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Everything posted by Asoleos

  1. Self-insert characters are incredibly difficult to do right, the closest I've seen to a self insert character done well is Ludger from Tales of Xillia 2. Although he's more of a silent protagonist that you can make some choices with rather than a self-insert. I really want Kamui to be good but its hard considering what he/she is. Thanks for getting me out of the casual vs classic thread
  2. Considering that it is most likely be in If and it doesn't really hurt the series in any way besides having an option when you press new game.
  3. Do you mean like a true ending that is only available in classic mode and is not available in casual mode. If so I would be okay with that, it gives incentive to play classic to get the true ending.
  4. That can easily be switched to other side that hates Awakening because it has it. Ultimately it just ends up being two sides yelling at each other, accomplishing nothing. Wouldn't it be better to have positive conversations about the series, with how its good and what can be improved instead of pointless arguing.
  5. I wonder how they will handle Kamui and the choices theme that If seems to have. Will the choices mainly just be plot events or will they allow us choose different dialogue options when Kamui talks so that we can make a custom personality. Part of me wants there to be the ability to actively choose a personality, but the other part of me knows that the part of me that wants that is a horrible person and should never allowed to be able to do anything. Ever.
  6. I agree with this because the Mouth of Truth is based off of a European artifact, as such it would make no sense for the Japanese inspired Hoshido to be affiliated with it.As for the regular monsters , it is unlikely I feel for it to be a dark dragon god based on the scenario we have been given so far. That is barring the third route going back to the tried and true Fire Emblem formula of dark dragon big bad.
  7. Honestly I latch onto first impressions quite easily so my plan was to let my initial feelings die down and then try and get emulations of them.
  8. My question in regards to this is that in the digital version in Japan the first 6 chapters are done and then you make the decision as to which side you choose. But prior to that, in those 6 chapters, what is it like, the Nohr style or the Hoshido style?
  9. I was merely stating why Awakening gets more recognition. It's all about awareness of the games, which the older games lacked and as such I was not aware of them. It is not as though I purposely refused to get them, I was unaware. There in lies my problem because I vastly prefer physical copies and only use emulation as a last resort.
  10. Wait but that means that the male Kamui is incapable of doing that for having pants. Female Kamui canon?
  11. I was also referring to her singing on the dock, but from what we've seen Kamui was the only there so the shy personality may still be there. Most likely it's just me hoping she's not a timid character because I mostly dislike them.
  12. In regards to Aqua, due to some of her scenes outside of the dancing it seems she will have more of a bold and defiant personality to me. Garon, he may just be evil but I want him to have more of a duality. Maybe in the public life he is how we guess but privatly, with his family, he is actually a kind and caring father.
  13. Yes! Make the third path like the Demon Path in Soul Nomad, now that would be entertaining. But in that case would Aqua be If's Gig, make it so IS!
  14. As I am one of the people who were introduced with Awakening (and a bit the Sacred Stones but Awakening cemented me) perhaps I can help with this problem. I have two reasons in regards to older Fire Emblem games. It's less of a fact of not wanting to play them and more of I find it difficult to obtain them. The GBA games are rather easy to find and can be found at a cheap price. As I have DS Lite I can play them and intend to. For Binding Blade I would need to get the emulator which I am looking into. Now Path of Radiance and Radiant Dawn are where problems come in, I do not have a Game Cube, Wii, or Wii U. As such I have to consider the costs of the console and the game, so it can get rather expensive. I am also one who enjoys physical copies so, Path of Radiance eludes me on this fact, despite a want to play it. Unless you can get the older more available and market them well, Awakening will remain king in terms of the public eye. The second reason is a "I won't play this Fire Emblem", and that is because of the fans of the older games. A lot of them have a very aggressive attitude in which it feels that they are attacking any newcomers to the series. I regret to say that because of this I refuse to play FE4/5/11 out of straight pride. Due to my preconceptions I know I am going to go into the game and absolutely find everything wrong with it that I can out of spite. Although this is me who likes the series from what I've played, fans who have merely a budding interest into the series my be turned away from the series as a whole because they see the old guard as antagonistic. That's my peace on new players like me, take it for what you want.
  15. First Fire Emblem I played was a Sacred Stones I found at a local store, shortly after Awakening came out and I became interested in older Fire Emblem after that. I plan to be getting FE7 soon and of course the incoming If. I've been lurking around the forums but have finally decided to make an account because of If coming in and I felt I wanted to enter in on some of the discussion. So heres to hoping well.
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