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Everything posted by Augestein

  1. Alright, here's another one that I did. He's a little blue, but I wanted to try a male instead because I find that the hair is surprisingly more detailed than longer female hair. It's almost more difficult to do. I think I'm getting the shading for eyes down, but the hair still seems a bit odd. Especially near the ear. Any tips on how to fix that up? I'm leaving the older ones kinda unfixed so I can take note of what I did wrong and compare them with later ones.
  2. Now that's interesting. I didn't realize that was the problem there. No kidding on that one. Probably. I wonder why they decided to do that? Was IS working on anything else at the time?
  3. I gave it a shot too. I kept her in the green to give her a bit of a woodland appearance, and red hair simply looks too good to alter it too far from there. She's a middle aged woman that came out of hiding to prevent people from bothering her forest.
  4. Okay, thank you. That is useful to know. The portrait does look better, but even looking better, it still doesn't look very Fire Emblem like. I guess that my base style is too radically different from the base to work with to make it look like a Fire Emblem style mug. I did read the tutorial on splicing and followed it, here's what I have: I think I might need to fix the front of the hair a bit, but splicing wasn't too bad. I wanted to use Karla's hair at first because I thought it looked good but it doesn't fit with the neck or the position the head is tilted. Recoloring wasn't too bad with Usenti as well, and with the blocks it's much easier to look at and read where I should locate things in proportion to the face (normally when I draw faces I use lines anyways to keep everything stable). As for mouth animations, I don't think that's going to be terribly difficult if I know how to do shading a bit better. I'm not used to animating things of that precision I'm afraid. Also: What's the deal with eyes? There doesn't really seem to be a rhythm or reason to them outside of "light reflects from the left." This is especially true for females and less manly men. Tough guys don't seem to have shiny eyes at all. Also, if I were to put them in FEEditor for instance, do they all need to be the same transparent color, or does each on individually have a transparent color? I didn't realize that the transparent color was part of the 16 color limitation.
  5. What algorithm do you guys use for anti-aliasing? I'm only familiar with the usage for letting the CPU itself doing it.
  6. Yes. I was trying. There's a fine line between blunt and rude. What's the point of even adding that last sentence? Clearly I'm not an artist. Hence why I even have "BadMug" and "Tips" in the hashtag. I want tips so I CAN make better portraits, because I'm not very good with pixel art. It's totally not the same as drawing by hand as it's easier to actually shade with a pencil than it is to do a focused concentrated effort. Take something like Eirika's portrait. Eirika's portrait has darker shades of hair on the tips of her hair because... Why? The hair is clearly the same color on the darker tips. Her right eye is lighter than her left eye despite the fact that if that were so, then her face should be darker on the right than the left. It looks good, but makes no real sense from an actual light source-- so it's not the same as drawing a standard portrait. Hence why I was asking to make a more "FE style portrait." It's like some of you guys DON'T want people to try things out by being rude. If I were trolling I would have made it something that took me considerably less effort. I'm just going to write this style of comment down as an unhelpful one and move on. The issue is that I'd like for someone to guide me through to making the portrait better. This post is just plain unhelpful, because it doesn't actually tell me how to do diddly squat or even point me in a direction to improve. I was actually going to make him a nicer one because it seems like people were kind of mean spirited about the portrait. I was actually trying to simply make nice with people.
  7. So is Part 1 the only one that still complete at this point? I'm kinda interested by all of the changes, but I like to play from start to finish without having to make a new save or anything when a new patch is released.
  8. I had it out as a reference, I was saying I didn't borrow actual parts from other images.
  9. It's doing way too many things to be on the system that it is. Most of the problems seem to stem from the "we don't have enough space or the technology." That said, I'd like it more if the maps weren't so... Mediocre. I do like the villagers though, you get to have some customization of your team rather than simply being handed random units. It's nice.
  10. So I decided to take a shot at making a portrait because so many people do it and make awesome ones. So I took a rather spotty one as inspiration and tried my own portrait. It's that MarkyJoe portrait and I made my own version of it (because I saw it in those ragefests so often that I decided I wanted to try that sprite because it was pretty simple). I don't know, I think that he might be a bit too *small* so to speak. I don't think it looks particularly bad, but is it Fire Emblem? I don't think so. Any advice? I feel happy about the chibi portrait though. I'm pretty good with Chibi.
  11. I've seen too many things get hit by C&Ds. So I don't know. Mario and Luigi Superstar Saga was not made by IS. it's made by Alphadream.
  12. It's the entirety of the product though. They could still argue that the "FE" in FEXNA is enough to warrant a selling of brand. I don't know, it'd be a shame for Nintendo to catch wind and decide to bring down the hammer.
  13. I took that as donations were used for assets and the like, not so someone would work on it. Just forking over money for someone to make features for you sounds like payment. Not a donation.
  14. And that's literally the fastest way to get this hit by a C&D.
  15. And FE7x takes priority over FEXNA. It's a small team of people. Yeti thinks that str/mag split isn't important, so in terms of things that can be done, it's probably on a very low priority-- as it should be. There are plenty of other things to be worried about that are more useful than a str/mag split. If this is coded like most programs are, adding str/mag will probably be as simple as adding it to the data base so there's some script/procedure that accepts characters that use both a strength and magic stat. That's it. Fitting it on the UI seemed to be the bigger issue TBH. It shouldn't even be particularly difficult to edit if the source is decently documented. And considering that there is a person that is creating it, asking where to look shouldn't be particularly hard. It's not a priority because it's a bells and whistles sort of feature. Hell, someone else might do it for you so you don't even have to do it yourself. Just... Calm down.
  16. Not at all. You can use the more useful weapon against the right type of unit. Fighting a mage? Use your strength weapon. Fighting a higher defense unit? Use a spell. There's nothing that says you have to follow the stand Fire Emblem usage and go "on pretty much every unit sans mages and maybe a pegasus knight have terrible res." Not to mention, there's also other aspects that you can do. Say the unit that has access to light spells and swords. Say when they first get access to spells they have a B rank in swords versus an E rank in magic. Even with a decent magic stat, they'd still have plenty of reason to use B rank swords over magic. Sort of how most would say spears > swords in Fire Emblem 7, but you won't see a ton of people S ranking spears in a timely manner -- if at all. Which could result in some mage hunters coming after him/her making them still have a reason to use their standard weapon.
  17. Or it's a way to make the thief not OP and reinforce the idea that they are a utility unit while giving them a unique way of handling combat against a variety of units without making them some amazingly effective unit in combat. A thief can only carry a finite amount of items around, so their strength is there. And that's one form of balance. How different would it be if this unit with swords and light magic had 10 strength and 10 magic for their stats by promotion with 45% strength growth and 45% magic growth? For the most part? Not a huge difference outside of some minor variation on damage. But it still serves a purpose though, if a person wanted to have magical weapons, then a person could use say a magical bow to attack res against wyvern while still uses the might bonus from a bow because it's a flier. It just depends on how the maker wants to design their units and what they do with them. There's no real wrong way outside of having poor balance.
  18. Con as a stat that can be increased by leveling sounds cool. I can't remember, but didn't FE5 have that as well?
  19. Me personally, I'd like to see them for more stats too though. Like maybe a skill like called Iron Will or something that let's you bypass constitution and use the strength = con for weapon weight. I'd honestly like to see less proc like skills, and a spirit stat sounds like it goes against that very idea...
  20. Spirit stats also sound like they can be kinda dangerous if done. Some games like Final Fantasy 9, spirit pretty much does everything in the game making it pretty much the best stat overall in the game for a ton of characters and still a stupidly powerful one for people even when they aren't using it in a ton of forumlas. If spirit were a stat and skills were still like Fire Emblem, spirit would pretty much be one of the most sought after stats as soon as you started getting skills. Personally I'd rather skills be based off of various stats rather than just one stat. It's pretty lame in Awakening for instance that most proc skills are based off of skill. I'm fine with universal power stat, as you could ultimately have skill passives and the like for characters to "specialize" in stats. IE, you have a warrior and sniper that can both use bows, but the archer has a +25% damage boost passive with bows and a 15% critical increase because it's a sniper, and it's clear that even if the warrior can use bows, the sniper will consistently do more damage with the bows than the warrior even assuming that the warrior has a higher power stat. If done correctly, it could serve to actually make classes and characters MORE unique in that regard. I wouldn't say that. I think people are just used to seeing how awful it's done in IS' Fire Emblem games. Some characters like Libra for instance? Were done fairly well with it. He was a fighter with the ability to heal. The issue is that Fire Emblem often gives hybrid units a forced path. Like Lissa for instance, rubbish strength base, lame growths for that base. The end result? A terrible fighter for physical attacks. The whole point of hybrids is that they are supposed to be decent in both situations but not better than a specialized unit in either. They aren't pointless, they just aren't done well in this series sans Libra and maybe Elincia in RD. Elincia was mediocre against lance units, great against mages, but then could put on the Imbue skill to make usage of her magic stat (though that might have been an error to allow her to equip it) to recover more hp than a fighter giving her some pseudo durability which allowed her to last quite a while by herself even if she wasn't as strong as say Tibarn in a straight up fight. It can be done, people just need to stop doing stuff like Mark strength base strength of 2 20% str growth with magic base being 7 and then giving him 65% magic growth. There is a way to give balance to it. You just said it, but changing up things with enemy formations. With effectiveness weapons for instance, a hybrid could do perfectly fine in various situations with more variety as well. A singular POW stat is not necessarily going to fix this. And I like the singular pow stat idea too. Or you could just circumvent the need for a spirit stat at all and just make skills based on various stats all around and avoid the need for a potential "useless/useful" stat. The issue is that I believe both of these systems need to be fleshed out and fully utilized and IS won't commit to any system which is what's happening. They have good base ideas and no finesse with them.
  21. I played DD when I was too injured to move and I still thought it was boring as hell. Blackquill I thought was pretty lame, and they tried to hard to make him "mysterious and honorable" when he just comes across as incredibly condescending-- like more than any other prosecutor in the series sans Godot. I'll try to break down how I felt about it. Characters: I was not particularly pleased with any of the new characters. Robin was alright I felt, and that's about it. Fulbright was okay at first, but his ending absolutely ruins his character beyond redemption. Everyone else is wacky to the point of irritation in this one. In the older ones, characters were kind of quirky and some of them had outlandish behavior, but that seems to be ALL of them at this point that are so over-the-top it's annoying. Athena seems like she'll be okay, but I have a couple of problems with her. Super prodigy. Seriously, I hate this trait given to characters at almost every given turn, and the worst part is that she doesn't show any more skill than any of the other lawyers despite being a prodigy. Compare her to Franziska for instance? She really doesn't do anything clever that anyone else couldn't have done far easier than her in her cases. Even worse, is that they try to tie this into her "development" which ends up being kind of stupid. So she's trying to save Blackquill, the guy that's right across from her, and she doesn't tell Apollo nor Phoenix, her boss, what she's trying to do? Why not? It's one of those things that drives me crazy in a lot of Japanese video game stories. Characters never feel compelled to say the elephant in the room despite the fact that there is no reason to actually hide the info. As a matter of fact, telling them would be beneficial because the characters could actually do something about the problem sooner rather than later. Personality: Athena, being a character created in DD, seems to suffer the same problems that everyone else does in DD. They are absolutely insane and not in the good way. They don't feel like people that can actually function in society anymore, they simply take their gimmick and practically bludgeon the player in the head with it into submission-- whether they accept it or just get turned off from the character themselves. That said, there is one thing I like about Athena, her main color is yellow so now the Phoenix Wright team consists of the primary colors of painting. Gimmick: I like that each defense attorney has their own gimmick, but the mood matrix is really handwavey and hard to justify, especially since it's supposed to be the most "hard science" out of all of them. At least Phoenix's is a magical one and so is Apollo's, but Athena's isn't, and really slows down the process of the court cases and doesn't really add much to them. Especially because you can't fail them either, so it ultimately ends up being a waste of time. And boy did DD have a problem with the cases in this one. All of them are dragged out to annoying levels with someone going "HOLD IT" and then the screen flashes like four times and someone says something else. Every case pretty much plays out the same way with different characters and the like. All of them are ALWAYS three days no matter how nonsensical the third day ends up becoming, It's pretty dreadful, and it ends up making cases more annoying than they should be. Investigations were a bit smoother in this one I'll admit, but everyone is so dag blasted chatty that they feel like they take longer-- and they might actually, because of how much everyone yammers on in DD. This might be why some people that have an outlandish personality might skirt into obnoxious territory because they get more screen time than older ones where the character would come in, be weird and kind of funny, and then be whisked off about 15 minutes later. Finally, for me personally, I hated how they kept going on about the DARK AGES OF LAW, but they only really had like 2 examples of people really affected by it. Sure, they had the school cases with the "the end justifies the means," but really? We're going with that school as an example? What about characters like Karma for instance? Wasn't he doing the same thing years ago? They really didn't clear up a lot about the dark ages of law, and this actually had a decent amount of potential, but somehow clearing Blackquill makes it okay. Ugh. I'm not even sure how I feel about another one because I didn't really like AJ too much, and Investigations was that great IMO, though I didn't play 2 for obvious reasons, and DD I felt was worse than Investigations and AJ. So the next one will have to be outstanding to get my attention.
  22. Eh, well, I guess I'll start taking down all things that are Nintendo. I barely play any of their new games anyways. The 3DS I have like 3 games on it, and I don't own a Wii U and I've been playing other games -- when I actually play games that aren't Nintendo. i guess it won't be so bad to completely sever ties.
  23. I know this sounds crazy, but have you guys considered just changing this to SRPG Maker XNA? Just to keep away from Nintendo and their crazy aggression? it'd be a shame to get slapped with a C&D.
  24. Anna. I find merchant characters too funny. Plus, I always liked Anna's sprite, and I really like the name "Anna."
  25. This could work. Although I don't think Saints need to gain+1 movement they'll be fine with SS ranks staves and SS rank Light.
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