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Everything posted by Psych

  1. Integrity picks Briggid. That means Rein gets Sylvia. I pick Levin.
  2. I do get Holsety!Sety. 8] Fury & Aideen
  3. Rng has spoken. And I'm last. Just my luck. >_> Go Rein.
  4. Drafting: 1. This draft is for 4 people (3 + myself). Units that are free for all are: Sigurd, Diadora, Celice, Oifey and Yuria. 2. First, the mothers will be drafted (snake draft style: 1, 2, 3, 4, 4, 3, 2, 1, etc.), and their children (but not substitutes) come with them. For example, drafting Ayra gets you: Ayra, Lackche and Skasaher. 3. Then, the fathers, fixed characters and substitute characters (Noish, Fin, Shanan, Hawk, etc.) are drafted. However, the person who went last drafting mothers will go first drafting fathers (reverse snake draft: 4, 3, 2, 1, 1, 2, 3, 4, etc.). 4. Each participant will end up with Sigurd, Diadora, two mothers, and their drafted fathers for the first generation, and Celice, Oifey, Yuria, four children characters, and their drafted fixed and substitute characters in the second generation. One character will remain undrafted. Rules: 1. Undrafted characters may not: enter combat, heal, steal, visit villages, become lovers, enter the Arena, etc. 2. Exceptions to the first rule: Briggid, Tiltyu and Claude are free use in Chapter 3; Leaf, Fin and Nanna/Janne are free for use in Chapter 7; Shanan is free for use in Chapter 7 until Yied is conquered. Dew may raise the bridge in Chapter 4 without penalty. Sylvia may enter the Defender Sword village in Chapter 4 without penalty, Laylea may enter the Barrier Sword Village in Chapter 7 without Penalty. Arden can get the Pursuit Ring without penalty. Dew can get the Wind Sword without penalty (lol). 3. Undrafted characters may receive and give items through Talk conversations that do not require the participants to be lovers. 4. NPC units may do as they please without penalty. 5. Using Arenas is allowed. Penalties: Non-holy weapon users (Jamka, Ayra, etc.) have a 3-turn penalty, per unit, per castle. Holy weapon users (Levin, Aless, etc.) and Dancers have a 7-turn penalty, per unit, per castle. Penalties count each castle separately. For example: in the Prologue, using Noish in-route to Jungby incurs a 3-turn penalty. He can chip once, or solo the map, it's still a 3-turn penalty. Once Sigurd seizes Jungby however, using Hoish again (in-route to Evans) will result in another 3-turn penalty. Credits to RD, added a few rules for somethings I thought were unfair. Psych Integrity~ Silvercrow Reinfleche First Gen: 1. Reinfleche: Ayra, Sylvia, Claude, Noish, Alec 2. Integrity: Ethlin, Briggid, Holyn, Cuan, Fin 3. Silvercrow: Tiltyu, Lachesis, Lex, Beowulf, Dew, Midir 4. Psych: Fury, Aideen, Levin, Jamka, Azel, Arden Second Gen: 1. Reinfleche: Lakche, Skasher, Corple, Leen, Janne, Johan, Dimna, Daisy, Hannibal 2. Integrity: Leaf, Altenna, Patty, Faval, Fin, Laylea, Mana, Tristan, Radney, Roddlevan 3. Silvercrow: Arthur, Tinny, Delmund, Nanna, Shanan, Hawk, Femina, Sharlow 4. Psych: Rana, Lester, Sety, Fee, Aless, Amid, Linda, Johalva Asaello the undrafted scrub.
  5. Tu madre tiene la cara de un caballo. Tengo la clase de espanole tres y quatro en la ano neuve de la escuele. Y Frances dos.
  6. "No problem. It is my job, I suppose." Niles took the few coins he had been handed, and put them in his gold pouch. The crest of the guild could be seen stitched onto the side. He grabbed his things and began walking down the road towards Europa again. Well, at least today is over. Maybe when I get back I'll have time for another nap before Rachele gives me some more orders.
  7. "Oh, hey. That's my last message for the day. I have a letter for you. Let me get it." Niles rose to his feet, and reached into his messenger bag. "5 gold for delivery. Europa's begun taxing the messenger guilds." He rubbed the side of his face, still a bit sleepy. "So...what's it about?"
  8. Next week, yeah. But my schedule depends on what day of next week it starts.
  9. "Hmm?" Niles woke slowly, his eyes squinting against the light. "Look Rachele, 5 more minutes. That letter wasn't even important. The knight...zzzz" Niles tried to sleep again, but the woman just wouldn't let go. "He-hey. Who are you? Do you just go around waking up sleeping people or something? I worked all day..."
  10. I'll join. I might need a sub if it doesn't start till next week, cause I have midterms, but otherwise I'm fine.
  11. Niles laid on the ground, staring up at the moving clouds. He chewed on a piece of grass to pass the time, simply watching the wind blow. He only had one more package to deliver today, then he was off. Rachele wouldn't care. Well, she probably would, but he didn't care. The soft smell of the grass and the sun's rays were making him tired. He curled up under the shade of the tree and decided to take a little nap. He could finish his route later.
  12. I know. I love watching you fail and me not being part of it.
  13. Name: Niles Gender: Male Age: 24 Class: Shaman Affinity: Thunder Weapon proficiency: Staves Weapon of Choice: Dark Inventory: Mend Staff, 52 points Raw Stats: HP: 3 STR: 0 MAG: 6 SKL: 3 SPD: 3 LCK: 1 DEF: 1 RES: 3 Simplified Stats: HP: 9 MT: 6 HIT: 3 AVO: 4 DEF: 1 RES: 3 AS: 3 Occupation: Messenger Appearance: Short dirty blond hair that he keeps the length of it in a pony tail. Wears a yellow scarf and a black cape. Nature/Disposition: Lazy and likes to sleep a lot, but somehow gets the job done. Hometown: Europa Connections: Rachele, his boss. A youthful woman that runs the Head Messenger's guild. Yells at him a lot, but she know he's her best man, and holds some grudging respect for him. Backstory: A lazy man from Europa. He learned a bit of magic in school, but eventually quit when it couldn't keep his attention any more. Got a job at the Head Messenger's guild to make some traveling money, and ended up staying. Sold the Heal Staff provided for free.
  14. Yes, but also the grass. The paths are bad as well, and it just really needs work in general. It looks like you just picked random tiles and finished in 5 minutes.
  15. Someone should just have picked Aideen Ayra, then this conversation wouldn't have happened.
  16. No. Deeper, Soul. Those things Astra gives us when he shows us sprites. Or Lumi when she shows us pictures.
  17. Those things Integrity gives you Soul.
  18. If you want a good map/project/anything you might want to try and recruit people who can help you to assist you with your project you're working on. I mean, personally, I don't think I'm a great mapper, but I can definitely turn out something better than that.
  19. 1. Tilespammed. 2. Looks boring to play, as there isn't anything very interesting since it looks like just a boring plain old battle. 4. Why is there a chest down there? >_>
  20. Are you insane?!? Most people do it in 80.
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