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Everything posted by Augestein

  1. Probably, and turn limits pretty much make every chapter a defense/survive chapter-- which would be an interesting ragefest, because in terms of designs, I usually go ham on survive missions and push the player to uncomfortable levels by half way so by the time they finish the chapter, they realize just how stressed they were. From watching his videos, he seems to like a game that's challenging more than it being necessarily difficult. IE, the game has clearly defined rules that are clearly testing certain skills versus "the enemies are really strong" or "this map is huge." In other words, if the creator of the hack/map/game was asked "what were you trying to make the player do?" They'd be able to clearly answer that outside of "I wanted the player to rage and have a difficult time." While Marc has never said this directly, you can kind of tell that's what he wants from his videos. Failing to test actual attributes, he seems to reward innovative designs that bring interesting ideas to the table that he hadn't/hasn't thought of-- botched execution or not. Ie, making a chapter where you design the entire chapter around your units all being archers with infinite use bows, disabling player trading, and using the light runes to block enemy paths to detour and slow them down while your units picked off the enemies and escaped the chapter would probably receive more praise than... A "hard" version of a Geneology of the Holy War spoofed.
  2. No kidding. These look great. And sorry I couldn't make it to this competition. I got bogged down with actual work.
  3. Breaking the submissions into multiple chapters could cause even more problems TBH. The submissions would definitely be longer, and I was under the impression that the ragefest were made with the ability to use save states in mind. They are simply too long to feasibly fathom someone playing that long without a break and maintaining a perfect record. Most of the problems I see with ragefest entries are in fact, that the submissions themselves are too long. Most of them drag on for so long that they end up fizzling out towards the end because there just isn't much to do with them after the game has shown its hand. And as numbers up there put, they have too many ideas and want to put them into one that end up making it become a slog rather than funny or rage inducing. Sequencing should be fine for people that feel they need multiple maps, but multiple chapters is honestly just asking for more problems to crop up with them IMO.
  4. Didn't get him in PoR without looking it up, in RD, I actually did. I literally stepped on the EXACT tile that I needed and was just like "WTF is wrong with the loading times" and then Stefan came out of the blue and joined, and then proceeded to be in range to kill someone else that I wanted to die anyways so I kept using him.
  5. When is the time for the contest to end. Unfortunately, I had an incredibly busy set of weeks at work and didn't really get to work on much of my sprite. I just want to know if I'll be able to finish it in time.
  6. I'd argue that RFK is more useful than people give it credit in the main game. 10% skill activation is kinda lame for any of DLC maps but for in game, it's pretty nice to have around. I mean, unless Chrom was to Second Seal, most people would have him as a lord anyways. Although, I'd say that I'd definitely want Dual Strike+ more than RFK TBH...
  7. 15% + 50%. 65%. That's dangerous. It's completely dangerous to have a unit that's not known for durability being at half health with most of their weapons being 1 range. And no, that's not true at all. Any time Adept activates it's useful in the event that you wouldn't have killed the enemy. It's also useful if it procs on a player phase when you are attacking an enemy and can 2HKO it. It's useful on both enemy and player phase, because if you needed to 3HKO or 4HKO, there's a chance that it'll happen. Also, with adept activates, it gives him a better chance of getting a critical on attacks overall because he's more likely to land a critical more often because he's getting more attacks in. There's also the fact that it's just plain more useful on bosses than vantage. It's not ignoring Mia's Vantage. It's taking note of when both skills are useful, and in the case of Adept, there are more scenarios were it produces a desirable effect than Vantage. Vantage produce a desirable result in one scenario and one scenario alone. Enemy phase, and when there were enemies that were still alive, AND the unit has enough attack to kill it. Your only talking about "avoiding damage" for adept being useful, which is entirely not true about Adept at all. Normally I run left immediately at the start of the fight, and then swoop up, and then kill the boss. The treasure is not really nice there either. She's not penalized for joining earlier, but there's the thing. Joining earlier isn't necessarily some good thing either. It's just that-- joining earlier. Joining earlier is only useful if your character is good enough to gain level advantages over subsequent joining characters and continue to hold your own with other advantages as well. See someone like say Florina versus Fiora, both are fine units, and both have comparable stats, but if you used Florina, she'd definitely be higher than Fiora's joining level by Chapter 18/19. Also Florina would have supports helping her to squeak at even further ahead. In Mia's case, Mia joins a little underleveled (not terribly), and doesn't have particularly good stats to go along with her level. They aren't bad, but there aren't outstanding, and the people that have inferior stats than her either 1) Heal 2) Have 1-2 range 3) Are Rolf and are objectively worse than her. Muarim is more likely to hit 20 than any Beorc unit in the game. He has a great mid game, and still crushes a lot of people in durability towards the end. The fact that you're saying that Muarim kinda sucks with his attack and a 20/10 Mia can rival it... Shows how mediocre Mia is. Not Muarim. Muarim has durability over her, and dominated the mid game. Mia... Never dominated anywhere. Mia will never hit 20/20 without abuse, and if she hit 20/20. 20/8 is a much more realistic level. All these things you're saying? Are the reason that I said Mia is "still usable, but not better than a lot of people." But he DOES have a use for the water affinity that he brings to the table for himself. He can't get that without a support, and regardless, his support options are pretty lousy. I'll grant that he'd prefer Boyd, but that doesn't change the fact that Zihark is the next best support for him. At B. Nephenee is even worse. Not only is it slower, but it's even more redundant than Zihark could ever hope to be. And regardless of that, Ilyana would much rather support with Zihark over Mia anyways. Getting more evasion for a mage is much more useful than a little bit of attack. Avoid cannot be duplicated. Atk can be replaced by forges. As a matter of fact, if we're going to be straight up honest on supports, Ilyana wants nothing to do with Mia. Mordecai and Zihark are her best supports. Pistols make for less bloody kills and can be concealed easier than a SMG. They are also more silent when suppressed. If you're planning on killing someone and trying to get away with it, a pistol is probably a better option. Pistols also require less training than SMGs to use. And in a bind, you can use them with one hand. You never know, your hand might get injured and you need to fire it. It's easier to fire a pistol with 1 hand than a SMG. They are also lighter for what it's worth. Assault Rifles versus the SMG would be a much better comparison. Anyways, Adept has windows of opportunity on defense. I already stated why. 28% chance every EP to try to kill a foe before it can strike her is... Definitely worse. Because there's a 72% chance that she won't and eat it to the face instead. Yeah, and if Mia takes Adept it still doesn't give her evade for if both fail. Not almost everyone wants vantage. That's wrong. People that are heavy hitters that are kind of frail want it. A person like Largo is the type that wants it-- unfortunately for him, he joins very late so someone like say-- Boyd is probably the best choice for it if you're not putting it on a pally or Jill. No, Vantage does not does not trounce it. Vantage has better defensive merit than Adept, but Vantage requires a specific situation to work. Adept does not. Fortunately, in Zihark land, Zihark can be nice and allow other people on the team to have KE, and they are happier for the extra random spurts of EXP they might get on enemies. Sounds like an advantage for team Zihark. It also makes Zihark more valuable to have around overall sense I don't have to waste time insuring that he has all of this wonderful gifts to perform ... Like the rest of my team. So what's your point? Anyone can still do it. And considering how you're willing to forsake other units by shoving unique/rare weapons, forged blades, supports that people wouldn't even want, stat boosters in both the bands and the boosting items, AND EXP to make her reach level 20/20, I'd say giving Zihark 2 skills in a hypothetical situation where I'd even want to abandon Adept is completely fair, and still doesn't make him look worse than Mia. Why? If you gave Zihark Vantage, why would he suddenly not have it? That makes no sense. And alive ones do deal damage. So this doesn't mean anything. I'd much rather shove Arms Scrolls on Mist or just use Tanith than waste my time giving Mia a band to raise her magic a few points, and then give her an item that's not even used for her primary form of attack. Seriously, even Soren would have a better use of Energy Drops than Mia has for Spirit Dust, at least the +2 strength would let him wield Elwind without AS loss. And after promotion, he'd be able to possibly use Elfire without AS loss. You have to be joking thinking that this even makes even a modicum of sense to do. Regardless, Stefan right off the bat when he joins makes much better use of that magical sword than Mia does. Saving things only for Mia to use them makes it out that Mia is worse. Why are we only allowing Mia things? Imagine if you will we play RD. Should we say Zihark is better if I let him kill every Laguz in 3-6 with Paragon equipped, and then transfer him over the the GMs with Resolve on and compare Resolve Zihark versus Mia? No. That's ridiculous and in no way proves that Zihark is better than Mia in RD. All that proves is that with effort, the unit can be worth using. And Zihark doesn't care about it. Zihark can kill stuff on enemy phases because he doesn't have to worry about taking several blows and dying. Are we really just ignoring all of Zihark's defensive merit? And even worse, is that Mia is not hitting 20/20. So let's be realistic here: that's not even a remotely realistic scenario outside of you playing easy mode, and if you're playing easy mode, everyone is so good that it's a moot point. Everyone is higher in level and can kill things easier. No really. It doesn't. Magic swords last for 35 attacks over the course of the game. That's... 1 chapter. Maybe a portion of 2 before they break. That's not a huge advantage at all. And even then, I just funneled all of my best weapons to a unit in your scenario to make her better than Zihark. If anything, you just proved why Mia is worse in PoR. And if you're even thinking of saying the Hammerene Staff for her as well, I'm just going to write you off as completely insane for Mia and impossible to even talk to. Mia < Zihark in PoR. Zihark < Mia RD.
  8. Came in late to the party, but that's amazing!
  9. She's there for chapter 7, where's she's on the wrong side of the map to really get a good start, fortunately she joins on her own, so she can start fighting immediately when she joins and she literally chases after Ike. Chapter 7 she can help a little bit, but most of the enemies are lance users, or in heavy armor here, so she'll have pretty slim pickings here. Really the same problems as Ike, but Ike can use the Oscar support to help with WTD, and will probably be higher in level and as a result, have a little bit of strength and defense for what it's worth. Usually I have Ike level once per chapter, so that'd put him at level 9 going into chapter 8. Being in more chapters in this case doesn't really help, because she isn't going to be reasonably gaining enough levels to actually have any real advantages over him. Even by end game, with the support bonuses of +4 attack, Zihark has a concrete durability lead, and any time an adept procs, he'll do more damage than Mia. That is more useful than Mia. And yet you still have Brom or Ilyana to choose. Both of which give him more durability. Brom gives Zihark attack and defense while Ilyana gives both Mia and Zihark defense and for the most part, overkill accuracy. Adept is still being more useful than Vantage, and while the evasion isn't super special, nor is that attack. Unless +1 atk is something so incredible that you'll write off adept and the evasion bonuses. If this game had more mage enemies, I'd say Mia was better, but it doesn't. And relying on Killing Edge criticals is incredibly shaky. Like... Almost as shaky as relying off of Zihark's adept procs to kill enemies. Adept can activate on the enemy phase, which could kill enemies that would still be alive on the player phrase, and clear the way for even more offense. Vantage can be combined with Wrath, yes, but Vantage / Wrath isn't something exclusive to Mia. You get the scrolls for both. By the time Mia can use it, anyone could use it, and I'd argue more people could use it better on the account of having higher durability and weapons with 1-2 range with easier access. Imagine someone like Boyd having Vantage / Wrath with a hand axe. Vantage ONLY works on enemy phase and ONLY has a point when you kill the enemy before it strikes you. Adept... Always has a point unless you're attack an archer and you proc adept when you were doubling it anyways and you 2HKO it anyways. Even... Zihark could theoretically have it by the time Mia has it. And with more evasion, in the events that it didn't critical and kill the enemy, you'd have the added health insurance of Zihark's evasion from supports. Not really. 7 magic + 4 atk isn't exactly anything to get excited about. Especially when someone like Stefan comes right out of the box with higher magic than Mia, higher durability than Mia, and can get bonuses from Soren for extra magic attack. Stefan would have more magic attack power than Mia for most of the game, if now all of it by virtue that Mia needs to be promoted before she really start's squeaking out an advantage attack wise from it. There's also Lucia that can use it as well, Astrid if you gave her swords might be able to pull it off too. Marcia's magic is almost the same as Mia's, and 2 points of attack is not "one unit can't use it and the other can." That said, this is an advantage for Mia, but THIS might be the most negligible advantage the both of them have. I honestly wish PoR just had more mage enemies, because if it did, Mia would definitely have a significant advantage at moments. Zihark's res is terrible. The only edges Zihark has on her is his skill being more versatile , having like the same stats as her when she reaches the chapter he joins, and then concrete durability -- he takes less damage from most attacks, he is also less likely to be hit by attacks as well. It's not really even here.
  10. He has better starting stats as well. His stats are pretty much her stats or higher sans res. Mia having 2 points of magic higher than Zihark doesn't make her noticeably better than Zihark with magical weapons. Even with supports, she's only getting about 3 attack more with them. 5 magic sounds like a lot until you realize that this would be supported Mia versus Unsupported Zihark. But adept has a higher chance of leading to an enemy's death than a critical from Mia. She's certainly not unusable. Bastian would have been a lot better if they gave him staves rather than knives, because knives were just awful for mages. Lower might weapons that a lower strength class uses just sounds disastrous. Lucia has... An interestingly high base magic. So that's always nice. I'm curious then, what chapters would you say she's a good unit to deploy?
  11. That's why I said "kinda" terrible. Mia certainly isn't good. That's for sure. She's in that "there's no real reason to deploy her ever unless your team doesn't have enough units."
  12. No. Mia is pretty terrible in PoR. Zihark isn't great either, but the strength leads he has is far better than anything Mia has over him-- because she has to get like 4 levels to be on part with him. Mia starts out lame in her first and then Zihark comes along and has like the same exact stats that Mia does. Even if you argue with support bonuses, Zihark's makes him crush her because Earth affinity is just silly. Also, Adept is a better skill than Vantage. Zihark is mediocre and has his supports and adept as a saving grace to leave him as decent. Mia is in the range of being kinda of bad but in the still usable range. In RD, it's kinda flipped. Mia has better strength growth and has all of the highlight stats over Zihark, and with support customization, Zihark can have overkill avoid and Mia can have earth affinity. Adept is better than Vantage still, but if you aren't using Soren, you can have Adept on her easily from the get go. In addition to that, Mia is in more chapters than Zihark and her chapters have more EXP to go around. And you forgot about Ilyana or Brom or as well. All of Zihark's supports give him concrete durability in addition to evasion. Mia's give her... Uh... Strength to help her edge out a bit more damage than Zihark at moments? Lame. Mia > Zihark in RD and Zihark > Mia in PoR. I don't think it's that people ignore it, they just notice that Zihark's advantages in PoR are far greater than Mia's.
  13. Mercenaries I recall him not ORKOing in 7x. And really, it's just that Lyn's chapters are that short. Assuming you're just going through them, it's really hard to drag them on longer than 5 turns, so yeah, 2 levels I can see if you're using him, but 3 is really pushing it.
  14. I like Sumia because it's one of the few times you get to see Cynthia not be a complete bonehead in a support with Morgan female.
  15. They might compete for the promotion item itself, but they do not compete for actual roles in the units you have. Serra has a monopoly on her role when you first get her, and then competes with one healer later on. In terms of stats, Priscilla and Serra are very similar, with Serra having a level advantage but Priscilla has a movement advantage and rescue advantage, which means that Priscilla can help in rescue chains to move units around. Serra is worse than Priscilla in my opinion because the stat advantages that Serra has from levels are negligible at best and the level advantage, while there, does not override the rescuing advantage she has. If I'm locked to one healer, Serra isn't even going to be fielded after I get Priscilla. Assuming I'm going to use Serra, her versus Lucius is a bit more balanced. Serra is far more defensive with that huge luck lead she has over him which enables her to be thrown on forest, left alone and she can come out relatively unscathed. Lucius' lame luck doesn't allow for such evade tanking with nearly as much reliability. And most of the time, I promote my healers at 15-18 rather than 20, because let's be honest, the ability to fight is far better than a couple of levels. Regardless of an early promotion or not, Serra's luck still dominates over Lucius. You really can't go wrong with either of them. 2 or 3 easily is really pushing it. His best chapter is clearly the one he joins because he's the best choice to be ferried across the mountains to fight the boss. And most Lyn chapters can be finished in like 3-5 turns without really trying. But in general, he's not going to be doing much. After that, he's a ho-hum mage that really isn't much stronger than Erk in any noteworthy ways, and Rath is actually pretty strong himself at this point. Sure he disappears from the game for awhile after Lyn mode, but we're just talking about Lyn Mode usage.
  16. Serra is alright, I find Lucius better though. If you promote Serra earlier, she can fight. 15/-- is okay for instance and pretty doable. Although, I usually just use Serra until a mage promotes and then drop her.
  17. Yeah, some like Cherche made sense. It was ones like say, Sumia that don't make sense. Why knight? Was she this before she found that pegasus out in the wild? It begs an explanation. >_> And yeah, I've heard they've done better with lining up classes storywise in fates. My favorite is how Kjelle as a sibling to Lucina will tell her to kill "fire magic or whatever" when Lucina does not know magic in this pairing.
  18. Seiken Densetsu 3 for actually being mutliplayer and allowing a seamless adventure with multiplayer. No person is sitting around doing nothing the entire game. It's glitchy, but still fun. Man, I wish there were more multiplayer games like that.
  19. More magical classes is a must honestly. I'd like to see things like Anima - Masters or something that just use one element of weapon or something. Speaking of magic, I feel things could be more interesting with it. Why have elements if you aren't going to do much with them? Have wind hit an enemy and then reduce the speed of other enemies near by or something. How about Earth magic to create temporary walls that stop the allies or enemies from advancing certain ways? Think about it: Earth magic could have : Create Wall, Pitfall-- an attack that stops movement and causes the unit to take damage if they fall in hole (you could make them take more damage from movement types or make it 3x damage for mounted units), mud armor (reduces speed, ups defense)... As of now, I feel like after 14 games magic is STILL incredibly boring here. If the game is going to keep going in the RPG elements, let's get some stronger elements then. Equipment that gives bonuses and the like? Weapons are kinda trying to do that in Fates from what I've heard, but why not just go all out? Obviously physical fighters get the most and coolest of armors, but I feel like more could be done to add customization to units. If possible, a new game+ option where you can use a team of generics would rock. I'm not even kidding. They just need to have characters have classes that make sense for their story. IE, a someone like Donnell should have had Villager, Cavalier (because it makes sense for him to be able to ride a horse and think "hey, I can stab people from the horse!"), and maybe barbarian-- because it's an axe user that's untrained. If they did stuff like that, it'd be fine. The issue is that you get characters with random mish-mashes of things that don't really relate or make sense. Like take Chrom for instance, what exactly do he and Lissa have in common for training? Weird. You'd think Chrom would at least have priest considering that his sisters both have the class.
  20. Even if he is, you can't just have something that powerful be created by someone and not have any real knowledge about it. Just saying "he made it" doesn't really work too well. Like how Izuka is the only one to summon Laguz for instance, but they explain how he's able to do this from stuff in PoR, it's not like it comes out of left field. The blood pact is quite literally the equivalent to "a wizard did it." It serves as something that makes people do something despite all arguments they might have against it. It's something that's so out there that it NEEDS to be clearly explained. It's not like say anima magic where it's just something of the world of Tellius and used as a tool/weapon, it's something outright unknown and bizarre to the characters themselves, and nothing is ever cleared up about it. Which is one of the many problems with it. It'd be the equivalent to if Marth got hit by a plague that forced him to only be allowed to walk in grass tiles. In the middle of the story. It'd be hilarious if the story wasn't expecting you to take it completely serious. Then it just becomes frustrating. Because you'd wonder when, how and why it only affected Marth and no one else. That's sort of how the blood pact works, it's like "oh you didn't win, we just wanted you to win." It also makes Leharn retroactively stupid, because they could have gotten Elincia to sign a blood pact too effectively making everyone in the world fight the laguz alliance.
  21. Which would make more sense in the light of him signing a blood pact, but if that's the case, you'd think more people would have been using them, and they would have been known about to the point that they were pretty much rendered ineffective. That's the problem with the blood pact, it's WAY TOO POWERFUL of a plot point to just exist without it being known that mainstream like. And even the game isn't entirely certain how the blood pact works based on the dialogue. Pelleas claims that Zihark and Jill would be safe (if you have them defect), which means that Pelleas could have basically said "oh, well this kingdom now belongs to Micaiah and it's no longer Daein, it's Daeout," and they would be fine. Or everyone from the country could simply ragequit like Zihark or Jill and be safe. There's way too much guesswork for an item that serves as the crux of a person's actions.
  22. "So my friend said he couldn't beat it. I'll do it for him." The first mode that I actually played was in fact, Lunatic.
  23. I just think that the maps could be better in Awakening, and the difficulty branching. And I hate the power creep in this game. The power creep is so real it's disgusting. If your characters get unlucky and get lame level ups, it can really ruin a run. I don't recall growths ever mattering that much in a Fire Emblem. While some characters might not have as much use without growths, they could have some use. Also skill acquiring is pretty lame in this game too. I also don't think it's fair for people to say here that "the difficulty is fine" because they've literally played the game to hell and back, shared strategies with one another and have knowledge that the standard person 1) doesn't have, 2) might not feel inclined to look up either because it's not explicitly explained how it works (ie, things like say pair up not explaining how it buffs stats and just telling the player "hey, this makes you stronger!". I beat the hardest modes of Awakening, and I can say I didn't feel very accomplished with winning. I probably won't play Awakening in Lunatic+ or Lunatic again by virtue if I played it again now, I'd have forgotten what turns ambush reinforcements happened etc. Honestly, I'd have liked to see a Lunatic mode where enemy formations were altered to be more dangerous, not just given super skills like Hawkeye that basically say "you're not allowed to dodge this unit." It kind of annoys me, because the from what I remember of Awakening, the chapters were very lopsided with the first 2-3 turns being the hardest-- either the map ended in 3 turns or less, or the initial threats were completely nullified here. Some might say it saves time, but I'd say it's just a testament to how lame some of the chapters are. It also might have been a better jump if the game gave you plus versions of each mode as you completed them to have a more stable difficulty curve. Normal to Hard to Lunatic to Lunatic+ are crazy. And honestly, I'd argue that even Lunatic to Lunatic+ is less of a jump than Hard to Lunatic, because of the sheer power the enemies have from Hard to Lunatic. The skills can be annoying in plus, but at least the relative power of the enemies is the same. The first 6 are like... The only chapters I remember. The rest I found just astoundingly mediocre or tedious-- like Yarne's recruitment is just plain annoying. Everyone has an opinion of this game, but I think there's one thing everyone can agree on: THIS game is the definitive fanbase split of Fire Emblem. People might have preferred certain games more than others beforehand, but it was never in such an extreme light here.
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