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Dandy Druid

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Everything posted by Dandy Druid

  1. Did he? It's been a while so I'll probably need to refresh myself on the event (no pun intended). You're probably right though, but I'll just play devil's advocate real quick. Anyways, it can be a sort of defense thing because he's trying to APPEAR to be respectable, but he's really not. Because he would say this line in front of Holmes are that other guy. Clientele would not like to hear that the performers are sexually abused; it'd be bad for business. Also, doesn't he imply that he's willing to pimp her out for a generous payment? Lastly, why would he need to kidnap girls just to dance? It wouldn't be hard to find girls who would like to dance, but it would be hard to find girls willing to prostitute themselves (literally no one).
  2. You would think, since they have a title and all, there would be some sort of buildup to their fight but nope.
  3. It was a good idea, but it may have set a high standard. SoV has a relatively small cast compared to other games, so I'm not sure how they'll be able to do this in an original entry in the series where they'll want to voice every support. Everyone supporting with everyone will probably not be here anymore. Instead, there'll probably be more supports like the GBA games where it was limited, but plentiful.
  4. Maybe if they're explained better. In Genealogy, they just came out of nowhere all of a sudden.
  5. I don't think it's rape (she could've been whipped), but it is a possibility. Kaga is familiar with this implication, as it was used previously with Bramsel vs. Dancer. If it gets an Echoes remake, no doubt it would be changed to torture in the localization since sexual violence will just open a can of worms. Also, Kaga had also used something similar in TRS. One girl named Plum gets kidnapped for a couple of chapters after she gets roofied at an inn. She's then forced to dance for slavers who may or may not have raped her as well. The game makes you feel horrible for letting this happen, but at least you get a dancer out of it. A couple of other characters may also get kidnapped, but Plum's case is by far the worst.
  6. Yeah, even if her leaks aren't true, I'm happy we had some sort of discussion on what can be interesting for an FE game. The sundial idea makes a lot of sense, and I'm not sure why it was never thought of in that way before. But if they're shown to not be true, I feel bad for her- she's gonna have a storm heading her way. Some of the comments here and 4chan weren't exactly positive and some were insulting. I'm afraid some angry person may hack into her account and mess around as revenge.
  7. Thanks for uploading this! Can't understand it, but it looks nice.
  8. I didn't think the voice-acting was that bad. Rex's VA is meh when he has to scream, but I found the other characters to be done well. Nevermind, Rex's yelling, "DON'T FORGET ME" and the fact that the lip syncing is off at times can make it mediocre. Nevermind. At least Zeke and Nia are done well. As for the fanservice- have to agree with you there. I know it's supposed to be lighthearted, but there's a couple of scenes that I just roll my eyes at because they take away some of the drama from the game. But back to the subject- I don't think they'll go M for Fire Emblem. I don't think they'll do anything past a T rating.
  9. 1)I don't want to police your topic, but I don't think this is in the right section. This should be in the Fire Emblem Switch discussion section. 2)A similar thread to this topic has been made. But it is closed, so you won't be able to reply? 3)You may want to poll 4)What about kids? Just wanting them, or do you also want to talk about optimization or the possibility to make their stats more polarizing (meaning: make less "good" fathers/other parent, and more "ok" fathers/parents) @Integrity @eclipse am I jumping the gun with this one?
  10. Tibarn, Naesala, Tethys, Jeorge, and Minvera are all my Top 5 (no particular order).
  11. I like them as DLC characters, or Echoes recurring characters. Next time, they can add Valjean and Cosette Alice
  12. Best would either be Path of Radiance or Sacred Stones. PoR has both supports and base conversations that really add a lot to the characters. SoV has this too, but in a smaller quantity, which is why I think they deserve an honorable mention, but not the best. Sacred Stones also has a fairly fleshed out cast, and every character has their backstory and motivations. For worst, Shadow Dragon hands down. No supports or base conversations. Doesn't help that the art makes everyone look bored the majority of the time.
  13. She doesn't. Wasted potential tbh- they could've really grounded her character some more because her wacky side is really out there. More story involvement for her would really benefit her if she takes the situation seriously (which she is capable of doing). She's only in cutscenes in 2 chapters- with the rest of her lines being recruitment lines to the others. In Elphin's route, she just manages the augeries, but doesn't make any scenes even if she might be relevant. Elphin makes scenes in hers, but she doesn't. But seriously, if Echoes: Binding Blade comes out they should implement more characters in the story, with Lalum being one of them. And I refuse to call her Larum. Sorry I'm getting off topic here, but I just want to say that all of the GBA games (well, SS to a lesser extent) all could benefit from having more characters interact with the story more and not just a small core cast. For FE7, it certainly can be done with Marcus, Oswin, Pence, Louise, Raven, Priscilla(?- she's sorta popular now thanks to Heroes- and she can be relevant) Heath, etc. There will probably be a casual mode implemented, so I'm not worried about a select few missing out. The more story-oriented characters can get a "Wounded in _" instead of "Died in _" or just a screwed up ending like some of the SoV ones.
  14. The only possible genre I can think of is the visual novel/otome games. Even then I'm not completely sure though.
  15. 1)Mercs- Dread Figher is OP. You can never have too many of them. 2)Archer- Archers are great in this game, and his high ATK will do quite a lot of damage from faraway. 3)anything else. I made him go down the Soldier path, and while he was decent, mobility was a problem. The other 2 classes, cavalier and mage, have the same issue as well. Celica's map terrains aren't cav-friendly and sages have low movement like generals. Plus, you can have too many magic users (they're not like dread fighters)- Celica, Mae, Boey, Genny, Nomah, and possibly Sonya. Although archers may have mount issues in these maps, at least they can still attack.
  16. Most likely a coincidence, since it's a played out trope. Anyways, another thing to put under the "Kaga did it first" list.
  17. I thought this post was just gonna be "wouldn't it be awesome if we had this? I miss this series" type of post but NO THERE'S AN ACTUAL TRAILER I'm so excited. Looks like we're going back to gen 1. Mitsurugi looks young here? Is this some type of prequel (even though we sorta had one before?)
  18. Oh true. Perhaps in an Echoes maybe a select few will just retreat instead. Although I'm pretty sure Elphin at least does in the original, since IIRC he does show up randomly in some scenes late game. But I haven't played that far with him defeated in battle so who knows.
  19. For FE4 Gen 1, another flier might be great or a dark mage/druid that comes after you know what happens to Deidre. As for Gen 2, maybe add some Thracia 776 characters, even for the villains. And likewise, for Thracia 776, maybe throw some characters from Genealogy. Maybe if you didn't class change Lara, maybe Laylea will be recruitable instead. They could also add Hawk, Janne, Tristan, Daisy, and Asaello. Maybe Femina. For FE6, maybe some older versions of FE7 characters or some reference to them.
  20. I forget Mark exists the majority of the time, as he's speechless, faceless (not the enemy), and not that important in the grand scheme of things. Like I said, he's forgetful. Arguably the most forgetful ally in FE7. Yes, they could probably give more attention to Marcus and Oswin, but this was a problem for the GBA era as a whole. A lot of characters' agencies to the story were often stifled because they just used the same characters over and over again. FE6 was worse, with only Roy, Merlinus, and Guinevere in most of the cutscenes, taking away potential from the Eturian Generals, Larum/Elphin, Echidna, Marcus and Lilina (probably some others).
  21. I voted for Hauteclare (because it's a legendary pole axe looking weapon, plus the name sounds cool), Parthia (because it's golden and belongs to a meme), and Florete (it's cute)
  22. Go was popular for a couple of months than it rapidly lost attention. FE Heroes has been consistent with its popularity, thanks to its frequent updates and banners. It's not too surprising. Forgive me for being ignorant but what's SMR again?
  23. If you don't pick L'arachel, I'll pray for you. I hope you find the light of Rausten one day.
  24. I forgot to mention this earlier, but after Clarine, Lalum is also a great dodge tank, which is something a dancer needs.
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