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Everything posted by Augestein

  1. Laurent is the one I honestly wanted to see the most as he was by far my favorite kid. Leo is the obvious one you'd think, but I'd honestly say Elise would be perfect for him. It's someone that absolutely needs to be micromanaged at every given second, and he's really good at doing that. Heck, his class could have even remained the same as a mage , and honestly would have worked a heck of a lot better with Effie too. He could think of new ways to maximize on Effie's training too. It's... Too perfect to be honest. Gerome I can honestly see working with Xander, as he's a bit gruff, and Xander's personality type wouldn't give Gerome the opportunity to be nearly as broody as he was in Awakening. And I think it works better for him to have retainers that are less... Crazy. Although Inigo/Laslow I found much more bearable here than he was in Awakening. Cynthia: she could definitely fit in with Camilla, as she'd love to fly with Camilla and be the heroic squad that protects Corrine with the "astoundingly beautiful Camilla." And considering how over-the-top Camilla is for Corrin, Cynthia would be all over this.
  2. I actually thought this submission was so-so. It was hardly "bad." I honestly (take it with a grain of salt) don't think it'll win, and it's not great, but it's not super bad. Most of the map's problems come from a huge map that doesn't have enough events or interesting reinforcement arrivals to make it work well with its size. I wasn't expect something super lame like ambush spawns to ruin Marc's run, but there were things like the warriors popping up for instance, and while it made for a hilarious segment with Marc spamming with Kirby, this overall didn't make up for the lackluster events leading up to that. As Marc pointed out, the enemy offense was too high in comparison to the ally units. This made for a rather sluggish trudge towards the inside of the caste with endless turns of Marc ending the phase and letting the enemies run towards him. And it absolutely didn't help that most of the enemies early on had 1-2 range, and quite a few of Marc's didn't ensuring that enemies could attack Marc without retaliation which results in them being even slower to kill. This is ultimately what made it not as fun as it could have been. The castle part really didn't have enough events and pressure to really make for anything interesting after Marc started healing Jeff to keep Ephidel from attacking Orange-- who might have actually been able to defeat Ephidel without any outside help as well. The humor was goofy and kind of fun in that regard, and it's pretty much what I've come to expect from ragefest. I think people are being a bit too hard on it, as it's leagues above what we saw from earlier ragefest in the series. It's a long distance from things like "Boss Rushes" and the like. Not that boss rushes are bad, but there's considerably more noticeable effort put into this than that. I think people might be having progressively higher standards because of the general increase of entries and quality from most of the hacks, but people need to remember that not everyone has / had as much experience hacking or even simply designing Fire Emblem maps. I mean Ephraim225 is the best example of this: with each entry they've become progressively more focused and refined. Ephraim's first entry is absolutely miserable in comparison to his other ones.
  3. Or even *Random Ambush Spawns" Marc: I-- I approve! Do more of that shit! But really, the idea I had for using Marc's voice clip might actually get me DQ'd because it would be totally cheap, but still referencing Marc said in a completely sadistic out of context way.
  4. The fact that in Revelations you get to actually play as the "I can't tell you that now" guy from like every anime ever.
  5. Also, do you need sounds or music either? I believe I have a couple of songs lying around that I don't plan on using for anything.
  6. Or if you make FEXNA / XP, you could make everything stick figure versions of the classes. I mean are you telling me you WOULDN'T want a face like this as a portrait? Or even music... Or ... "Voice Acting."
  7. Argh. One last thing, are the size limitations still the same in XNA? As well as colors and junk?
  8. I can agree with that... Except... Ironically enough, money is MORE important in Fates because it doesn't give you ANY MONEY.
  9. Oh, so serious submissions are actually a thing that can be done? Maybe I'll try one. Every time I try to write something happy, go lucky, it crashes and burns and is so stupid that you'd wonder if I wasn't right in the head. Also, I don't think the money man means that people should communicate. I think the usage of Money Man like this is showing that people need to not take the cheapest route for humor.
  10. I forgot to ask, do I need to have the "talking" mouths or what not for the portrait? I'm going to try to make one this weekend.
  11. Hmm... If that skill isn't possible, then just give him Counter as a skill. As for portraits, I'll try my best to make one, but it'll probably be kinda wonky.
  12. I'm not good with Fire Emblem style portraits, but I guess I'll make a character for you. I'll try to make a character portrait in the future if you don't have anything that you can use as a substitute. Mondo Class: Cleric / Bard (Whichever one works better for you). Joins: Early Game Bio: Originally a shaman, he practiced the dark arts on a daily basis on the pursuit of knowledge. As he continued to research, he became progressively more interested in the ability to summon. After countless methods of research, Mondo finally perfected his ability to summon. And what he summoned was a hellish demon that was capable of eradicating the entire town. No matter what he tried, his dark arts proved to be ineffective against the beast. Giving up on all of his academia, he turned towards faith and prayed. Eventually, a lone woman stood up against the beast. She cast a holy spell that slayed the beast. Upon seeing her amazing power, felt that his research of dark magic was pointless and instead turned his life to the religion of Arogna, and eventually started a church. Growths: Rank: Staff: E Lv 1: Hp: (18) 55% Str: (4) 45% Mag: (7) 35% Skill: (3) 25% Spd: (5) 45% Lk: (1) 75% Def: (4) 25% Res: (4) 25% Skill: Blessing - Grants an additional skill to make staff heals / effects AoE, but with reduced effectiveness. 75% effectiveness. (Does not work with Naturally AoE staves.) Death: Dearest Arogna, forgive my insolence for I have fallen without spreading the good word... In-Game Description: A cleric. Originally a practitioner of the dark arts, but now dedicates his life to others. Recruitment: Either have him join at the start of the game as already in the party with the hero, or have him in a village. If he's with the hero at the start, have him agreed to help the hero on the terms that the hero gives him the time to preach after he has completed a battle and to bless the souls of the fallen-- whether they are enemy or ally. If he's not with the hero, have him in a village and offer to heal him, but not detail why he wants to join-- basically have him sort of shifty like this: Mondo: My good man, you look like you could use some healing don't you? Hero: Healers are nice I suppose-- Mondo: Then look no further than me! Mondo! I can heal you with no problems, yessiree! Hero: I don't think I need a healer like you. Mondo: Don't need a healer like me!? Are you serious? You clearly are in need of mad help if you think you can survive out there without a healer. Everyone has one. Hero: I don't. Mondo: And now you do! Hero: ... This has bad idea written all over it. Mondo: The only "bad idea" is the fact that you're just standing there yapping. Let's move! Level up: Good: "I know I'm supposed to be humble but... I'm amazing." Average: "I'd like to bring some soul to our group." Poor: "It's not great, but I think I can manage." Awful: "I still cannot escape my dark shadow it seems." As long as he doesn't become a class that uses dark magic, he's open to using any weapons at promotion. He's not above riding a mount.
  13. Camilla x Ryouma. It's hilariousky awful. 1st Convo C: So uh, we don't have anything to talk about. R: Nope. C: Surely there's something we can talk about? R: Uh... We both are good fighters! I love the katana. C: It sucks. R: ... 2nd Convo R: This is hard. I really can't think of anything to talk about. C: Uh... Yeah, what's something we both have in common? R and C: Corrin! C: Oh! I can tell you all about Corrin! R: ... No you can't. I know her best! C: How? We knew her longer! R: Blood ties are E.V.E.R.Y.T.H.I.N.G. C: Oh yeah!? Let's ask Corrin! That'll prove who knows more! 3rd Convo R: I can't believe Corrin got mad at us. C: I can. She wouldn't want us to compete over her. R: Yeah, that's why I love Corrin so much. C: I know right!? S rank R: God... Your "assets" are incredible. C: *Blush* R: Screw Corrin, I want to screw you.
  14. For the gay marriage, I feel that they both should have been children characters, I agree with that. Losing a character is sad, but losing 2 is a bit much for your choice of pairing. I'm not sure if it could have been done better or worse. Until you actually see multiple homosexual characters, I can't actually call it a problem honestly-- which there hasn't been a ton of... However, Lucius and Raven could be considered a homosexual pairing and no one thinks poorly of those two. If you think of Ike x Soren/Ranulf as a gay pairing, we've gotten a decent bit of variety from the characters in the series, so it's not entirely fair to point out Fates' homosexuals in an isolated tunnel there. I'd also say that Rhajat seems to be more of an apology for the lack of Tharja x FemRobin. Plus, Rhajat is considerably less stalkerish and disturbing than Tharja-- which only gains her points in my eyes. It should also be noted that in Awakening, Gregor is considerably more comfortable with saying his "secrets" to male Robin than female Robin-- which disturbs both of them equally. The gameplay is a noticeable step up from Awakening, and is pretty solid in general. But by all that is good... What happened to the plot? I... Played Revelations and nothing else (and have pretty much avoided Birthright and Conquest spoilers), but... Wow. The plot is hilariously awful. It might actually be worse than Awakening and Radiant Dawn. I will say Revelations villain might have the best set of powers ever. My favorite being "you can't talk about my house unless you're in my house." Also, why did
  15. Which if they just acted like it didn't matter, that'd be considerably easier to swallow. As it stands, the characters go out of their way to ensure that they aren't really related, and then the game just kind of throws that on you. Honestly though, the game does acknowledge it, just not in a way that really amounts to anything. And that's the problem with this plot, stuff is revealed, and nothing really comes out of it.
  16. The difference here being that it isn't an arranged marriage. At the time, it was understandable why marriages were arranged -- the logic of keeping the royalty line, "pure" so to speak, and keeping the marriages pretty much strictly political rather than actually having emotional investments in them. In the case of Fire Emblem Fates, it even would make sense because you wouldn't want people going around having the ability to use dragon abilities that the royalty has, such as freezing rivers / bodies of water. Imagine if a group of brigands somehow managed to have the ability to freeze water and the standard civilian couldn't. But that's not what's happening here. It's that your character and the player can choose to S rank these characters, and then the game has the Birthright children go through hoops to explain that they actually aren't related at all. Makes the whole point of "Birthright" completely pointless. Granted I haven't played it, but the fact that you're joining the Hoshians on nothing but a lie sounds pretty horrible. At least the Nohrian siblings flat out say "you're family despite blood." And marrying them isn't nearly as bad because you were raised knowing full well that they weren't your blood siblings. The biggest issue with Nohrian siblings is the fact that Corrin keeps referring to them as "brother" and "sister." Had (s)he not, it wouldn't have been so bad. Maybe I never noticed because I was a female Corin, but I was of the opinion that Azura was the secondary hero sort of thing they have seemed to like to do since Fire Emblem 7 where the character has quite a bit of dialogue and has almost as much at stake, if not more than the protagonist at moments. Eliwood - Hector Eirika - Ephraim Ike - Titania (Radiant Dawn seems to replace Titania with Ranulf here). Micaiah - Sothe Chrom - Robin With Chrom and Robin being the only one that kind of gets weird because after part 1 because the roles reverse. But outside of maybe Micaiah and Sothe, I never really felt there was much of a push for the hero to go with that sort of character. I suppose Awakening kind of mocks you for not doing it as a female with Lucina, but Robin justifiably and satisfyingly responds with irritation and quite a bit of animosity.
  17. Character. That's what the entire concept of the game is about really. Plus, we've already seen characters have movesets made up for them, so there's no reason not to be more concerned with characters that appear over their abilities.
  18. Looking at these submissions over the course of ragefest, they sure have come a long way. Even the worst ones are leagues ahead of the some of the earlier ones. It's pretty crazy.
  19. Honestly, locking yourself from a kid might not exactly be a bad thing though. As the kids are going to remain as they are, I'd rather they be bonuses instead so we aren't having 1/3 of our characters be children. Also, with less children, we could have better supports too for the children too instead of copy and pasting everywhere. It's really irritating that say... Virion being the father of Inigo has the same style of supports that someone like Chrom being Inigo's father when Virion and Chrom are nothing alike.
  20. I'll be honest, I like reclass in this version more than the Awakening one (haven't played fates), because you can use it ASAP. And that's really nice. I just hate the limit they place on your units. So I can't fool around and have like a team of knights if I feel like it.
  21. * Random regression on things: No rescue but we have forge? Weird. * Supports as they were from PoR and/or RD got axed. Whether you enjoyed them for the story or gameplay, this was just plain lame that they were removed. * Some people don't like Reclass (I don't particularly like how it was executed here). * Maps aren't balanced around some of the changes. It's clear that the generally higher stats all around weren't really meant to be a thing based on how FE1 maps are designed. * Gaiden chapters that require you to kill your units to get them. Rather than play well, or just unlocking them as you proceed, you have to kill units. It's backwards and just stupid in general. * The story is really simplistic despite some of the touch ups we have-- making for a rather bizarre update on the story. Marth is more vocal this time around rather than merely feeling like a walking plot device, but outside of Caeda/Shiida/Sheeda and Jeigan/Jagen, no one really has much more to them outside of their recruitment. * If you're a balanced junkie... Well... The warp staff is your nemesis.
  22. Gameplay wise I feel like Micaiah and Lief did that a bit better though. Micaiah starts out with okay offense but always needs someone at her side to help her. She's never fast enough to kill anyone alone without a critical and later on, she gets staves to support everyone else. But honestly I'm of the mind that main characters should be better with support than combat in games like this.
  23. Stat wise, I'm fine with Roy. It's that promotion that is just... WTF were they thinking? It's too late by then for it to really matter. I'd have rather him capped at level 30 and never promoted than have this garbage of promoting 3 chapters before the end.
  24. Then the context of this makes no sense then. It doesn't actually say "Begnion" it just dances around with that notion, that's the key. All you can do is guess because no one wants to say anything. It seems less of an illogical conclusion to assume it means "Sanaki's natural death" than waiting for a country to actually die. But it's not until Chapter 28 "Twisted Towers" that he actually throws his cards in favor of fighting with them. Yet, here with Daein, they do the same thing here that they could've done earlier. It never says this about Begnion. It just "implies" there's nothing definitive about it. And again, I reiterate, if it requires the person to actually be currently holding the document, then the answer is "find the document," there isn't any real need to ensure that anyone actually has to die. Because if the document is destroyed, then it can't be activated because a destroyed document cannot be held by anyone. Which causes more problems then it actually solves because characters state that defeating the senate isn't enough and could cause the pact to NEVER end (implying that it's not activated by anyone in particular and just *does* things). And it still doesn't explain how Sanaki can supersede it when she's not even actively holding the parchment if we go by the rule that you need to actually be carrying it but Naesala can stop it by holding the parchment. Sure you could argue-- Sanaki won't activate it, but if we're to assume that you need the document, then Sanaki can't activate it because she didn't have it before Lekain was defeated... Meaning that he could always still use it because he was the "ruler" or whatever the party was on the pact that was actively holding it. So what's the point of not destroying it right then and there? So basically the logic is this: Lekain needs to hold it to use it. But Lekain can't use it because Sanaki supersedes him as the Apostle despite not actually holding the document physically. However, Sanaki doesn't seem to have a mark, which she would have to in order to actually use the blood pact in the first place because she needs to be an actual party to the contract-- as we see that Lekain has one based on the Micaiah or Sothe conversation with Lekain that he actually has a mark too. So... There's no explanation for why Sanaki can supersede it or even prevent its activation then. So that can't be it. But if we role with the "country of Begnion" it makes less sense. There's no reason that Naesala should be holding the document then, because that literally means that if we go by the "Begnion" thing, ANYONE should be able to boss Naesala around and everyone should have marks on them because they should be tied to the blood pact itself. It's like... They have this interesting idea but when asked for explanations they just kind of shrug and make it do whatever is the most convenient thing they need it to do. Which would mean that she's bound to the pact as well. Otherwise it doesn't apply to her in the same way that Pelleas' pact must say "current citizens that serve Daein" or something ridiculous otherwise there's no way he could know Jill and Zihark would be safe from its effects. I know it seems like I'm just being contrarian and difficult, but these are honestly the reasons I hate the blood pact. There's too much guessing and too many contradictions to make any real logical and consistent rules or sense out of it.
  25. Yeah, but if we go by that rule, that means that literally Sanaki was the person to kill to end the blood pact for Begnion. Which might be what they were trying to imply with Kilvas hence why he says "in the future they'll be safe" But, it's still weak because that means that Sanaki should have been born with a mark from the start then if the pact was made before she was born. It's little details like this here and there that make it truly impossible to tell what they had in mind for the rules of the pact. This is why people simply say it in the simplest terms-- it became nothing more than a plot device because it's not explained at all. I agree the concept wasn't conceived at all for Kilvas. It's too obvious by how long it takes Naesala to come around in PoR for it to be remotely close to being acceptable or sensible. Actually, I know why it was removed in the localization for this (barring that all of the extended scenes were just removed), because it makes in no way to actually make this make sense. That's the problem. The extended scene makes it heavily implied that it's Sanaki or Kilvas that must die, but it leaves an even more unpleasant and stupid implication that makes more plotholes. How does Naesala having the parchment mean that he's safe "for now?" It circles right back to the "how the hell does this actually work?" The regular scene with Kilvas sort of just gives it to him, but the player would assume he destroyed it as well. The only way to get this form of "what...?" Is when you don't have Naesala present, but with extended, it's always a muddled mess. If that's the case, how was there ever a problem of the pact NOT being able to be ended? Heck, the game says that the pact "weakens" after Lekain died-- which seems to mean that if both parties are dead, the pact shouldn't be working at all. It's just so needlessly "ughtastic" and messy. It's like it tries to justify Lekain's stupidity of actually carrying the pacts with him by acting like it'll only work if you have it physically on you, but that didn't stop Sanaki from using it haha. That Ashnard bit you wrote? Hilarious.
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