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Everything posted by Psych

  1. Oh yeah I had a mini. Who wants to check it.
  2. He only has some movement in the swamps and level over her really. Laguz in general aren't kind to them, and he has 2 more speed, but she can get total weapon triangle control. Plus he's got some difficulty to recruit on HM. So it's more of a now or later type thing.
  3. Though, admittedly I checked out around mid-game and only did what Paper and RD told me. I literally almost copied pasted what Paper wanted me to threaten eclipse with, and just voted who they told me too. The only thing I really did was try and get something out of eclipse like Day 1, and it only succeeded in her seeing throught it and having Rein freak out.
  4. I checked your profile and then your birthday.
  5. I think the way that made the most sense was like... When Xane starts talking about the dragons going to sleep or crazy or whatever later in Book 2, that was during the Holy War with the crusaders. And then Vincent explained that the Fane of Ramon is the Dragon's gate in 7, so all three are actually tied together.
  6. Does that mean we can only compare 1, 2, 3, 11, and 12? 4 and 5? 6 and 7? 9 and 10? At least SS is safe from thi- oh wait, it's already perfect.
  7. Confused his join date for his birthday. Fixed. :/
  8. AKA The star sign compatibility thread. Or at least listings. Aries: Jyoshua Rein Core Strawman Severian Kai Taurus: Balcerzak Roxas BlackShadow whase FreohrDatia ReiRei Ptolemy Gemini: Spectakitty Lux Camtech Nestling Kevin Joerachi Cancer: C's PP Leo: Tangerine Lumi Integrity Eclipse Kiryn Excellen Sask shadowofchaos Ein Silver Rose Raymond Ulki Jack - Keeper of Dead Virgo: Psych Hika Proto Life Amelia TheEnd Dark_Sage Libra: Red Fox Ether Scorpio: Lord Glenn VincentASM JBCWK Sirius Pride Sagittarius: Marthur Obviam Capricorn: Dio Phoenix Aquarius: BLS Pisces: AstraLunaSol Bizz Nightmare Soul I Eat Tables Snike Raven GrandJackal You should unprivate your birthday so I can put it up here. Or tell me if I forgot you. I forgot a lot of people, but it's 3 AM so sue me. There are also a lot of Leos.
  9. Really? And I can't sell my Dagger either? XD Okay then. Maybe extra healing from staves? No, yeah, I am off. Whoops. I'll just give her bow specialization and take 2 points from stamina, and give 1 to magic I guess.
  10. Um, so like And actually... I sacrificed 3 points for another ability.
  11. .....well....my dad worked for this guy. :/ http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=5mfyCI82lWM
  12. It sounds more Romanian or Russian, or at least Eastern European, but definitely not French.
  13. You could maybe ban him from Endgame or Part 4 and still have him free. Then you'd still have to raise a half decent team.
  14. I have one idea that may work, especially in HM, but I'm worried it could trivialize the whole future of the drafts. Make Haar free for all. It solves several problems on it's own, but makes a couple more. One unit ends up being undrafted, so making another free could solve that. Plus then it's not "Who's absolutly the best #1 draft?" since you can pick Titania for good part 3 or Edward/Nolan for part 1.
  15. Name(Race, Nationality): Cora, Nialp RPer: Psych Age: 19 Appearance: Personality: Cora is a very brave girl. She will attempt almost anything at least once, and isn't afraid to speak her mind. She's very blunt and straight forward, but doesn't always realize when she's hurting someone. She loves exploring and adventuring and wants to experience things with her own eyes. Her very family is important to her, and she works very hard to make them proud. She tries to be very dutiful and hard-working, as her young brother and sister look up to her. She worries about her future and what this magic might do, but is also anxious about it, wondering if it could be a good opportunity. Backstory: As a young girl, Cora lived with her family on the plains, always moving from place to place. She loved horses, and always wanted to be around them, helping to feed and care for them and even helping them give birth on a few occasions. She would always run off into the woods on horse back and go exploring. Her father was an ex-warrior for her tribe, and eventually grew old and retired. She continued to take care of his old horse and make sure he didn't get sick or hurt in his age. One day, a group of Laynia Heirophants passed through Cora's settlement. One of them noticed Cora playing, and began talking with her. Cora's mother was always well read, and was very good at using various herbs for brewing potions and other draughts. Cora's grandfather was rumored to have been trained in the Ancient magics, and her mother learned how to brew potions from him. Magic ability had been in her bloodline, and the group of Heirphants were able to train her in minor healing magic. The day that the group left, one of them gave her a letter, and told her to make her way to the capital of one of the nations if she felt like continuing her magical training. She begged her father day and night to let her to go, and eventually he decided it was time for her to become a woman. She was given her father's old horse and she set off on a journey to Rekam. Mount: George, Horse Spirit Self: A horse made out of fog and mist. It's translucent and appears to glow almost. It's very cold and gives of a deep chill. Class: Troubadour Weapon Ranks: Staff C Level: 1 Traits: Horse, Mage Stats: Vit:5|Str:4|Mag:6|Ski:3|Spd:5|Luk:2|Def:5|Res:3| Stats: Hp:20|Atk:4/6|Hit:6|AS:5|Eva:7|Crit:2|CEva:2|Def:5|Res:3| Abilities: None Gold: 25 Items: 1) Mend Staff 2) Stimulant 3) Antidote 4) Torch 5) Pure Water [Current Gold: 55]
  16. Rescuing wasn't in the game until FE5. It didn't exist in the original, so why would they suddenly add it in.
  17. Psych

    Bull(crap) Mafia

    ....I can't say I dislike this ending.
  18. Psych

    Bull(crap) Mafia

    My alias had my search power. My user name had the double vote.
  19. Psych

    Bull(crap) Mafia

    Excellen It's currently Day phase. I'm a Mayor. Don't my votes count more than eclipse? ##Vote Eclipse
  20. How did I not see Viada in Zephial's chapter.
  21. No, but he does have D. And he can be reclassed too.
  22. I though Bishops were Tomes E Staves C and Sages Tome C Staves E. :/ Oh well. Next chapter you get Wendell, and he can just reclass and use Warp. It really doesn't have much use till Chapter 6 or 7 anyway to recruit Bantu.
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