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Everything posted by Augestein

  1. Well that's not entirely true, you already know of things that you do like in games, and things you don't like. That puts you effectively ahead of someone that's never played a game. Just take a step back and think about why you like and don't like these things and you're already going to be able to design a game.
  2. Yes and no. He should have flaws, but the game always flips them to either turn out to be things that don't hurt him at all, or end up helping him. Or people just give him a free pass. So "yes" he does have flaws, but the game just kind of ignores them so they don't really come across as flaws.
  3. I like the hair on Lilina. The cat honestly reminds me of an episode of Doug where the cat was yowling because she was spoiled rotten.
  4. You should put it in creative so people know what it is. I haven't heard of this, and honestly didn't know you until before this topic.
  5. Indeed. And if you fought back at that point, it'd hardly count as terrorism at that point.
  6. Aw... That is so cute. She's doing the same thing her father did.
  7. Yeah, I guess that IS their class up there. I was assuming that was their affiliation at first, not their actual class. So I guess knights are no longer a class and instead are lieutenants?
  8. I actually find the 1/2 hp to be a happy medium. It's not stupid like PoR in terms of power, but it's not kinda useless like RD. The best thing I found with it in RD was putting it on a unit with cancel and hoping both activated. With it made how it is here, you can rely on it to be there for you, and calculate that , dual strikes/guards and ensure that your unit will kill what it needs to, and block what it needs to as well. In Awakening though, Vantage wasn't overhyped too much I thought. Vengeance / Vantage was what people hyped up, and that was mainly because of its x2 proc rate meaning that all a person needed in theory was 50 skill to guarantee a proc. Or 46 with a rally skill, or 42 with skill and spectrum or 40 with a tonic and the former. Slap on maybe Rightful King and you'd need 30 (a skill that's rather dubious to use in most cases I'll admit). That's not even counting the bonus skill you'd get from a pair up either. Considering that this proc can pretty much wipe anything off the map for a double strike constantly procing skill, it's pretty absurd. Especially if you use brave weapons. I don't think there are many enemies that can survive 2 procs of Vengeance from half hp. Gets even worse when you consider dual strikes.
  9. Is Barth a hero? Or some new class? That doesn't quite look like the GBA hero sprite from where I'm looking. Also, Barth's portrait, I'm glad you left it, it always made me laugh. It's so weird looking.
  10. I also agree with people that say Paper Mario. Timed Hits are not needed, and you can even turn them off if you want. Regardless, you can beat the game without using them. I've done it before (hell, I've low leveled the game I love it so much). My suggestion would be an old school game "Castle of the Winds." It's really old, and it might be hard to get into now, but it's very simple and it has charm. It's also free now too.
  11. As a wee lad I believed that one could possibly outrun the sun if they tried hard enough. I used to be afraid of the dark because I always felt that monsters would manifest and "get me." I hated being home schooled after school from my mom, but now that I'm older, I understand why even if it made Gohan from DragonBall Z a character I could relate to.
  12. Eh. I'd say Erk still has stuff going for him. You can drop Serra if you don't like her and still have 2-3 healers in the meantime after Erk promotes and not have to grind out a WEXP rank for magic while trying to avoid S ranking a staff. Plus, he joins a bit earlier than Lucius, so he's more than likely going to have a bit of a level lead anyways and he's less brittle than Lucius as well.
  13. I don't know how Japan works, but why didn't they stop him beforehand then if they got this letter?
  14. Might actually be the reason that people are on the forums because they didn't have past that were too great. Or perhaps it's not really that people have darker past that are on forums but rather, we become more aware of the various messed up pasts people have because we talk to a wider range of people. I'm actually curious if someone has actually done research on that.
  15. With the introduction of Offspring Seals, they can be worth using if one of your characters is starting to fall behind in the campaign or has gotten particularly nasty level ups. Or in some character cases, the kid can be worth using because he's not similar classes to his parents so he can easily grab some nice skills. Shigure makes a good Falcon Knight Rally Bot IMO. Give him 4 Rallies and Amatarasu and he's a nice support unit all around.
  16. Oh, color blindness? Yeah, that's going to make it harder because you're always going to have to analyze the palettes. The head is the better option when it comes to 8-bit style portraits. Bigger body style portraits start looking very weird when they are that large. The larger a picture, the more detailed it should be, and 8-bit colors specifically go against that idea. As for the remix... I messed around with it a bit, (this isn't necessarily complete as is as I still have to remaster it and balance instrumentation), but I think trying to remix a song that's around 210 BPM is a bit too fast. I can't for the life of me not make this sound intense. THIS was the least intense I've made it so far keeping in mind that it's a remix. http://www.filedropper.com/powermastertech2 Do you have a bit more ideas about the world, the style of music you want? Because I couldn't really craft an identity with what I had. This isn't an insult either, it's just... This song I feel is coming out a little bit too intense for a theme song. I wouldn't mind just throwing the base theme you have out in favor of making a new one from scratch if I had more of an idea on the themes and style you want.
  17. Well the issue I think is that Greil himself is too strong to be left alive, and Ashnard isn't the type to retreat once he's on the battle field.
  18. I think that's more that the game has this weird insistence that Ike should be the main character rather than Elincia's comrade. Take a look at RD for instance, it'd be like having Sothe be the main character of Radiant Dawn rather than... Well Micaiah for the parts that they are in. Thus, the Black Knight is important to Ike, so it comes across as more important than Ashnard, because ultimately we have Elincia's quest as just a job for Ike. I honestly feel that the game should have had Elincia and Ike modes respectively.
  19. 3 points is a lot for speed. That's the difference between doubling and them not doubling as 3 is a pretty good threshold for enemies that you might miss out on doubling (even if 4 is the actually required number). It's huge. If we were talking about evasion it's not, but for offense it most certainly is. And no, Mist is hardly promoting at the same time as Marcia. Marcia will gain at least 1 level per chapter. Mist will be lucky to gain 1 level per chapter. Even assuming they did, Marcia would still promote first. Because both of them suck? Why would I give Mist a forged sword to watch her suck at attack when I can give that to well... ANYONE and they'd do better with it? I'm hard pressed to find actual promoted people that could suck less with a forged sword than Mist. Even with her having an energy drop and they don't. That's how terrible her attack is. Both of them suck and require an obscene amount of babying. If you promote Mist in a timely manner to where her mount could compete with Rhys, she's not hitting level 20. Period. Rhys usually isn't either, but it's more likely to happen than Mist. Doesn't matter. Mist with a forged sword is already reaching "not viable" statues, so we're already outside of that land of viability. We're giving them things that directly benefit them without slowing down our gameplay to obscenely slow levels. Mist isn't really going to support with Titania then. Titania wants Ike and Boyd, as Boyd wants extra defense and Titania appreciates the extra attack and not having to bother with slowing down with Mist because she runs slower than Boyd AND requires protection, which is already just plain worse. Rhys doesn't want Rolf at all. No one wants Wind if they can help it. And Rolf is no exception here. Not really. The soldiers can easily defeat her so she spends less time fighting and more time running away and healing herself rather than Ike. Wrath Ike makes the fight far less RNG garbage. Good luck having Mist not only attack for 90 points worth of WEXP, but also maintain the Sonic Sword for however many chapters it took for her to finally break that forge, remain viable on her offensive attacking, and if she broke the SS, get to an A rank in the meantime to get the Runesword. Okay, so I use it on Rhys with a thief band ensuring that his speed levels every 2 levels instead thus placing his speed at 15 (instead of 13) when he promotes, I then give him a speed wing which makes his speed 17, and he's actually decently fast. Yes. Especially for someone that's not terribly durable, is unlikely to finish things off which means she's going to eat damage to the face, has low skill, low damage output, and is facing weapon triangle disadvantage a lot of the time because of the crazy amounts of paladin spam. That's ignoring the fact that the biggest thing we have Mist for is healing. Fortunately, you don't have to hit to gain EXP, but that's not doing any favors for her. This is a point against her rather than for her. Because you're unpromoted more than you're promoted, and her best supports are all mounted units or people that run like mounted units. Of which Resolve does a great job of that on its own. I'd never give Ena Vantage / Wrath. She's pretty bad. Hardly worth keeping those two skills off for that long.
  20. Dependent on the game. In a lot of JRPGs, status debuffing effects are completely useless either because they are so inaccurate that they never hit, or the enemies are so weak that it doesn't work, or some combination of the two (where the inaccuracies appear in boss battles but the weakness of enemies is on randoms). Buffs on the other hand are generally always fair game so I use them as I can. When I can actually hit the enemies with them? All the time. Nothing is better than skipping a few extra rounds of combat because of a crucial debuff or buff.
  21. Try brown and red if you must shade in this case if you're keeping with a 8-bit palette. Brown is based off of red more than it is green so that'd be a better choice. Take a look at Maria and Mindu here. Both from Final Fantasy 2. Maria's made up of 4 colors. When it comes to shading, you're not going to have a lot of room. So you have to be very careful with 8-bit portraits. Honestly, I'd recommend chopping off the portrait so you have less body showing and concentrate more on a smaller head with slightly less detail (it'll look better for the 8-bit style you seem to be going for). I'm a bit busy at the moment so I can't do much to help, but here's kind of what I mean: The issue you're running into here, is that the portrait is so large that it needs more detail because of how large it is and the colors employed. You're going to run out of colors eventually but be unable to support such a large "sprite / portrait" with so few colors. But a smaller one like this: Is inevitably going to get the style across better and simultaneously look more presentable. That said, the portraits are improving at an extremely rapid pace, so whichever way you decide will probably be solid enough in the mean time. Basically what I'm saying here is that you'll have to remember that these are going to be smaller portraits closer to Maria and Mindu, so you'll need to keep the shading to a minimum because too much and they'll just end up looking blobby.
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