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Everything posted by Augestein

  1. Yes. The story is a mess, but the gameplay is good.
  2. It's not being edgy. I bought the game because people were saying it was the best of the series by far. I wasn't impressed. I actually skipped on SD and Heroes of Light and Shadow because I didn't like the direction the series was going in RD with the power bloat. Awakening is even WORSE than RD in that regard. Fates on the other hand, goes out of its way to address many of the issues that were present in Awakening from a gameplay perspective. The reason it "saved" the franchise is because Nintendo actually decided to do this thing where they advertise for the game and people actually know it exists. It may have become a major IP now for Nintendo, but I think that speaks volumes for how terribly their other IPs are doing at the moment. As a SRPG it sells pretty well, as a game in general? It's not even coming close to other AAA titles. Most of the issues you'll see in Awakening don't even crop up in a game where you just don't give a whit about anything in the game and play on normal-- which is what most people would play anyways. I've definitely played worse than Awakening, but it doesn't deserve the praise it gets. The story I thought it is pretty bland, but I don't care if the gameplay is good. Some of my favorite games have practically no story. This topic is about story, it's not even the game itself.
  3. OH man, how did I miss this? I played some of this. It's so over-the-top it's hilarious.
  4. I'm insistent on it because an updated old skill is a much better system than having a move just needing to be thrown away. Take something like say Dragon Age Inquisition. One of the good things about it is that it actually removes a ton of garbage moves that appeared in the earlier installments that were either filler moves or not a good enough concept to last usefulness for more than a couple of moments. Filler moves don't add depth. They add an annoyance factor and are overwhelming for people that may not be particularly good at the game. Equips aren't in the same boat as skills because equips are meant to be disposable. They are akin to items. You use them and then you're done. The skills on the other hand are supposed to be abilities from the class. It doesn't really make much sense for a skill to just be rendered obsolete like that. We aren't talking an archer that upgrades to a sniper. We're talking about a skill that can be accessed by other people so it's pointless once you reach the level outside of stacking for 11 battle damage on a user initiated battle. And quite literally, this problem is only in existence because of the skills system that the 3DS uses. The way the 3DS version works of saying "5 skills no more" forces each skill to be on a system where each skill has the same weight. In no world where I have aggressor would I have Quick Draw. That's not good, because it means that the majority of skills are dump skills. That's the only reason there are even "bad" skills in the first place. Good balance of skills are things like Duelist Blow versus Air Superiority. AS is stronger against flying opponents, but only if you're against fliers, but worthless against everything else, while Duelist Blow works on everything. And even then, what you're saying still doesn't address things like the Samurai class having straight up good skills the whole way through. Aggressor versus Quick Draw could be balanced simply by having QD work always and Aggressor require 1 range only. If you keep reclassing, skills need more balance between them instead of just having "lame skills that you only have one until you inevitably get good ones." Skills being better than others isn't necessarily a problem in and of itself. For instance, in a world with no reclass? This could be a great way to balance units , characters, and classes. But in a world with reclass? It causes some noticeable problems. They could make like Fates and simply not have Wrath in the game. And yes they can, Vantage + Wrath requires you to be at low health, while a skill like Quick Draw for instance works every single time you attack. Elbow Room + Quick Draw is + 7 damage and works every time you attack and gives + 3 on counter attacks as well. Even if some combos might be better, it's better that there's some here or there that happen to be better rather than skills where it's clear there isn't even an attempt.
  5. Stats on a first playthrough, and after that, personality / looks. I use Gordin because I like him for some reason, not because he's actually really good. Then there are some like Maribelle that are shaky but I always use them because I like them.
  6. I don't have much to say on this except: "it's a sad day when a 'non-black' mother has to worry about her 'black' sons moving about the town for no other reason than the color of their skin."
  7. When a move can effectively be duplicated, I fail to see how it's broken. It's not as though you don't have roughly 10- 12 units you can use. Which is absolutely pathetic for even considering that broken. 1 turn? 1 turn is what we're counting as a broken skill? By showing that it's a powerful skill, but it's certainly not gamebreaking. Things like Rafiel's Chant and Dances that hit all surrounding units are closer to broken than this because it just plain makes an effect that isn't able to be duplicated, and unlike GaleForce, it doesn't require that your first move always be "kill an enemy." Canto is almost the same thing-- worse in some aspects. You said it was all about the positioning, and that's essentially what Canto allows. Especially when you attack an enemy phase enemy and kill it that's right in your face. You get full movement. And even worse, is that with RD canto, you don't even have to kill it, you can just move no matter what state the enemy is in. This is why enemy cavaliers with javelins are like the most annoying thing ever. Like 4 of them can attack you and just scoot off after a successful attack. That's stronger than Galeforce. Whiff an attack and the enemy criticals you? No problem, just canto away. Have a powerful enemy that you want more people to attack? No problem. Just have the people with canto attack first and then move away and allow another set to attack. If GF is broken, then Canto is most definitely falling in the same realm of broken. I don't think Canto is broken, but I DO think it's an unfair advantage that mounted units have over non-mounted units. GF has a stipulation behind it, Canto does not. In that regard, Canto is most definitely stronger than Galeforce. Even without being able to kill two enemies in one turn. Reclassing isn't the issue. It's the way we get skills now. It's lackluster. Having them tied to your level and the current class is just dreadful. Reclassing existed in FE11 and FE12, and there were no skills, and it was fine. The reason it's stupid is because the game basically says "you must reclass to get a full set of skills." Minimum. That's dumb. This is a fine idea IMO, but at this point, I feel reclassing should stay in. It's fixed itself over time and has made each set of reclasses personalized enough for each character that it's actually interesting in my opinion. If they were free like they were in FE11 and FE12, it'd be even better. What needs to be fixed is their skill acquiring system. It's bad. Which is why they need a more accessible skill system. It doesn't even make sense that the final skill of the class is obtained at level 15 of a promoted class. That's preposterous. Not all units even REACH those levels in a standard game. RDs mastery skills are just kind of bad mainly because they were all "you killed the enemy." Style moves. Even worse, is that in our current system, you must class change at least once to obtain a full set of skills. You start with your base class 1, and then get another skill, and then promote. At level 5 you get 1, and then at 15, the 2nd one. That's bad, and while you'll gain your secondary skills, if you marry or A rank, you can't get all of the skills without an Eternal Seal. Bad, bad, design here. And yeah, I agree the postgames suck. New Game+ in Fire Emblem would be interesting. That's where they should bring in Lunatic+ IMO.
  8. Yes. You kind of already got this with Paralogues and enemies leveling up based on how many chapters you've done.
  9. Yeah, they do. But I think you kind of missed my point here. Let's take something like say, Vantage. Vantage is a level 10 Samurai / Myrmidon skill. It's better than say, again Camraderie ( I know I keep picking on it, but it's just the easiest example to make my point), and both are level 10 skills with their classes. As a matter of fact, Vantage is good enough to be used as an endgame skill. We aren't talking about something like Elbow Room versus Strong Riposte, where ER is forced to not be in terrain (which is generally good), and SR is able to be used anywhere so long as there's an enemy that can attack you and your character can counter attack so they are about equal. We're talking about lopsided skills like these ones. I guess you could make skills like Vantage obtainable later, but it's honestly a problem for skills in this game. Most RPGs have skills directly upgrade, they don't just get thrown away on the account of being worse. Having skills that become useless is the staple of a poorly designed game, not a good one. And with capacity, they aren't necessarily. It's just that with capacity, it enables someone to have a ton of little passive skills and goodies, or have more powerful skill combos but less skills. It's an honest decision that could be made. Fire Emblem 3DS does have some sort of capacity system. The limit is exactly 5 skills. The issue with why some skills are even bad is because it just says "5 skills." So naturally, you're going to put on the absolute best. There's no reason to ever consider anything less than the best in such a system. Which was a problem with the numbers chosen for the skills themselves for capacity, not the capacity system itself. It's sort of like a problem in RD, is that there weren't enough skills to actually buy and equip without removing several character's personal skills (and thus forever removing the free skill that initially start with). I liked the system in RD, it just needed a bit more refinement IMHO. 2-3 skills per character? Yeah, and this was a problem of the stupid Mastery skills because the stupid things were locked on characters and then ended up costing an absurd 30 capacity (although like two of them costs 25 IIRC). Add Shove to that, and you ended up with 30-35 capacity taken up from nothing but locked skills that the player couldn't remove. That's more than half the capacity applied to the player for a standard Beorc unit, and for a Laguz, it's half of it. This is especially stupid when you see units like Micaiah that get Sacrifice for free, but then get useless moves like Shove that she'll never really be able to make use of. That's not the fault of the capacity system itself, but rather the idiocy of having forced skills cost something. We can both see why that's stupid. However, if you were able to take off these "powerful" mastery skills and put on other things, the system would have been great. Much better than what we have here. You could either go for a bunch of smaller skills to stack up on a unit to give them a niche instead or go for your standard type of unit with a proc, and then weaponfaire, breakers etc. When discussing mechanics, we have to be careful to not fall into the trap of counting poor decisions made with systems as actual attributes of the system itself. Like Rescue, I don't think it's a bad system in and of itself, but I don't see much of a point of it if Pair Up exists and believe that Pair Up is overall superior to Rescue. I'm really not seeing much benefits to Rescue over Pair Up. Because without something like canto on mounted units, I'm pretty much never going to use it. That's honestly what I remember from another SRPG that had pair up options. The defender could either try to parry and risk taking full damage, or just block and take reduced damage in general. That's probably all it really needs to make it a bit more balanced. But this might be more of a problem with the clustered designs of some FE maps tbh. Doing things like having lunge ninjas jammed on one side of the map is terrible design IMO which is more why we have problems with just using dual guard so you don't get destroyed by things like that.
  10. Chrom, Lissa, Frederick for starters. Chrom starts out fine, and by part 2, his arc about becoming a good king just kind of stops. It gets hi-jacked by Robin's plot and goes nowhere. Lissa has this whole inferiority complex that she believes she's not actually part of the Exalted family. Yet, the game barely even touches upon it. And bear in mind that Lissa is for all intents and purposes our female lead for all of part 1. Frederick: we barely learn anything about this guy. He seems older than Chrom, but not much older, we don't know his history or anything , when he started or served, and he seems to have this bit of a grudge with Robin at the start for being suspicious, and it never goes anywhere. He calls Robin suspicious and then immediately trusts him afterward-- the supports don't help either. Without DLC, the entirety of what happened in Lucina's future is ridiculously unclear. We know some things happened and can gather that Lucina made events move faster, but it's just awkward all around. Just to name a few. These are our main characters, and we really don't learn much about them. Chrom starts out as a nice guy, and then... Nothing. He becomes a support character in his own game. The vents are so disjointed across the 3 parts that Chrom doesn't really have any personal feelings outside of Part 1. He just does them because he's stuck on a train that he can't leave. Even worse is the only opinions we get about he feels about things is that he likes Robin as a friend / lover.
  11. Rout: Which as you've stated positioning is key here. So how is Galeforce somehow broken when Canto let's you move as well? The only difference is that Canto doesn't grant full movement. But a dancer allows you to attack again anyways-- something that's easier to do with canto than without. It's still better than shove in this regard as well. Fates doesn't let you get support at all. It means that you can't even be next to a unit as well. Which in a world with canto, I'm not seeing how Galeforce is doing much more. Because when are earth are you going to run all the way back for full movement from the enemies? By the time I have Galeforce, I have Rescue staves and Physics. Which was what FE4 Canto could do. If we're going with FE9 / FE 10, it really doesn't matter here either. You know why? Because all you'd have to do is warp / rescue staff someone else. This doesn't even need Galeforce. That's literally the exact thing you do to beat the chapter before the last in Revelations in 1 turn. Skills like Pass enable this as well. Nothing you said here even required Galeforce. All forms of canto are strong. So I really don't see the point of getting hung up on the "free action" of FE4. It allows you to kill a unit and move again whether forward or backward. The only difference with Galeforce is that you can go again. Galeforce in and of itself is only really powerful when every unit can do it. Vengeance / Vantage is a powerful combo and it barely even got scratched for proc rate. The issue with Galeforce was that it was everywhere. Vengeance / Vantage is far more powerful than Galeforce as with Rally Skills and tonics, you can realistically push a unit to have enough skill to pretty much always proc. Honestly I feel like skills like Wary Fighter are stronger than Galeforce. Wary Fighter basically gives the speed stat a huge middle finger and allows the unit to function perfectly fine even if it had a speed of 0. Sure, it won't dodge, but it's not ever being doubled. Your examples assume that the person literally doesn't play the game until they grind. In Awakening, on a normal playthrough without gunning for skills, I might have like 1-2 units that have Galeforce. And without things like procing abilities, dual strikes, ... You know, the actual death of the enemies, Galeforce is worthless. But that doesn't suggest anything that has to do with me talking about capacity and skill systems for classes with units getting different things instead of everyone having Rescue / Shove / Canto based on if they are mounted or on-foot. Nor is it addressing the fact that I said the reason that skills are so lackluster is because of the mediocre at best skill system that's currently present in 3DS Fire Emblems. Reclass systems don't cause this to happen. The skill acquisition system is what causes this. It's honestly bad in Fates. It's not worse than Awakening, but it's still bad. I think it's stupid to be tied to level. If it were up to me, I'd go back to FE11 and FE12 where you could reclass into any of your classes that you had without having to funnel out money for it. Hence why I said I'd rather the skills be tied to a capacity and based off of the unit itself. Eternal Seals only exist, because the idea of being locked out of skills is even more idiotic than being able to keep increasing your level. And grinding in Fire Emblem with DLCs and the like is an entirely different problem altogether.
  12. I honestly don't think Galeforce is broken. Having an entire team of people with Galeforce + Pair Up is broken (which is no longer possible in Fates version of Galeforce). The issue with Awakening Galeforce is that you could attack and kill, move and then switch, attack and kill, and then switch and then attack and kill again for 3 kills for a group of two units, and switch the glass cannon back into the backseat to prevent them from being attacked, provide dual strikes and dual guards as well. That was the problem with its original incarnation. Swiftness is literally move again after performing an action. IE, you can move but can't perform any actions again. No attack, no drop, no visits, nothing. Canto's (assuming it's the original version which I thought was being implied) was ridiculous. You could do ANYTHING after an attack so long as you weren't attacking again. This mean you could attack someone, and then kill move away and visit a town too. It's pretty strong as well. Even then, strong skills don't bother me, it's the abundance and commonness of them that's the main issue. Aether is strong no doubt, but the game doesn't have every character in the game able to get Aether-- or even a full team. I don't think it's such a bad idea to be honest. Some of the problem with the 3DS skill system now is that the skills are considered crappy is because the game says "5 skills, that's it." There's no care with how good or bad they are in the 3DS. They aren't balanced but ALL take up the same space. Something like Renewal is much stronger than say... Camaraderie. With a Tellius system in place, even if a person somehow grinded to Renewal and Camaraderie, there's solace in the fact that Renewal is stronger but takes up more space while Camaraderie is a weaker skill that takes less space. The reason these skills are If a person only has say 2 - 4 classes that they can get skills, buying skills from a barter / trainer would make sense in capacity. The games already discourage grinding in Fates with skill acquisition by having it learn skills as a greater than or equal to class level, and we can already sort of buy skills with My Castle. Capacity seems like the best way to make the skills that are weaker still have worth. That's not what people really use Shove and Rescue for though. Most people will do things like trade stuff with people rescued and move them with mounted units to be picked up by other mounted units resulting in all the walking unit and the mounted unit to be in similar positions. There's a net movement of items and unit spaces. Shove provides you with the ability to shove someone a space more than they normally could move. It's not even the protection that's needed there. That's not what people really use Shove and Rescue for though. Most people will do things like trade stuff with people rescued and move them with mounted units to be picked up by other mounted units resulting in all the walking unit and the mounted unit to be in similar positions. There's a net movement of items and unit spaces. Shove provides you with the ability to shove someone a space more than they normally could move.
  13. Well considering how little the game does to discern them, it's no wonder. By part 2, the ruler of Plegia IS Grimleal, and Aversa, a character that is with a Plegian is suddenly with a Grimleal. So really, this is one of those "show don't tell sort of things" where no one really flat out says that aren't one and the same.
  14. Well I mean, that doesn't make him right, it just means that Plegia as a country was massively underdeveloped. I mean, look at Daein, it's the "evil country," but you have characters like say Sothe, Jill, and Haar that are decent enough people , and some like Kilvas even understand the mentality of Daein for instance. Genocide is pretty messed up regardless, so for it even to be possible to see it in a favorable light just shows how little things were written.
  15. I actually don't mind the existence of canto. The problem is that Canto + Rescue is just straight up better than Rescue + Shove. That's why I was proposing the RD system to come back again, where it's a skill you can equip to allow for better distribution but isn't running around so rampantly on all of the mounted units. Imagine this if you will, your class gets free skills that you can learn, but you can also purchase skills to equip to a unit with them having a capacity for how much they can hold. Or even have a trainer that you can purchase that can teach moves to units every so often-- if they keep My Castle or anything like it, there's far more potential with stuff like that instead of just having pointless things like the hot springs for instance. Mounted units are already generally better if they can fight competently. Which is why I think it should be an actual bona-fide skill. Rescue isn't just "the ability to pick someone up." It's the ability to protect a person (possibly holding them), while still fighting. I don't feel like that should just be a free skill. Canto is the person being skilled enough to continue riding with their horse while performing another task-- truly using the fact that they are a skilled rider. With RDs skill system, you could even have something like : Pegasus Knights get Galeforce, Wyvern's get Canto, and horses get Swiftness (which would be canto + move again, but no attack again like Pegasus Knights). This means that all of the mounted units get some form of "move again," without them being the same flavor of move again. Cavaliers can pick people up and rescue chain-- makes sense with them getting Shelter as well, Wyverns can also pick people up and move again, but they can't move again after an attack like the cavaliers can, and Pegasus Knights can't move again after performing any action but a successful kill on an enemy. It's sort of like how I don't like how Fates implements capturing for instance. It's weird with it only being usable by 1 or 2 units depending on the route. Especially if you don't feel like using them. No, but unless your character is absolutely wretched, you're not bad either. Titania is one of the best units, Haar is the best unit, Jill is one of the best DB members, Oscar's no slouch either. The main people that are bad in RD that are mounted are bad because they have unfair times of appearing and not enough time to make up levels for their bases and growths-- Fiona being the prime example of this. Take someone like say... Marcia and switch her to be available as often as Nephenee for instance, and she's just straight up better than Neph.
  16. So are you simply planning on bulking up or getting into shape? Because it's entirely dependent on what your goals are. Really though, I do recommend what the 2nd poster said and go to a trainer first so you can get an idea of what you want to do with your body. But to answer your question, no I don't use protein powder anymore. I don't really need it too much if I eat the right foods.
  17. I don't recall him alluding to that. Just that he wanted rescue back. I actually like the differentiation of the classes and feel like things like that being skills actually makes sense. Bring back the capacity from PoR/RD for skills, and this could be much better because it denotes skills from the person that enables them to pick people up etc. Free canto IS kind of BS, because it pretty much makes mounted units just straight up better than foot units assuming that the unit can fight semi-competently. Shoving is far worse than rescue drop chaining. Canto is what makes rescue drop chaining so strong. Without it, it's not so bad, both skills are what is the problem.
  18. I agree with this. On it's own, RD has some really awesome moments: you have Part 2 (seriously, Part 2 is just so odd and different. It's strangely dark without feeling forced which makes me love it more), Part 3 is okay at base, but feels really rushed because... As a whole, the story is just a cluster of nonsense in the end of the day. And time travel stories don't sit well with me either, because it kind of lowers the stakes at any given moment, because if you lose, you know you can always go back in time until you set things right and win. Even with alternate dimensions, it only serves to denote the pointlessness of even fighting, because leaving to fix another timeline is essentially abandoning the old one. Even if you go back, it doesn't truly *fix* the suffering that everyone had in the first place (which was the reason you even time traveled in the first place). For me, I like the idea of Plegia on the account that the war was started from Chrom's dad being a not so nice sort of guy and the story, which was kind of nice instead of it just being the standard "some evil army appears and starts causing problems." But it's not developed enough in 10 chapters to actually matter.
  19. Avatars aren't marriage! Kris didn't get married and he was an avatar. We don't know if the existence of pair up means that marriage stays. Only real thing that can't be duplicated. Only mounted units could canto after using rescue, and I feel that canto should simply be a skill to come back: it hasn't. The cavalier restriction is a good thing IMO. It makes the mounts have more tangible differences between them. Rescue as introduced in Thracia wasn't in FE1-FE4 or FE11-FE14. I always thought it was ridiculous in the GBA games that a person could pick up a horse and a person riding it. It's so ridiculous. It's funny, but it's distinctly silly in that regard.
  20. Is she married yet? If not, try to get Dark Knight. Dark Knight is probably the best for her without hurting her performance too much. As one, she'd have 55% hp growth which is only 5% less than hero, but unlike hero, it doesn't hurt her magic growth at all, and in addition to that, it has more strength growth so it'd leave her with 30% str (that's 5% more than what she'd have as a Hero for instance), and would give her better defense growth as well. If you did that, it'd also give you time to build up tome weapon levels and then finally reclass her back into a strategist instead of a Maid, which would allow her to heal, learn strategist skills -- one of which would help others to take less damage from enemy attacks and do more damage as well. Malefic Aura and Inspiration result in +4 damage from magic attacks just for Felicia existing (+2 on physical still). then change back into Maid if you absolutely want to, but I'd just stop at strategist honestly.
  21. We have Rescue in Fates. It's Shelter. I love the implementation of Pair Up in fates. Good stuff. Although, I wish that there was a way to build up Pair Up bonuses even if the two don't get married. Perhaps they'll dump marriage next game and it'll be better.
  22. Very well. I was always raised as it being considered as both. Like how "back" can be a myriad of things as well. That said, let's keep focused on topic. We've strayed far enough.
  23. Augestein


    Good grief. That's expensive. you should try living in the east if you can find a job in the east. For the most part, it's less expensive unless you move really far up north to areas like New York. Maybe, but you can never tell. I don't think you're being arrogant at all. If anything, you're too hard on yourself. This little tidbit alone is some of the most selfless thoughts I've seen in a long time.
  24. I love Eirika's dress. It's stunning. I don't know why she's the Bride class, but it works for her.
  25. I used "female" because I was referring to it as something females sometimes do-- which is of, or not limited to age (as it was done from multiple ages, so I see no reason to say "girls and women of various ages from young and old"). I say "I'd wager" based off of what we're told from the behavior patterns. I'm not saying this is so. So I apologize I guess? As for abuse, it really doesn't matter in this case. If the OPs help isn't enough to help her leave or stop such habits much to his dismay, there's not much else he should do, and there's no reason to allow himself to be emotionally abused for her sake assuming she is being honest. I don't have time to devote to degrading a specific sex as pretty much all of my family refers to some unspecified group of females as "female" and some unspecified group of males as "male." It's a lot less to say than "boys and men" and "girls and women." I don't typically hang out on the Internet outside of here, so I don't know what new word suddenly developed new connotations overnight and became offensive. I'm not passing judgment. The main bulk of my post is "that's no friend, stay away from her." If someone really upsets the OP that much, the best option is to simply avoid them from now on. Not sure why you zoned in on the smaller tidbit at the end. Well that's a bit of an assumption don't you think? Typically doesn't mean that this is always done. And a rather egregious assumption (and just as offensive because of the implications you're applying here about me) as well. I refer to "female" and "male" when referring to age groups that are unknown. I'm not about to avoid using the blanket term because some people will become hyper aggressive and offended by the proper usage of a word.
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