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Everything posted by Nym

  1. Something struck me when I was about to me on my way, I don't think I'm allowed to do everything I want now. Erusea would punish me more if I would go somewhere without his permission. I ran and got back in the river. I waited a few minutes. Then Erusea came and tapped the river with his foot, telling me to get out and transform if I could. I jumped and immediately reverted back to an Eevee. I want to show him what I found. ''Hey, Erusea, do you know what are those 2 big orbs and this disk?''
  2. Wait, what, he's already out of the water. xD Oh well, I can fix that.
  3. I'm a support main so playing Taliyah as a support will be no problem (hell I already did Anivia support just for the lol).
  4. I really like to be underwater, it's quite relaxing. Fear not, for some reason, when I'm underwater, I don't revert back to an Eevee even if I'm in a different mood. While I was swimming, I found 2 big orbs in the bottom of the river and a some kind of disk. I wonder if all this stuff could be useful. Oh well, don't mind if I do. I put everything in my Adventure Pouch. I had that great idea to empty my bag and bring it for the battle. Wait, now that I think of it, I used Flare Blitz when I was angry but, my bag didn't burn at all. Of what material is this bag made of? I get out of the water, changing back to an Eevee, and head back in the camp. I bet they are still talking about that boring stuff, I'll go to the camp. After all, I need to prepare myself for my uhh... ''punishement''.
  5. While these 2 were arguing about which god pokémon is the best, I decided to take a trip underwater but I didn't swim too far away, I just wanted to be alone for sometimes. I don't think I'll be able to revert back for the next few hours.
  6. I just hope it will not end up being a Fire/Dark because all pokemons cats (except Skitty and Delcatty) are Dark type. Edit: There also that Ugly big Cat but who cares about it anyway. Edit 2: Oh yea, Meowth, so no normal or dark, please? Like, a electric cat would be too shocking or what?
  7. I didn't know where to start. By the time I took for making everything straight in my head, Phillipe managed to find us. It didn't really matter since I would have to tell him the truth at some point, better be now when we don't have work. I take a deep breath and open my eyes on both Erusea and Phillipe, waiting for my story. Let's go. ''I didn't lie when I said I was an orphan, I never met my parents, I hatched from my egg in a laboratory. This laboratory belonged to a team of humans which I still don't know the name. Anyway, the leader of this team, a lady, loved me so much that she took me as her pokémon. She was like a mother for me: she fed me, she carried me around, she played with me. But this lady had the behaviour of a chid, sometimes. She wanted me to be ''special''. For this reason, she ordered her scientist to modify me. Also, she gave me the name Pae: Project Alpha Eevee. You can call me Pae or Nym from now on, I don't really mind. I pause for 2 seconds and continue: ''They managed to modify my DNA, the plan was to let me being able to transfrom into any eeveelutions and let me revert back into an Eevee at will. But, the operation wasn't completely successful: I could transfrom, yes, but not at will. My power was somehow, linked with my emotions. Which is why you saw me as a Jolteon, Erusea, since your battle was awesome, I was happy. What's more: I can use only one move in one of my forms. One day, everyone was gone, I was alone... again.'' I think I cried so hard, I turned into a Vaporeon. If Phillipe didn't believe me before, now he has the proof. ''How... how do you want me to live like this? Eevee are rare, we don't live as a group like Pikachus. I'm a modify pokémon, do... do you really think someone would have accept me?'' Now I turned into a Flareon. ''DO YOU UNDERSTAND!? I'M A MONSTER. I HATE HUMANS AND I HATE POKÉMON. I. HATE. EVERYONE!!!'' I jump to them and I used Flare Blitz on them but I stop at the last second. ''...'' I calm down a little bit but I'm still angry. ''Yes, Erusea, Beth didn't lie, I really attacked her before we met. I never talked to anyone after the incident, living alone eating only berries. When I met her, she didn't notice me. I was so angry and worried at the same time so I became dead serious. When I'm serious, I turn into a Umbreon. I bashed her into the ground, stole her map, and turned into an Eevee just in case she would see me so I could run faster since there's no way I could be happy at that time. After, I decided to start acting like a child for preventing this from happening again.'' ''If you want to punish me, I'll accept it without fighting back but I really regret my decision.'' I turned back into a Vaporeon.
  8. ''Uhhhh....'' Great, it's Erusea. ''Yea, this is my uhh... ''dark'' secret, sorry you had to learn it today.'' The moment I said that, I turned back to my original form. ''I suppose you want some explanations... but I'm not ready to tell it to anyone else yet but I know I'll have to do it, eventually.''
  9. I look at my reflect in the water. I don't even remember the last time that I turned into a Jolteon... Noises Huh? I heard something on his way here. I better be prepared, there's nowhere to hide, the bush are too small for me now.
  10. I'm not sure it could evolve naturaly, since you know, his DNA is different... I'll only use it for actual combat (and now of course).
  11. It's based of Red's Eevee, yea. So that means, you accept?
  12. Long story short, when Erusea mentionned that Nym may have a secret, I thought of one so we could get character developement. So basicially, Nym got captured by a team of humans (not Team Rocket or anything, it's a team that we don't know) when he was a hatchling. The leader, a lady, wanted Nym to be her pokemon but, she wanted him to be ''special''. She asked her scientists to modify Pae's DNA (Pae is his actual name, he changed his name for Nym). By doing so, Pae is able to transform to any Eeveelutions without stones or anything and revert back to an Eevee (since in MD, we don't evolve until we finish the game or something so I want him to stay as an Eevee). Of course, there was a complication and Pae has some problems: 1. He can't transform at will, his ''power'' is linked with his feelings so right now, he turned into a Jolteon since he's happy (which is why he always wants to stay ''neutral''). 2. He can only learn one move in one of his eeveelutions (which is why I'll change his Eevee moveset to a support pokémon if you accept the idea). So that's the idea, if you don't like it, I can come up with something else (like a sickness or something).
  13. That was an awesome battle! I tried to stay neutral as much as possible but I liked the battle so much. After the battle, I decided to go drink a little bit of water but that was also an excuse because I felt it in my entire body. And it happened while I was drinking water, it was quite shocking because I didn't take this form since a very long time. If someone see me like this, I'll have explanations to give...
  14. So... are we going to wait until the last person vote?
  15. Clefable also has Follow me for double battles.
  16. I vote for Erusea because Phillipe is literally spamming Water gun because he thinks Erusea is a ground type. He would deserve this lost. Also, if Erusea become the leader, I would suggest Phillipe being his right hand/tactician
  17. That probably because Mii fighters are customs characters, which means they can either be god tier or really bad depending of what you give them for equipments or specials.
  18. She didn't hear my thoughts, I talked outloud after all. I really want to see the battle but I will be careful, just in case. ''Hey! Wait for me, B-Beatrix!'', I said, entering the dojo. Look like it's about to begin.
  19. A Random Player is right, Nidoran is not ground type. Look like someone forgot to do his pokémon homework xD. If this is intentional, I'll take that back.
  20. I could just ignore the Rats and run away to my hiding place. But that would be very rude. I'll face Beth if she wake up since I need a friend at some point, I opened my mouth but nothing come out of it. It's so difficult to talk with girls. I think my head is the same color as the apple that I'm currently holding. ''N-nice to meet you uhh... B-Beatrix. I-I'm Nym. I-I'm also... s-sorry for shouting at you. A-As you can see, I-I'm very... s-shy.'' Why can't I talk without sounding like an idiot, sorry... I wanted to see if she could read my mind or I talked outloud when I was thinking about my secret.
  21. Lol, oops, look like we both wrote something at the same time. I'll fix that xD.
  22. When I woke up, only Erusea was already gone, I saw Phillipe on his way to the dojo, the rest of the team was still asleep. Now is my chance! I get up and I take an apple in my Adventure Pouch while making the least noise that I can possibly do. I hope nobody will wake up. I was about to be on my way towards my hiding place when I heard someone talking. Uh oh, things are not according to the plan. I turned around, facing the Rats.
  23. I suppose 1 of us can just write something like : ''Oh, the rain stopped.''
  24. I don't really care who end up being the leader, and I certainly don't want to be the leader. The problem is: Beth'll probably either force me to fight her in the dojo or she'll wait until both Erusea and Phillipe is gone for giving me a hard time. My best option would be first: I'll not said anything. When the rain'll stops, I'll take a sprint to the way of the dojo, Beth will probably think that I'll go to the dojo so she'll probably ask if she can participate. In reality, I'll be on my way to the Pelliper Mail Office. Beth'll have no choices but to fight while I delay my punishement for a little bit longer.
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