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Everything posted by Augestein

  1. I'm torn. Units like Eliwood are the type that I think are the best stat wise. Not terrible, but not particularly powerful either. On the other hand, Corrin has something that makes her/him good IMO. Corrin being the main lord is a good step to hopefully paving the future for how the lords are designed. Variable. I like that Corrin has the choice of any class you want. It essentially means that you can build your team around what you want as a player rather than what the game forces you to have. What I mean is this, most units that are lords are locked with swords, so as a player, you're naturally more inclined to use units that balance this out-- ie, pick an axe user over another sword user unless the axe user is terrible. Corrin's idea is kinda weeding that out potentially. If it weren't for the Noble Prince/Princess classes being locked with weapons, this would be better (especially with getting the Yato as a sword still encourages you to choose a sword using class). Next FE game, I'd like them to keep the lord as the customization character, but make their preferred weapon something you choose to be honest. Especially if the lord is going to keep having a unique class. I'd rather them do something like: Choose appearance, boon, bane, weapon, and subclass(es). Then on promotion have a choice of gaining an additional weapon or a critical boost for your first weapon. Just so you could do unique things like FINALLY make a cleric lord if you wanted , or have critical boosted tomes.
  2. For Lunatic, I think it has the wrong idea of the random growths. Because you can't tell anyone's growths, all you can do is pick people that are good based off of bases or pretty much have godlike growths. You can't get a bad level and then reset to get a more average one, and in lunatic, the growths matter more than they ever do in other modes. If Lunatic was going to do what it did, I think they should have added one more interesting dynamic. Forced stat ups on levels. IE, if you're a paladin, ever 3rd level or so, you WILL get a speed stat regardless of growths etc. That way, if your characters are headed in directions you don't like growth wise, you can do something about it outside of just pumping your character full of stat boosters or dropping the unit, or leaving them as a permanent pair up bot. It doesn't really make much for strategy with a unit when your idea with them is: "ignore them."
  3. I actually don't like the way Shurikens are in Fates. They are too strong in my opinion. Way too strong. Knives are my favorite weapon (Tellius RD style) primarily because I actually know how to use them IRL so I have a bias. Mechanically I do like the idea of them though, they are for units that are super combat oriented for the most part, so there's a reason they don't have the best style of weapons. It's an interesting balance choice.
  4. No. The solution is you make a character "Marc" with the skill "motivation" that drains his stats every time he doesn't get a kill, but gives him stats every time he gets a kill. Thus forcing Marc to have to keep going forward as quickly as possible or risk himself dying from a lack of motivation.
  5. I actually thought that was neat myself too, I didn't even know that glitch existed to be honest. That's some of the reason I love ragefest so much because you get to see weird ideas like that with some rather interesting results. I'm actually really not surprised by the results of this though, some made a bigger ripple than others. Although, just a suggestion, since this one lasted a bit longer, maybe you should have a picture or artwork / montage as well with the descriptions for each entry so people can remember some of them better. I definitely enjoyed watching this, and it was easily one of my most anticipated things to watch. It was a trip.
  6. That's exactly the point. Anyone can join Joker as an agent of chaos. Even Joker finds that despicable and wanton destruction is pretty much the name of the game.
  7. You do realize that games sometimes have assets that are still in the game but are never used right? It's possible that the characters may have had these images but they were never needed to be called, and then the DLC actually calls the wrong ones. And localizations have definitely had glitches / oversights that the originals did not have. For instance, the easy mode glitch in Radiant Dawn glitch. Or Muarim being Ike's sister from Radiant Dawn. Both were present in the localizations that were not in the original. So there's no "I mean come on" here.
  8. This happens in game. Chapter 24: Ike Why appear now? Do you mean to tell me you purposely waited until the battle was over? Black Knight Hmph. I know how your mind works. I assumed you would attack the moment you saw me. But perhaps you've learned to judge the importance of time and place. Ike To a mercenary, nothing's more important than the contract between him and his employer. Black Knight Shall we call off our contest then? When you die here, you'll be in breach of contract after all. Ike That's not a problem. All I have to do is win... Ready yourself! Black Knight Hmph. Black Knight You're not as overly clumsy as I had feared. It is regrettable that your weapon is so poorly made. And then the game proceeds to immediately be stupid by saying it was his armor that was the reason that Ike can't win... Seriously? Why didn't he tell that to Greil? Or fight him in unblessed armor? Ugh...I hate the black knight. However, I agree that Ike's plot should have been a subplot and that Elincia should have been the hero of the game. Game spends to much time riding Ike rather than everyone else. Ike shouldn't even be the main character, deuteragonist at best, but ideally a tritagonist, being less important than Titania, the actually commander of the mercenaries and Elincia, the whole reason anything is even happening. He doesn't want to be a lord initially, and this pretty much happens. He does initially refuse. Sanaki Hold! I am most definitely NOT through with you. Ike Huh? What did I do now? Sanaki You're as impudent and impatient as ever. Heed me, Ike. If you are to help lead the Crimean Liberation Army, you must be given a more appropriate title. Ike If you're talking about making me a noble, I'll decline, thanks. That's not my kind of thing. Sanaki You are not in a position to refuse. Giving some nameless mercenary control of Begnion's troops would be...problematic. And more importantly, it would affect the troops. You will resign yourself to this and receive peerage from Princess Elincia. Ike What? No, wait! This is absurd...Blast! Of all the foolish... Elincia I'm...sorry about this. If you're absolutely opposed to it, I won't force you. Ike No, I have to do what's necessary. What am I supposed to do now? Put on a funny hat or something? Elincia Um, will you...lend me your sword? Thank you. Now, may I ask you...to kneel before me? Elincia Th-thank you. All right... Let me begin. In the name of House Crimea, I hereby grant you the title and rank of lord and all the honors it conveys. Rise, Lord Ike. Elincia It is done.
  9. The only way this could be done right is if he was pretending to work for Hydra the whole time. It's quite literally the only way. In which case, it's still stupid because he'll just reveal "haha! But I was a double, DOUBLE agent!" Stuff like this is absurd, and it doesn't do anything but turn people away even more if they weren't already.
  10. Voted. I kind of wanted to leave comments, but I guess this'll suffice.
  11. I don't think it's too selfish to be honest. The shining series is a "shining example" (pun intended) of this. The first 3 were SRPGs. Then came the PS2 version and suddenly it was a hack and slash. At first everyone thought it was a spin off, and then the next one was a hack and slash, then another one... And another... And another ... And ANOTHER, seriously!? WTF happened here? They went from being pretty solid SRPGs to really mediocre at best hack and slash games.At best, all we got was a remake of the first one on the GBA. I'd rather see an IP put to rest than see it "evolve" into something no one really wanted that caters to an entirely different crowd (as even as a hack and slash / beat 'em up, it failed to whet my appetite and I like those style of games). It'd be like seeing the Mother series turn into an action series. It'd be a far cry from the original vision, and I'd rather see it become a new IP rather than a simple cash in on the name. That way, at least from a new IP, you get two different styles of game-- with the possibility of liking both I might add, instead of having your old favorite series / series you liked change into something else that you might not like anymore.
  12. This looks like it could be pretty fun. But why new portraits if it's our old pals?
  13. So how much of the source will we be able to mess with when it comes out? Really that's all I care about. If it's well documented, I'm sure I can implement anything I don't have naturally.
  14. Rage Fest V : Marc of the Beasts . You know, Marc... In a sea of beasts that he must overcome? No... Well that's all I have for now. For me: Ragefest Award - Emblem Warriors - Clear cut objective placed out at the beginning of the map, and the rules were laid out. The quirky mechanics caused you to have to play in a style that was different to typical Fire Emblem-- ie, using 1 strong unit isn't just enough, because people have to be able to capture the maps and maintain them until the next set of doors were open. Even in the original version where Marcus was too strong (I can reveal this now, Ephraim added that Marcus thing with the base stats in the version that you played Marc, the version I play tested this was not there). Inventor Award - Emblem Warriors - Seriously, you could make an entire game off of this. It's literally a combination of Advanced Wars and Fire Emblem. Honestly, if you turned the units generic, and added some sort of caveat to it for what class captured it determined the spawn rate and types of enemies, this would be amazing. Memes Award - Angel of Darkness - Honestly, Revengence has enough references to your old stuff to keep the narrative relevant to what it was, but it's biggest thing for me is trashing the money man in a way that was unexpected and hilarious. Of course, Lord Wolfram's might actually be the best now that I think about this, because it caused them by accident. Halberdiers! HALBERDIER! THE BUSH! THE BUSH! Cantoforce. The hero being rescued to survive in the end... Yeah. Angel of Darkness definitely deserves this. Strategist Award - Arrow of the Wind I felt this one had you spending more time maneuvering around thinking about the enemy movements and how thehy would react to your moves more than any other submission. In that regard, I think it deserves the strategist award. You were thinking more than 2-3 turns ahead and needed to in order to win. Artist Award - Tale of Purt - The artwork was nice, there were plenty of portraits that were custom as well as custom animations. Although Trapped in Painful places overall has my favorite with Titanwood, I feel purt had more things overall. Painful places would definitely be 2nd though. Jester Award - Arrow of the Wind (seriously, Sane in the membrane had me laughing as well as the archer nightmare). I felt the jokes used here were well delivered, and pretty funny. There wasn't a ton of humor, but where there was, I didn't feel any misses. Sadist Award - F*EXE - I think this one goes without saying. Popular Pick Award - Ragefest Revengence will probably be the most popular. Kogasa Award - Marc's Precious? I mean I know it's technically disqualified but come on, your reaction to those green units was pretty priceless.
  15. I might give it a try, but I really don't see that going very well for anyone. Original one really isn't that hard to do. There's too many strong base stat units for it to a real problem.
  16. Nightmare has the problem of remembering the module names EXACTLY as they were in the file location. If you ever saved modules to open up automatically with a ROM, this is a possibility if you moved your ROM or modules to another location that Nightmare wasn't expecting. If you can't remember where you placed these files originally, the best solution is simply to name your ROM a different name. IE, if your original file was named "Kill_Marth," and you had the character editor open up, you need to change "Kill_Marth" to say... "Kill_Jeigen." Or place the module folder back into the original location.
  17. Face rubbing was dumb and a waste of time anyways. I would have never used it outside of the affection boosts. I don't now what they were thinking with that feature.
  18. It makes no difference. Revelations was my first path.
  19. It's a reboot of the classic iconic movie "Ghostbusters." It was going to get attention the closer it got to release time whether it looked bad or good. Back in the day, there was a cartoon series, games, toys, mugs... The whole 9 yards. This wasn't some obscure movie that no one had heard of nor watched. But this movie doesn't just say "It's a continuation," it has the gall to say "Oh, the other ones didn't happen." It takes that step beyond just being bad, it looks bad, and then has the nerve to tell you that you, the viewer, suck for not liking it. It'd be like taking something like Terminator, throwing out all of the established continuity, and making the terminator a woman, and "Sarah" Conner into a man, while putting in about as much effort from a movie where you flop the sexes of the characters. I mean, everyone is looking forward to Rogue One for instance and it has a woman as the protagonist of the movie. So to even make weak arguments like that only demonstrates a level of bigotry that is almost unparalleled in the last couple of years for Hollywood movies. I mean really, people are ALREADY still in the "ENOUGH WITH THE REMAKES AND REBOOTS" mentality, so making a remake and then trying to pass it off as people are misogynistic is really stupid-- and assumes your only viewers and naysayers that are vocal are men, which is more sexist than a possible misogynist that doesn't like the movie. Women can dislike movies that have women protagonist(s).
  20. That's good to have the full list, I do honestly think that you shouldn't have opinions in there though or how people received it as that could moderately influence things. For instance, I thought Arrow in the Wind was pretty funny even if other people didn't. Also, anti awards are a terrible idea IMO. People might actually aim for it. Example, at my old job, there was a contest to get coworkers to talk more often. There was a 1-3 and last place prize. Everyone aimed for the 1-3, I took a gamble and aimed for the lower price. The last place prize was better than 2 and 3, and debatable if it was better than the 1st. Let's think about this, would you really want people to aim for anti-Jester awards AND anti-Artists awards? On their own? Maybe it wouldn't be so bad, but a combination of those could be pretty deadly to the palatable nature of a winning ragefest submission-- or even an average one. Or even one that you'd want to play through.
  21. The problem is that it's not clever at all. It's just stupid. People can see through that garbage really easily, and is only going to possibly risk and cement that all of these people will have terrible careers from here on out for participating in such a bad series of moves. It's completely arrogant, and I thought the movie looked bad before, but now? There's no way in hell I'm going to watch this trash.
  22. All of them. They give random silly skills based off of the character. Like Mario let's your character jump over other units without wasting any movement.
  23. Indeed. Fates has taught me that you only pick one side. The other side should be destroyed. Unless you are willing to throw money out of your pocket.
  24. Wow... This hack is coming along swimmingly. Keep it up.
  25. That sounds like it could be interesting to play through I'm actually looking forward to that... You know, now that I think about it, I'm surprised at how calm I managed to be upon reaching that ending now that you point that out. I guess I was simply too relieved that it was done. Also, that Oddworld commentary is hilarious. I love how when you're like not so hot at a game EEW is really good at it. It's funny.
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