seliph's parents, and it's a loophole. He can protect Julia without Manfroy perceiving it as disobedience. The shit-talking helps, because it makes it easier for Seliph to kill him off rather than feel sympathy, especially since the Loptyr Sect was always watching from the shadows. Why Manfroy didn't kill the vessel that could (and did) put his plans to ruin is beyond me. Really OOC for Manfroy. Arvis could've felt jealous simply because Sigurd was the paragon of chivalry and was an upstanding noble. Sigurd came from a family that loved him and groomed him well, meanwhile Arvis had to basically raise himself and his younger brother because his mother went MIA and his dad was a piece of shit. Seeing as how Ethlyn was implied to have visited (and met Cuan), one can theorize that because Sigurd was the good looking, athletic, and charismatic young lord, Arvis could've been jealous of his family background and leadership qualities. The Oosawa manga even details this event- saying that Sigurd, Eldigan, and Cuan were popular at the Belhalla school, with the trio being known to have many female admirers and Sigurd and Eldigan were reknown for their swordsmanship. Sigurd could've been in the "It Crowd" or "The Chad" while Arvis was a nerd watching from the sides. Oh boyyy. I forgot about that kid. Oh Aida, I hope you're mentioned in a memory prism at least.
  11. I really agree. There's something poetic about that moment, and one of the reasons why I like Arvis as a villain so much. It's clear that he felt guilty for his past actions- although he gained power and influence, he didn't gain happiness. For what happiness he had, was fleeting. He lost his crown to demon son, his daughter is MIA, and his beloved wife is passed away and learned of the truth- that she was Sigurd's wife before her passing. His ambition brought more consequences than good, and his realization of this is what makes him an intriguing and So there he was, in the home castle of the man he was robbed of life and wife, only for his son to come back and avenge his parents. There's a lot of poetic justice in this moment, but I just think that Arvis was guilty and wanted to die, as a way of atoning himself. I don't think he would feel guilty if he never respected Sigurd, and it's evident that Arvis was haunted by his past actions against him.
  12. There could be several reasons why Arvis doesn't like Sigurd. Could be their background- we know that Sigurd had studied at Belhalla in his youth. It's possible that Arvis was studying there at the same time and the two had started a rivalry of sorts. He was threatened by Sigurd and his political connections. Although Sigurd's reputation gradually plummets in Grandbell, he was popular in foreign countries. He had an alliance with Verdane through Jamke. In Ch.2 and 3, his appearance has mixed reactions by the citizens of Agustria- they're mad about Eldigan, but happy they took down their king. He was in good standing with the Sileesians, and him protecting the prince of Isaac made him favorable to Isaachians. His sister was a lady of Lenster, so they were tied to Sigurd as well. As for in-Grandbell, Blaggi was the Chalphys' only true ally, but there were nobles from other houses (Dozel, Jungby, Tordo, and Velthomer) that sided and died with Sigurd. The other threatened reason, and what I believe to be most canon, Arvis was afraid that as long as Sigurd was alive, Deidre would return to him. He had his hunches about Deidre's true husband being Sigurd, so jealousy may have consumed him. IIRC, Deidre actually regains her memories, but it was too late. He actually doesn't hate Sigurd, but only said those things to make killing him later easier. It's easier to kill someone you hate rather than someone you respect.
  13. Ok so Soren is tied for the fastest mage, in a game they're really not that fast in the first place. RD done nerfed mages to hell and back. Ilyana was definitely nerfed as well. And yes! A Tethys analyses. Such a shame a really great character gets constantly overlooked, just like Calill. Although I will say that although they can be similar, Tethys comes out a bit stronger characterization-wise. Total shame about Rennac and Tethys though. It could've been so much more. Rennac doesn't have any paired endings and he would've went great with Tethys if they expanded the dancer side of things. I mean, it probably wouldn't be as great as Gerik x Tethys, but it's certainly more avenues for both Rennac and Tethys. It's also quite odd that two characters that had good/entertaining supports ended up being duds with each other. Who whadda thunk. Also, if the GBA games get remade, the fortune teller aspect would be interesting to expand on. Giving them a spectre card or some sort of buffs/debuffs depending on the card they've picked. Maybe they could just come up with different outfits that allow different buffs, but you can only equip one before battle, no dressphere shenanigans a la FFX-2.
  14. Well, I got a bad port of Harvest Moon: A Wonderful Life Special Edition. Although it has some problems, I still enjoy it. Then again, I'm not a big techie, nor have I ever been a strickler for that kind of stuff.
  15. Thanks to @Aut and @豊聡耳 神子 clearing up my confusion about Soren. So he's slow. Which is weird for a wind mage. I need to replay Tellius. Also, to the "Final Boss", she isn't too different personality-wise in RD. She's a caring mum alright, but she's still has the HBIC attitude, just not in front of the patrons. When's she is working the bar, she's full on Calill- Sassy, but can serve as a mentor at times. @Interdimensional Observer Thanks for the short support analyses! It's a shame we didn't see more of her, especially with Largo. You'd think they'd have one together, but looks like IS forgot that the whole reason Largo even came into the army was at Calill's recommendation. Then again, I have a feeling IS just hated Largo and that's the main reason he wasn't playable in RD nor did they invest time in fleshing him out and he's only indirectly characterized by Calill's mention of him. I'm totally with @Vaximillian with the cipher card notion. Such as stylish character should be represented in more platforms! Although the discussion I was referring to is how older female characters often get the shaft when it comes to popularity, despite having good characterization. Tethys is the biggest example of this, IMO. She is a well rounded character and a solid niche (granted, a dancer's value isn't as high in FE8 as it is in FE4/FE6), but then you have characters like Marisa, who's not really good as a unit nor an intriguing personality, but is immensely more popular. I don't put this gripe on the fandom though, because it's found in everyday life as well (modeling and dating are notorious for this).
  16. Hmmm. I didn't know that about Rexflame. Thanks for teaching me something new. A lot of enemies have decent Resistance stats (especially on harder difficulties) coupled with the fact that all of the mages/sages are only fast enough to double but not dodge reliably. And although their STR bases/growths are better, the might of their tomes got nerfed. Plus, due to this game's structure of switching armies, it's hard to consistently train your units. I mean, they're all great units because there's not many of them and they can have access to powerful Rex spells, but... Ilyana's main problem is her magic specialty: thunder, and thunder is arguably the weakest of the 3 magics in this game due to its low accuracy and the fact that we don't encounter dragon laguz that much. Her greatest boon is her availability, but her inclusion is awkward- in Part 1, she's too high leveled to give experience to when it should be used for the others, and in Part 3 she's way behind the others. Tormod's problem is that his availability is awful. Plus, he doesn't have many levels where he faces beast laguz, so his specialty magic (fire) is only used against beorc most of the time. Calill's availability is also an issue. Plus, she's competing with Tormod and Sanaki for the Rexflame tome, and the those two are more popular. IMO, Calill's popularity suffers from the "Mature Woman" syndrome in FE: where an older female character is often ignored despite having a well done characterization and would probably be more liked if she was younger. I.E. Calill, Tethys, Isadora, Misha, and Reina. But that's a discussion for another time. Soren seems to suffer the least amount of problems, as he has no competition for high level wind tomes and his speed is the best of the bunch. Wind magic doesn't hit hard but thankfully he has Adept. I can't think of any big weaknesses on him rn, unless someone quotes me and tells me what it is. Sanaki- has the worst availability of any of the mages/sages, and has competition. Micaiah- very fragile in the early game, and light magic only does chip damage after a certain point. You're pretty much relying on Thani throughout the entire game. Pelleas- Has worst accuracy than thunder and bad availability Any bishop- they get light magic, and are stuck with the light spell... they aren't killing something on their own anytime soon. TLDR; They either have bad availability, inaccurate magic, weak magic, or a combination of some of these factors.
  17. Mages/Sages as a whole are out their weakest in RD. Ilyana was my MVP in PoR, but RD, it's a whole 'nother ball field. But she's not that bad. Granted, Thunder magic is shit, but Ilyana is the ONLY person able to wield Rexbolt by the end of the game, and it's really the only Rex magic spell that has strategic value. (the other rex spells are powerful, but what I mean is, they don't have a level like the Dheginsea dragon level where Ilyana can have a field day. The other rex spells feel more or less a flashy accessory you can show off). Her growths are weirdly distributed as well, I would trade some of her strength for some skill or speed tbh. But then again, Soren is the only mage is dodge reliably for me anyways, so I'm holding it more as a "problem of being a mage". She's in a niche class in a game that doesn't take kindly to her kind (mages)
  18. Phina and Nils are here. Maybe we can finally have some more refreshers!. I know we already have 6, but 5 of them are just different iterations of the same characters. @Lau they could just make him transform into one of your teammates, similar to he was in SD. Could be a power creep, could not be.
  19. Yeah. That's what saddens me about Hugh. His availability is garbage and he's at his best in HM, and this is a Normal Mode run. It's a shame, since I enjoy his character a lot. I kind of know why Dorothy and Treck are here they're both weak in the looks department well, a lot of people don't like Treck because he's basically an armor knight on a horse; he's more defensive than offensive. I think that's useful, but he's harder to use when you already have Alan and Lance and they may already have some supports at that time. Dorothy is pretty good... until Shin comes along, imo. My biggest gripe with Lilina is that her speed isn't up to par with the other 2 mages, so she NEEDS supports and stay close to those people the whole time to gain some avoid. However, Forblaze just feels so right in her hands.
  20. So sad to see Hugh on this list (my dp may or may not be biased). He's actually a good balance between Lugh and Lilina and is the most well rounded mage of the 3. The only problem is his availability and his price. Buying him cheaper can be a bit meh for that point in the game, but he can still become good. I don't think he'll be your MVP (Lalum is gonna dance her heart out), but I have a feeling he'll be one of your better ones. Also, why is everyone shitting on Lugh and not Lilina? None of the mages in this game are spectacular by any means, but Lugh's availability can sure help him a lot.
  21. Harvest Moon A Wonderful Life. Especially the Special Edition, which has some frame rate issues.
  22. Thanks for adding the rest of the kids! The twins definitely take after Nino, in both looks and skill. Neither of them look anything like Jaffar, but Raigh does share some personality traits. With Wolt, it's hard to tell because we never see Lowen's eyes. Regardless, he looks the most like Sain to me in his face, but his hair is definitely styled like Wil's. Sue takes after Rath for sure. She's even tanner than Lyn and they were both on the plains for roughly the same amount of time.
  23. Are you going to be posting the other children as well? Like the twins?
  24. I would hope the Jugdral games get remade first, mainly because they're older and need the updating, but I wouldn't be pissed if the Elibe games got remade. I wouldn't be surprised if Blazing Blade is the next Echoes tbh, since IS is convinced that we treat Lyn as our "Marth" and not Marth as our "Marth". That being said, here's a few of my ideas, as well as bouncing off what other people said: I don't want to change the writing too much, because we already know the story and it'll be confusing if the plot got switched up. However, there are areas for improvement. The biggest one being Lyn's story. I would like the option to skip it after we've beaten the game (or saved past a certain point like Fates) and it needs to be more interesting. The beginning is supposed to hook the player in but I find it more on the boring side. The story doesn't really pick up until Eli and Hector are introduced. Branching promotions. Why not? I know the original didn't have them, but seeing as they're one game off from it being introduced in SS, I think it could be interesting. Give Ninian + Nils a different song and sound for different rings. This is just detailing, but I think fans would appreciate something small like this. Maybe pair up? I'm on the fence on this one, but I think it may be nice for a gameplay perspective if it's done similarly to Fates. Plus, it may seem more friendly/familiar to newer hardcore fans and casuals. While we're at modern mechanics, I do think skills should be added. Maybe add a few more supports? Each character already has a few written for them, so adding 1-3 more could be cool. One idea is Hector and Priscilla, mainly because I think it would make sense for Lilina to be the daughter of Priscilla (same demeanor and has magic abiliites) and it could unify their houses and put the past behind for a more united Lycian Alliance. Different difficulty modes. If Mark is becoming more than just the silent protagonist they're supposed to be (and I'm fine keeping them like that), then maybe they should just go all out with customization. I want to pick out their clothes/background. Maybe include some of the older characters from 6. Douglas, Dayan, Zelot, and maybe Niime should be included. Although, I'm not sure how Douglas can be worked in the story since Eturia isn't as big of a deal in this game. The others should be easier though.
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