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Everything posted by Augestein

  1. I don't think you should drop it altogether, as it really doesn't make sense-- plus, like most things, if you drop it cold turkey, you'll come back to it later full force if you indulge on your previous behaviors. Instead, I'd just branch out on things you do instead. Instead of playing video games, or Fire Emblem in this case, why not go on a jog? Or draw your favorite characters (thus acquiring a different hobby outside of video games)? I don't think that video games are a waste of time-- they are yet another method of relieving stress. It's when you start ignoring your other responsibilities that this becomes a problem.
  2. Seth knows, and he's also the highest rank of general for the Kingdom or Renais. Heck, he's aware of things that Eirika and Ephraim aren't, like the power of their bracelets. So that's not an entirely fair estimate there. And at least when Vigarde does things like put Valter as a general, people respond with a "WTF is this nonsense!?" Sort of response. It's less in your face, because people basically storm off irritated by such actions, and are immediately ousted like Duessel, Glen, or Natasha, or locked away like Knoll was. It's awesome. Man, this topic is making me wonder why they didn't just get the Sacred Stones guy back.
  3. The thing isn't just a "main character do shit" story. The issue is that there's no explanation for WHY a character does shit in them (Corrin included). So you see stuff happen, and you're just kind of like... "What?" This was present in a myriad of other Fire Emblem games, but at least there's flimsy explanation somewhere. take Zephiel in FE6, your response is "that's a little extreme" when you find out his plan, but you can rationalize it somehow based on the dialogue and lure given in the game. However, something like Nergal not blowing up all of your characters is a "what?" in the same way as Fates works because you're not entirely sure why Nergal doesn't. He just doesn't. Which is no good for a story, because you can't really comprehend what's happening when you see stuff happening, but you can't fathom why the event just occurred. The weird part is that Fates isn't even hard to fix.
  4. The thing is, is that whether you like it or not, a hellish job is better than no job. That's the issue. If the situation is that bad, you can't pick and choose your "ideal" job. You just need to find one first-- once you have one, then you can be a bit more picky about the next job(s), as you have some actual stability. With that, you can secure a more ideal job and with better pay to boot. It's kind of ugly, but that's simply what you're going to have to do. It's honestly part of being an adult-- putting up with tasks and things you may not want to in order to get things that you need to do. The only time to actually say "no dice" in a situation like that is when it's illegal or the job actually will kill you, or even if the job is too shady to seem profitable. Sometimes it doesn't exist doesn't matter. Sometimes it does. When it comes to job hunting, you have to take a "nothing ventured, nothing gained" sort of stance. Otherwise you can't actually get a job if you never really TRY to get one. Saying what you're saying takes this distinctly disjointed thought process that I'm like... Not in the same plane of existence where I have to put up with the same aspects. An organization CAN help you, but most people don't really take note that these same organizations can HARM you if you don't know enough about them. I'm not saying "don't get help" but at the same time, a person isn't so powerless that they can't take their own initiative in small strides. I'm not on disability for instance, but I accepted a job that I needed when I had a leg injury as well as a back injury from childhood traumas because I needed the money. The businesses I worked for, some died, some still live, and here I am at a job with a decent salary where I can easily take care of myself on my own with no assistance. And ironically enough, the job I got was through a phone call-- the job hunt was long and tedious, but eventually I got one. That's not to say everyone will, but... There's no reason to fret-- the problem anyone faces here is a common one, and things have a way of working out for everyone so long as society at least perceives effort. And exactly, jobs are really the only way to move towards helping-- even if your conditions can help in other ways, they don't generally cover enough. If you're with your family, you can at least do things like help around the house while you search for your job. It's a hell of a lot better than just sending you a 90 days eviction notice and telling you to GTFO after 90 days with no real care in the world. Because a threat isn't actually carrying out the action, and a 90 days eviction notice you can't really do anything against. And I can understand the fear from a parent. Imagine if the parent were to simply die the next day. They have to pass on knowing that their child absolutely CANNOT take care of themselves. The frustration is understandable, because the father may also feel some self-loathing as well because he may be reflecting on what he's done wrong while raising the child. So it might not just be frustration at the OP, but himself as well.
  5. You should try getting a job that doesn't require a lot of communication. Try something like a warehouse or being a dishwasher at a restaurant. Heck, your local library could even have a page job, and that job doesn't require much communication. Heck, some even discourage you from talking ot others when doing it. Your dad sounds like he's more frustrated with you than anything else. He's not handling your lack of initiative well, and honestly, neither are you. He can't make you do anything, but he can put some pressure on you to try to make you work harder. You need to explain to him that you can't spend all day doing chores or you can't search for a job and get an interview, but you need to honestly show proof that you are searching for a job. I understand that it's tough, but all that can be said is that you'll have to push through it. Especially if you don't have money.
  6. What kind of sprites? Would you mind fixing mine up in the aftermath? I'm just no good at spriting FE style portraits. I want it to look good... PM if you can.
  7. It's easily one of the best supports in the series. It makes you want to see what the hell the rest of the conversations are going to be while keeping the characters in character...
  8. I should mention that I'm not fond of Jakob and his son. It's pretty... Bad. A lot of the parent - child I've gotten so far have been pretty lackluster. Shiro's is pretty solid though.
  9. If we're doing inequalities, I'd go like this: Eliwood > Eirika > Ephraim > Lyn > Roy > Hector. I like all of them, as I don't find any of them particularly bad, but I feel that Eliwood and Eirika are much better than the others.
  10. Shiro. He's actually pretty solid. Least fave? Kana. Eww...
  11. I don't mind movement hindrance, as long as you don't have the rain happen like... Every other turn. And yeah, I'm working on him... Don't laugh when I finish. DX
  12. This. Yes. This. Garon not being evil would have definitely helped there.
  13. Azura dies in the end. A hit classic. I'd read it. I really want to like Azura, but I just don't see how they could have left her alive that long not saying anything. I'd have loved it if Corrin was the one to seal the deal for her death in Conquest and Birthright. It'd make it better, as she could have been like "No Corrin! Don't do this! " And Corrin yells back that (s)he's made up her/his mind, and then just cleaves her in two. Might seem out of character? Well... I don't think Corrin should be above killing people and have magical "I deplete your hp to 0 but don't kill you powers."
  14. Which is sad, because all you had to do is let Azura die in both Conquest and Birthright. Not only would have made people want to save Azura in the 3rd route , but it'd actually preserve her character integrity. Xander is a bit harder to excuse, but again, you can be of the mind that he was torn between duty for his kingdom and embellishing to his personal desires. Heck, you have some supports like Elise x Arthur even addressing this fact.
  15. But (s)he does actually question about the sword bomb in Conquest. As soon as (s)he gets back. So I can't really complain about that. What's wrong with Conquest is that you have Corrin doing the father's work just fine and the game has Garon yammering about how he needs to make Corrin suffer... For unclear reasons. Or why Garon is even so irritated when Corrin returns rather than actually surprised that Corrin has returned. And Azura is the main problem with Conquest for me by far. Corrin being ineffective at outwardly opposing Garon isn't the problem. The problem is that every one of his/her siblings are like "yep, Garon is trash, but we can't do anything about it... Yet." Which really doesn't make much sense, as the implications in the game seem to be that Nohr started the war, but all the royalty sans Garon are kind of against it, so it's questionable why anyone is even doing things humoring Garon.
  16. Man I am sucking at this, maybe it'll take a bit longer. Oh, and my affinity for Mondo can be "Thunder" that's fine. Also, if you're looking for gimmick chapters, how about one where it rains, and the rain instantly causes some titles to become too wet to move through and become stuck if you are on those spots?
  17. Speed Corrin with Shrine Maiden. I had Miracle, Renewal, and with Nobility got quick healing levels and got to make friends with everyone to build up supports easier.
  18. Not really. Random critical hits in the early game aren't even bad at all. As long as the player isn't being rushed down by the enemies with high attack stats and evasion, 1-3 points of critical isn't so bad. Especially because it's not likely for anyone to instantly die to a critical spell. I mean unless they have like less than 16 hp, in which case, I'd wonder who'd even want to use that unit if it didn't have at least a couple of points of res. From an enemy monk, I'd expect them to have like... 5-6 (ie, 2 magic at level 1) atk. Honestly, assuming you aren't planning on keeping only 3 classes of mage, I'd actually do this: Monks = Res machines Anima = Balanced - with males having slightly higher speed / defense / hp, and females having higher mag / skill / res Shaman = offensively biased. probably the slowest of the classes, but the most skilled and bulky. Or make females glass cannons and the males tanks for variety on the enemies.
  19. Of course. I'm not disagreeing with you on it being the writer's fault, and there lies the problem with Fates: it's not well written which causes characters to have to act inhuman for the plot to work. Which is a shame, I like the idea of the two factions going head to head. The idea is good. But if we argue that way, then we should only judge the characters based on what they look like really. And really Xander doing what he does is bad, but far more forgivable of a sin than Azura keeping quiet for no reason. There's at least something of an excuse of Xander. For Azura? It's actual corporate greed and no excuse in game for Azura outside of that. That's the issue. But really, not all is bad for Fates though. I find the characters in this better than Awakening for instance. Oh, and Conquest is really fun, and it's nice to see such an upgrade from a sequel. For once, I think I can say pretty much everything is better gameplay wise from Awakening.
  20. The mindset was that they weren't supposed to be fighters. As a unit, this is pretty lousy, for lore it's fine. You really don't fight many generic monks anyways. If you plan on making them more frequent enemies, I think what I did with them was made them have super res. Think like knights/generals except as a magical unit. It basically forces you to have to use some sort of dedicated mage slayer to take them out.
  21. Which still causes problems, because we're back to problems that rival Radiant Dawn's blood pact. We need more information. It's a great deal to assume the context of a conversation to force the plot to work. We have to guess the context of the conversation. Regardless, it STILL doesn't work, because that means that when they are actually physically in Valla, Azura should be able to give a better answer besides the avoidance of the questions that she does. The conversation is the most rigid way of avoiding the conversation I've ever seen. Revelations shouldn't have existed, and Conquest should have had the goal change after they arrived in Valla and basically been the rest of revelations from there. The story would have worked much better, and there would have been more conflict between the siblings between the two factions doing it this way. No. I'm assuming the world doesn't exist in a void where things only happen the second the player starts playing. And why would it even matter at that point? Conquest Corrin would be WAY better off abandoning Nohr mid war than Revelations Corrin that literally starts out with no one but Azura, and the maid/butler. There's no reason. Especially when Corrin is deceiving Garon the ENTIRE time. Actually judging her on these ones is more a judge of her than her supports or anything else. 2 out of 3 paths, she really doesn't do anything about it. Her record is already looking pretty bleak, but then they actually physically arrive on the land that she can tell Corrin what's happening, and ... Doesn't. Considering what's at stake, this is really bad. Which honestly doesn't give him much of a pass either. But even then, Xander's still makes far more sense as there's a huge difference between not wanting to kill your father and threatening the person that says that they want to basically take your father out, and refusing to reveal the information because... Reasons.
  22. And that leads to a how does she know that Vallies can only use it? The only person she knew from Valla was her mother, and from what we've gotten for information from Azura about her mother is that she didn't want to go back-- and died because she mentioned Valla to Azura. Regardless, if she saw Gunter in Valla, she could have been like "hey Corrin, Gunter is still alive!" And then had him/her jump through the bottomless Canyon to save him because the theme of Fates seems to be "Corrin will believe anyone." It's still mind blowing how stupid that is executed. It shouldn't. The whole game Corrin has been saying "I don't want us to fight Hosido." and it doesn't stop her from doing exactly that in Revelations. You know, not fighting Hoshido? Azura being around is just awful for the plot Which completely compromises Azura's character and makes her undeniably one of the most horrid characters in the game. She doesn't try to do anything until someone absolutely hits rock bottom? Do you even care Azura? They could have at least had her say "I'm too scared to do it alone." I'd even sort of acknowledge that, but as it stands, she just doesn't say things because she doesn't feel like it. For instance, it takes Xander to pretty much lay out on the table that Azura and explain how Azura isn't actually truly Nohrian. Not Azura despite being in the game several chapters earlier. Elise isn't some juggernaut that'd pound Azura to pieces for saying "we actually aren't sisters." Even when Corrin is aware they might not be, he doesn't open his mouth either. It's almost inhuman how much people don't speak in this game.
  23. Working on my guy now, but I'm kind of bad at Fire Emblem styled portraits, do you think anyone could touch it up afterward? I should be done with it on Monday.
  24. So I'm playing Conquest now, and I KNOW this isn't going to be a popular opinion... But... I think Azura should have died in every path that wasn't Revelations. I don't know how she would have died (on Conquest I do, have your characters arrive to see Azura get her blood smeared on the walls), but she should have never been permitted to exist in either path. It's absolute garbage that Azura has made almost 0 effort to convince Corrin so far about Valla. They freaking warp to Valla and the curse itself couldn't affect them there, and you know what she does!? Not tell anyone about it. Even worse, is that this plot revelation makes me even more annoyed with Revelations (that was the first one I played), because if she can warp through water, why in the world did she NOT do this earlier with Corrin? Was she just not feeling like it? Where did she get that crystal ball? Man... What happened? The plot was okay from 1-14, but I can already see it cracking to pieces in the same vain as the crystal ball. At the very least, if Azura isn't going to be alive, then make her the big bad or something manipulating everyone else to do her bidding. Heck, you know who should have been the final boss with how poorly this story is thought out? I mean... At least it's kind of humorous. Man, I'm really bored.
  25. Honestly the soldiers were the only thing that stuck out to me as having obnoxious defense, and it was almost to the point of being funny.
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