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Everything posted by Augestein

  1. This is true, it's sort of like the phrase "no problema" that has manifested into existence despite the fact that it's not really correct in Spanish ("no hay problema" is more grammatically correct in that case), but it makes sense in English. Phrases like that only come into existence from a melting pot of cultures.
  2. Do you have the Long War abilities mod as well? I don't know what it's called, but just making sure before I give movesets or anything.
  3. Where are you from then, because my accent definitely doesn't jam a hard "t" on that. Most people don't speak with hard "t's" at the end of a word. Like making "water" sound more like "wad - er."
  4. Are you talking about characters or looks? Because I like the way Camilla looks, but I don't really like her character too much. Oh, and Hinoka is clearly buttercup. So yeah...
  5. Pfft... I can still run them on a broken down laptop with a broken fan that can overheat and the mouse pad doesn't even work. They are so low that asking the lowest is pretty nuts. It's like asking for the lowest amount of specs needed for running a document program.
  6. The point is, is there something that pushes a rift between them though. Like how Geoffrey and Elincia have one despite being close. It's not like the brothers where there's nothing that causes any real cause to talk because there's still things that Ike doesn't understand about Soren (and in return things that Soren worries about with Ike). Read the B and A support again from PoR. It's clear that there's still a bit of mistrust between them. Not because of Ike, but because Soren is still weary of Ike if Ike found out the truth about was he truly is. Like Ike doesn't really care, but there's still things that keep him from being as close to Soren. To Ike it's a casual friendship like everyone else. To Soren, it's not. I'm fine with agreeing to disagree.
  7. Maybe I missed something, but didn't she say "we aren't going to raise taxes on the middle class?"
  8. I like that low manning sounds bad. I remember using everyone in RD: Redux, so I'll keep doing that.
  9. That's still false. Soren is close to Ike. Ike didn't completely remember why Soren was so close. And some of that might be partially do to the whole "Ike's memory scene." It actually works out rather well. That's fine. Nothing wrong with that.
  10. Yeah, I got that. Ike, Titania and Soren are the only ones that really get much time. Mist is just kind of there. Shinon? Gets an extra conversation, but he may as well have spawned at of nowhere. We don't know his origins. Gatrie? Nothing. Mia? Not much either. Rolf gets that conversation with the village, but not much. Boyd gets some decent screen time, but outside of him being a hot head, there isn't anything else to him. Even his ending in RD sucks. Oscar gets some things said, but not much. The house is nice, but Because pasts aren't necessary to what makes a character developed. Backgrounds can help to flesh a character, but they aren't necessary to develop a character. Elincia's origins are very similar to Lucia's, so there's no much point in going on about it. Geoffrey may as well have been "the boy next door" to Elincia. There's no reason to go on about that. Let's use Titania for instance, do we really know about her past a lot? No. We know she was a knight, and Rhys helped her once. But we don't get to learn why she even wanted to be a knight. Bastian I'll admit is pretty elusive, but I always felt that was part of his charm. As for Elincia not having supports with people close to her? It's the same reason that Ike doesn't have supports with Mist and Muarim doesn't have supports with Tormod. They are already "close" so they don't *need* to have a support to learn about each other. It's an odd choice, but it's consistent in Tellius. All of them have bonds, and if you notice, in PoR, any person that transfers an A over will be on the list of people that the character has a bond with. In the case of Elincia and Geo for instance? It's the like/love that causes a bit of a rift between them, so it's enough to talk about. Another example? Greil's past is more fleshed out than a lot of characters in the game, but he certainly isn't a developed character. He barely interacts with anyone but Ike-- or he's speaking to everyone, and then he dies before we really get to know what type of person he is. In the case of characters, sometimes knowing more about their past and the like can hurt them. I felt that I liked the BK less when they tried to flesh him out because I felt that his behavior became bratty, and nonsensical. At least before he was just Ashnard's right hand man. Same goes for Ashnard. Knowing more can hurt just as much as it can help. And I stand by that the only ones that get decent development with their screen time is Ike, Titania and Soren. Shinon having it revealed that his mother didn't hug him is unfortunate, but it doesn't develop him. Imagine if you will that I'm a character, if I told you that my dad never praised me as a child, that doesn't somehow develop me as a person or character, it just makes certain quirks about me possibly more understandable, but it's not necessarily going to develop me as a character if nothing happens after I tell you this.
  11. Believe me, I have played in a ton of ways. There was a time where when I moved out, RD and Brawl were like... The only games I had and I had left my books in an inaccessible place, so the only thing I could do was... Play this or Brawl. >_> That's why I said in my post that I believe that we're going to have to settle on an "agree to disagree," as there are different things we clearly weigh differently. And yes, I agree that LTCing is about optimizing turn counts rather than having a minimal turn count. I can get behind that. Instead of rigging a 4% critical with Titania to finish say... Chapter 4 of PoR in 2 turns, but instead find a way to get Titania over and possibly another unit to force it to be dead in 3 and guarantee it.
  12. Yeah, I think the problem is the same problem that happened with tier list years ago that I remember people doing here. People value different things and give them different weights. I think I'll just stand on the agree to disagree. Although, I will say there's one thing Merlinus can do: give you anything from your inventory. That's pretty powerful.
  13. But more screen time doesn't equate to a good character. I mean, most people would say that Takumi and Leo for instance are the best characters in fates, and they don't get nearly as much screen time as Corrin-- which I'd honestly say that there's a split as large as the grand canyon for the integrity of his/her character. The only ones that really got decent screentime were Mist, Ike, Titania and Soren, and of those four, only Ike, Titania and Soren really get much screen time. Mist generally just appears to say something goofy and remind you that Ike has a sibling. Outside of that, she rarely, if ever contributes anything productive outside of being able to carry the medallion, which doesn't really make her a character so much as it does a plot device. Kieran does get lucky in that regard, I agree, but Geoffrey's supports are pretty good too. Astrid and Makalov have enough support time as well. Part 2 as a whole just juts out as being more competently written IMO than Part ... Everything else. It doesn't try to be more than it is, and it works wonders.
  14. #Odin: Never really hated him, but didn't understand the love for him either. He's okay though, and some of his supports are decent though. Not my cup of tea. #Zola: Didn't deserve to be killed in any route sans revelations. In Conquest he gets killed for having a rather devious but good plan, and in Birthright it's just horrible. #Charlotte: Meh. Her outfit is weird, and she kind of bores me. I liked her better when she was Rutee from Tales of Destiny.
  15. But really, why would you NOT use the BK here? I mean, the only way you wouldn't is if someone said "you can't use the BK" Of which case, Muarim picking up Micaiah and trekking over there and blowing up the knight with Thani is still a better option than using Fiona, and he *STILL* does this faster than she does. Now granted she won't be as far behind, but I'm really sitting here scratching my head on this one. A person with Resolve and Earth affinity can pull it off. even more nuts is someone like Resolve Nolan with Edward + that Dracoshield + Tarvos would be rocking 23 evade + 8 defense and in resolve levels would have like a 20-30% chance of being hit. Oh, and the BK I guess. You can also have the BK be unequipped, and the AI believes BK to be a better target if it can't kill someone. Like don't get me wrong, I normally don't push, but I've had BS misses on this chapter at moments where some target just magically dodges at like 90 hit. Or even pushing in this like how it's nice for Jill to be able to fly a little ahead and throw an axe or use the brave axe and then scoot back to safety.
  16. it was directed at you more so because I saw what spells you had. I was curious since people have so many different and nifty ideas.
  17. Archers I'm fine with so long as they reign as the supreme 1-2 damage dealers. So long as they do that, they are fine in my eyes. As for magic, would you only be having 3 types of mages, or would you have multiple ones? One thing that bothered me in Fire Emblem is how there was like 1 of each mage type but multiple types of weapon users.
  18. the prison map hurts her as well, as she has no choice but to go up the stairs. It's not a big problem, and her biggest advantage that she'd have for having subpar stats is taken away because it's indoor so she has 6 move. Canto / Rescue chains are worthless in an instance where someone can literally move the same distances, and there aren't many cases I can think of where someone would move exactly next to a mounted unit, only for them to rescue said unit, and then be dropped off by someone else. 1-8 she doesn't even exist which once again puts her at a disadvantage for what levels a person could realistically gain from the chapter. 1-E : the cliffs are the best way to proceed through the map. And once again, it's indoor so -2 movement. That in itself wouldn't be bad if the cliffs didn't shave off several turns. So by the time she goes around the stairs, she's going to be behind. Even worse is that there's no reason to kill that knight blocking the stairs when you can just ignore it under normal circumstances. And bare in mind that killing this only helps Fiona. Everyone else can ignore it. I wasn't just talking about Fiona's stats that suck. The maps hate her too. Even on 3-6, having the option to push further in the river is still a better option than it just plain not existing. Even if you never need it, I'd still rather be able to do it regardless. It's like waterwalk. Even if you never use it, there's no reason to be dismissive of its existence in the event that you could in theory, cross water. 3-12 and 3-13 are Fiona's best maps from the DB by far, and the issue is that the myriad of issues from earlier stack against her to make her kind of suck. Sort of like Wendy's suck. Wendy is kind of bad when you first get her, but then suddenly the maps become axe heavy chapters, and she starts to suck, and by the time the axe chapters are over, she barely gained any levels and continues to lag behind. Yeah. I get that. I made my point kinda badly because I was on the phone, but draft ltcs aren't normal circumstances. So I don't see the point of talking about a draft when you don't have a choice. If we're going to even bother bringing up ltcs, you may as well bring the best or don't bother bringing it up. As if I had a ltc draft with nothing but knights, obviously I'm going to go out of my way to use a knight. Versus, there would be a point made if the best ltc of RD involved specifically needing Fiona. It's like we don't say DD's 0% growths prove that other units are useless because he didn't use them in his playthrough much. You get where I'm going with this? I was under the impression that "worst" meant bad. The issue I have with Fiona, is that you spend more time giving her BEXP than actually using her. Even assuming she had amazing stats, this would still be the case. Giving units items and bexp should not be a sign of a good unit. Otherwise, someone like Amelia wouldn't be considered the worst unit in Sacred Stones because you can grind her to a cavalier. BEXP is in the same boat IMO. Because even grinding for EXP in SS is finite because you could realistically break all of your weapons.
  19. No point in bringing up ltcs though as Jill spam would be better. Slowing down is not even close to saying 100 turns. That's pretty over-the-top don't you think? My point is that you can give anyone stuff and they'd suck less.
  20. Or... And feel free to call me insane for this... You could give them a skill called "Imbue Sword" where they basically take the effect of the sword and attack res with it from 1 range. So like... If you have an armor slayer, you can use imbue sword to attack res with the armor slaying bonus. Like, it still uses strength, but it attacks res, I might consider that anyways if my strength isn't like 5 to my 20 magic. Spells generally tend to have lower might anyways, and using a brave weapon to attack res sounds awesome. Either that, or add magic swords that only they can use.
  21. Doubling in and of itself is not the problem. It's the fact that speed is tied to the ability to double AND it's the primary stat for evasion. What's the problem with that? It literally means that someone that doesn't double has terrible evasion as well, even if they have a high luck stat. This means that you need a killer defense to survive or super skills (not the stat, but abilities themselves) In most Fire Emblem games, having luck means that you have to have like twice the luck for speed. IE, 10 luck + 5 speed would be 20 avoid, but having 8 speed and 4 luck is better because you can double any enemies that have less than or equal to 4 speed while the first unit can't double anything that has... More than 1 speed. And also take note that the unit with 10 luck and 5 speed technically has MORE of each stat. The issue is that IS would do stuff and be like "oh, the unit with 10 luck and 5 speed has better stats because they have higher stats)... But luck sucks to have as your "good" stat unless the rest of your bases kick so much ass that it doesn't even matter. Doubling where you do half strength would be okay, but might not solve the problem too well. A skill like Astra for instance would be awful on a second attack, picture this: You do 6 damage x2 to an enemy. Under normal circumstances, that would be 12 damage total. But let's look at this in your land. Astra Proc on first strike: (6/2) * 5 + (6/2) = 18 damage. Versus Astra Proc on second strike: 6 + ((6/2) / 2) * 5 = 13.5 Assuming you round down (most games do when it comes to damage), you'd be doing 13 damage instead of 18 simply for procing the attack on the second hit. The damage variance would only get more wild as you got higher in level. Let's try 12 x 2. Astra Proc on first strike: (12/2) * 5 + (12/2) = 36 damage. Versus Astra Proc on second strike: 12+ ((12/2) / 2) * 5 = 27 While the 2nd strike proc is about 25% less effective each time, there's a larger difference between 36 and 27 is a lot more noticeable than 18 and 13 (presumably on rounding), and makes your damage annoyingly variable. It only gets more annoying the higher the stats are as the enemies don't scale in such a way that this wouldn't matter. What it means is that instead of the fixed damage we know and love from Fire Emblem (with criticals and proc skills being nice things). Instead, procs become super spotty and even less reliable than they already are now, and if procs always do standard damage, you can see how this causes more of a problem than we had in the standard Fire Emblem land. The issue is that speed needs to not be the primary dodge stat and the ONLY way to double outside of hero/brave weapons. Doubling should just plain be a skill, where it asks for speed or skill or some other stat. Hell, even making it just what a class does would be a better idea. Or even having a double strike attack be something the player initiates but sacrifices something to do that-- ie, evasion ,accuracy, defense... Something. As for magic? For me personally, I'd have light be AoE damage. Have mage skills be like you can hit in a straight line, a cross , and X... That's 3 skills, and say these only work with light magic, and you could have some interesting things. We already have skills like the weapon faires that only work for certain weapons, I don't see why you can't extend that further. Honestly, I'd have knights have 5 (assuming this is standard move) or 4 movement based on the armor they wear. For each map, you could make them choose which armor they want. I'd then probably add things like shields in the game that just up your evasion based on skill + speed instead of speed x 2 and give knights the ability to equip them. Mounted units wouldn't be able to have shields, and I'd probably give knights a skill that debuffs everyone's movement by -2 if you try to go passed their aura (so walking passed a knight's aura is like walking through a forest). I'd also probably differentiate between 1 handed and 2 handed attacks for units as well.
  22. "Hinoka's such a b****sth" I hope we get more random insanity like that from this one.
  23. I prefer GK for him as his final class. I feel that he's fast enough to not be hurting too much by end game for speed.
  24. Yes. That's exactly what I'd want. That's why I actually kind of like Kris gameplay wise. You want to be an archer? Sure. Be one. You want to be a mage? That's fine too.
  25. - I thought that the stories in Fire Emblem were never really good, so seeing Fates' story is more par for the course rather than it being something that's jarringly bad. - I actually like the avatar system because I like being able to build a team around a custom unit rather than just getting a unit at the start that generally uses swords.
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