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Everything posted by BBM

  1. I think the reason he made the comment was because if you don't plan to make noticeable differences in player stats, people might as well just play the actual game. That being said, it's your choice in the end. It's your hack, not anybody else's, and if you feel that the end product is something you'd want to play, what other people say matters only as much as you let it. IMO, don't make Lowen a Soldier. I'd rather you add a totally new character, because the three cavaliers, relative to each other, are I think, balanced, each with their own roles. If you aren't really up to adding a new character, have you considered making Nino a Soldier? It might give a reason for people to use her.
  2. BBM

    The Resistance IV

    Read his post. He says that a 4-man mission would be best because we have the best shot at catching both spies in the mission. If that is the case, and he finds you suspicious, why wouldn't he have you in his mission? "Optimal" choosing goes 4 resistance > 2 resistance, 2 spies > 3 resistance, 1 spy. If our mission is sabotaged by only one spy, we have a much smaller chance of figuring out who that spy is than if it is sabotaged by two spies.
  3. BBM

    The Resistance IV

    What? You say that you want to do the 4-man mission for a chance at a double sabotage, but you also say that you don't want Marth, a person who you feel seems scummy, to be in on the mission? That... doesn't make sense. In fact, if I didn't know that either Rein, Elieson, or me had to be a spy, I'd think it was you and Marth from this post. I would also request the next mission proposal not to include me. I've been in on both of them so far, while neither Kay nor Marth have been part of a proposal.
  4. Johan's not actually that bad. He's Lex without Elite. And if you abused Lex enough in Gen 1 for the Hero Axe to have crit (a draft, maybe), he can actually be pretty good.
  5. Well, Linda has Wrath, Elite, and Tron, which lets her easily destroy the Arena to get money to buy staves. Mana has no money at all other than what Daisy gives her or what she can through villages or something, until she promotes, and even then, she has no skills at all, meaning she's still not doing well in the Arena. I don't know why Dew is above Midir though.
  6. If she had joined as a flying healer in the single digit chapters she would have been in High at least, considering Mist is in Upper Mid and you have to give her shitloads of BEXP before she even gets a mount. Elincia is... yeah. Flying + A Staves is cool, three chapters of availability is not. So 3/10. If this was FE10 I'd give her a bias, but in FE9, I really hate her pose where she's always clasping her hands in front of her chest.
  7. BBM

    The Resistance IV

    I voted yes for that mission for two reasons. The first was, as Rein said, because from my perspective, it was the most likely to go through, and if that had gone through, then it would have been an easy win. The second was that if it had failed, I would then be able to narrow it down to 1 out of 2 people to being one of the spies. Since I know that I am not a spy, I know either Rein or Elieson must be. Now, I propose that whether we choose Mission 3 or 4, we should use the In the Spotlight card on one of the people in the mission, the one we find most suspicious. Most likely 1 of the 3 people in Mission 2. No one with that card on them would sabotage the mission, because then we'd know that they're a spy. So if it still fails, someone else on that team must be the second spy. We could save our card to finish it off, but in the case that the next mission fails, it becomes useless because even if we pick a spy to reveal their mission card beforehand, we'd lose anyways.
  8. Flannery 174 Misty 5 Winona 194
  9. Cuan-80 Evayle-80 Marcus-78 Titania-242 Frederick-185 Raffin-73
  10. Flannery 176 Misty 5 Winona 196
  11. Flannery 178 Misty 5 Winona 198
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