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Everything posted by Psych

  1. Psych

    Pokemon TCG Mafia

    Hmm, that explains JB/RD claiming Uxie to me.
  2. Fine then I call Excellen's spot. :< Or Zoey
  3. ##Visit Norfair ##Vote Kay So what are we doing today you guys? Edit: Wrong Stage
  4. She'd basically be Zelda without Shiek.
  5. Micaiah No one would want it, but it'd be Micaiah. Or the chick from 13.
  6. Honestly, Cuan doesn't need any of that. He can take the Gae-Bolg and lances that Fin already has, like another Javelin or something, but Althena comes late enough that you want those items early and because she can just kill practically everything with the Gae-Bolg. You could also try Ayra!Dew, since that gives interesting skills and the Sol is kind of useful actually. If you did Briggid!Holyn and Levin!Tiltyu, I would suggest giving Patty the Hero Sword and Arthur the Pursuit Ring. Lex Tiltyu, Claude Lachesis, gogogo
  7. Yeah, it looks really cool, but she's also kinda uncanny valley robot creepy. LUMI YOU ARE TOO GOOD LOOK WHAT YOU HAVE DONE
  8. I made this thread for the sole purpose of being able to make that pun.
  9. Both still apply. Usually together.
  10. Cora pondered a moment, about just how much those average wages were. She had enough thanks to that bag she had just been payed, but she didn't want to be caught in some seedy inn for the night farther out on the road. Cora turned to Zoey. "If you don't mind, do you think you could share a room with me tonight? It could save us both some money. I'll go ahead and reserve us a room at the Kabina." Cora lead George ahead of her to the stables to place him there for the night, while she wandered the streets looking at the various shops. She looked over the food and the swords, though neither caught her interest, and she was pretty sure that one animal was still alive on the table. Cora made a note not to try too many of the local delicacies. Cora wandered down an allie, looking for some kind of magic shop or fortune teller. She found a small sign, and entered the shop not knowing what to expect.
  11. No, I'm Charmander, so I only use fire attacks.
  12. I don't know, I just get unlucky. >_> Though it may simply be Light magic's hit lead which makes it seem to me like Serra has better skill.
  13. Anouleth, don't bring that kind of blasphemy to these people. Anyways, unranked 20/1, Priscilla usually promotes with the desert chapter ring since I tend to use Serra, Pris, Lucius, and Canas. And ring order is usually Serra, Canas, Priscilla, Lucius. ;/ Priscilla also gets weird con if you give her rings thanks to her horse, and usually has worse skill than Serra.
  14. Psych

    Pokemon TCG Mafia

    He was edited by Kay?
  15. Oh hey a newbie that likes drafts. That's always good. Anyway welcome. Have fun trying to beat Integrity in an FE4 draft. Also join mafia and roleplays and everything else.
  16. Cora graciously received the bag, a bit shocked that Lang was paying her. "That, um, depends. Where is your group going? My destination is Rekam, so I may be able to continue with your group a little longer. You all were quite exciting and I'm sure my healing powers will be of some use. Otherwise I may be able to travel with Zoey for a little while, I just need to see a map to get my bearings."
  17. Alright, it's Blue. Though I don't think I'm a vigilante, since I only attack the pokemon when I use my Scorch ability, and we both fight. This part is just speculation, but I think I hurt them some so if we run into them, they'll be easier to capture since I think it's a luck percentage. Proto, have you received any messages about being attacked and if so, what was the flavor?
  18. Hmph. Fine. I see you want the hard way. Anyway yes, at the moment Proto, you are unaligned. I am currently in the possession of a trainer I do not plan to reveal. At night, we got to an area searching for pokemon. If we find them and defeat them, they are recruited into our team. I don't think this kills them, but I am not sure since we haven't seen people yet. Just eclipse the first night. I also can attack people at night, but then we don't go searching for members. If I attack enough people, I will level up and gain new powers.
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