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Everything posted by BBM

  1. You're upstaging my Treecko solo... Regardless, good luck.
  2. No, Counter is actually good this time.
  3. Flannery 89 Wallace 35 Gardenia 5 Erika 50 Claire 50 Misty 50 Winona 77 Chuck 50 Brock 50 Giovanni 50 Roxanne 50
  4. Actually, it's more that the outline of his nose is sort of faint, so sometimes it looks like he doesn't even have a nose. I mean he still HAS a nose, which is better than say Micaiah, but eh.
  5. Flannery 83 Wallace 45 Gardenia 10 Erika 50 Claire 50 Misty 50 Winona 74 Chuck 50 Brock 50 Giovanni 50 Roxanne 50
  6. The art's pretty good, but does anyone else think his nose looks weird?
  7. Flannery 83 Wallace 45 Gardenia 15 Erika 50 Claire 50 Misty 50 Winona 71 Chuck 50 Brock 50 Giovanni 50 Roxanne 50
  8. BBM

    The Resistance IV

    Kay, AA, any reaosn you guys voted no?
  9. Flannery 80 Wallace 50 Gardenia 20 Erika 50 Claire 50 Misty 50 Winona 68 Chuck 50 Brock 50 Giovanni 50 Roxanne 50
  10. Lololol I almost lost to a Tentacool just now. That toxifusion!
  11. And now, up to Roxanne!
  12. TBH, I'm more worried about Flannery than Tate+Liza. Sceptile has SE Leaf Blade on 3/4 of their pokemon.
  13. Also, I don't see how Ambush is the 2nd worst skill in the game? What's bad about always being the first attacker when under half health? It's not as good as Prayer, since that doesn't require the unit to be able to counterattack and kill to avoid death, but if we're taking units into account, both Aless and Lex are units capable of killing someone without getting counterattacked, and Arthur and Tinny can combo it with Wrath for good effect. At any rate, I think it's definitely better than Big Shield, which is only on 1 unit per generation. Neither of them are good, if we take that into consideration, and one of them comes in the 4th chapter out of 6 in the 2nd generation.
  14. Thanks, I'll keep it in mind!
  15. Flannery 65 Wallace 50 Gardenia 25 Erika 50 Falkner 25 Claire 50 Misty 50 Winona 65 Chuck 50 Brock 50 Giovanni 50 Roxanne 50
  16. I've never played FE11, but are Cavs/Armours that difficult? Or is the Wing Spear just really pro and the effect is just extra?
  17. So I'm going to be playing through my favourite game with ONLY my favourite starter for company, because all these playthroughs have inspired me. I will take you along the ride and try to be funny, but I'm not good at it. I will be using only Treecko, except for HMs. This will be difficult in some parts, so any advice when I'm stuck is appreciated! Let's go! Up to May! Whew, uploading all those pictures took me an hour... and it wasn't helped by the fact that I accidentally deleted this post first time around and had to write everything again...
  18. BBM

    The Resistance IV

    You do vote. The leader can choose to vote no for the mission as well, if they so wish. A mission could be proposed, for example, just to see other's reactions to it. As in who thought it would be a good idea and who didn't.
  19. Flannery 59 Wallace 50 Gardenia 30 Erika 50 Falkner 35 Claire 50 Misty 50 Winona 62 Chuck 50 Brock 50 Giovanni 50 Roxanne 50
  20. Flannery 53 Wallace 50 Gardenia 35 Erika 50 Falkner 45 Claire 50 Misty 50 Winona 59 Chuck 50 Brock 50 Giovanni 50 Roxanne 50
  21. Alakazam is also too strong though. I think Rattata/Raticate would be best. Pretty speedy, and good damage early game, but starts falling off later on.
  22. Flannery 53 Wallace 50 Gardenia 40 Erika 50 Falkner 45 Claire 50 Misty 50 Winona 56 Chuck 50 Brock 50 Giovanni 50 Roxanne 50
  23. So Giovanni gets brought to 50 as the last guy left, and then we play with the guys at 50 with +3/-5, no caps, until someone is left by themselves. And we can also go every 20 minutes instead of an hour. So... Flannery 50 Wallace 50 Gardenia 45 Erika 50 Falkner 50 Claire 50 Misty 50 Winona 53 Chuck 50 Brock 50 Giovanni 50 Roxanne 50
  24. BBM

    The Resistance IV

    No, I mean the mission card. In the description of the "In the Spotlight" plot card, it says that a player has to submit their mission card face-up.
  25. BBM

    The Resistance IV

    I'll start off with a question about the card. Is the mission card your decision about whether or not to support the mission, or about the vote on whether or not to sabotage the mission? Either way, I don't think it really matters who gets this card. We can pressure whoever has it to use it when most of us think it should be used. Besides, since it has to be given before anything about the mission is decided, we don't have any voting data to make hypotheses about who is scummy and who isn't.
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