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Everything posted by Psych

  1. I'll take Canas, Ephraim, Saul, Elphin, Colm and Guy. :/
  2. Niles stretched his arms and rubbed his eyes. He looked down at the plate before him, and quickly finished it off, wiping his mouth. The school's food never was 4 star, but it did the job. He got up and walked outside, yawning quite widely. He turned the corner and noticed two mercenaries from the group before. "Oh, hello you two. Are you liking the school?"
  3. Crystal because: 1. No stones available was really boring. 2. Some people can be gotten a lot earlier such as Sneasel. 3. Everyone gets the starter and Mystery Egg free. There's one rule. No resetting for your Mystery Egg to get who you want. [spoiler=People before E4]Caterpie Weedle Pidgey Rattata Spearow Ekans Sandshrew NidoranF NidoranM Jigglypuff Zubat Oddish/Gloom Oddish/Bellosom Paras Venonat Meowth Psyduck Growlithe Poliwag/Poliwrath Abra Machop Bellsprout Tentacool Geodude Ponyta Slowpoke/Slobro Magnemite Farfetch'd Doduo Seel Shellder Gastly Onix Drowzee Krabby Voltorb Exeggcute Cubone Hitmonlee Hitmonchan Lickitung Koffing Rhyhorn Tangela Horsea Goldeen Staryu Scyther Jynx Tauros Magikarp Lapras Ditto Eevee/Vaporeon Eevee/Jolteon Eevee/Flareon Eevee/Espeon Eevee/Umbreon Dratini Sentret Hoothoot Ledyba Spinarak Chincou Natu Marril Sudowoodo Hoppip Aipom Sunkern Yanma Wooper Unown Wobbuffet Girafarig Pineco Dunsparce Gligar Snubbull Qwilfish Shuckle Heracross Sneasel Teddiursa Swinub Corsola Delibird Mantine Skarmory Phanphy Stantler Hitmontop Miltank Raikou Entei Suicune 1. Psychedelica 2. General Horace 3. WINgull 4. Silvercrow
  4. Niles' head dropped loudly onto the table below him, connecting with a loud bang. He jerked his head up quickly, and wiped the drool from his mouth. Niles walked over and got a plate of food, before setting it down next to him and drifting back to sleep.
  5. Needs more Charmander trying to set Kiryn on fire and Kiryn running around with hair on fire.
  6. Psych

    Abysmal Souls

    People's Republic of Kanami Estimated Population: Around 10
  7. He doesn't like you inside him, duh. Integrity loves it
  8. I gotta ask you stuff, go to the IP chat.

  9. I'm only good at tomes, and only anima tomes. I was trying to attempt the creation of an Earth Tome, but I couldn't think of a good design, and the crappy one I did think of ended up really bad.
  10. We'll just kill Raymond at night :P Psych
  11. Lumi is genetically predetermined to be better than everyone at everything. She's a woman and asian. There's no beating that.
  13. Shouldn't they kinda be Iunoo.....Fire Emblem things if we're an FE site?
  14. Niles walked through the halls of his old school, looking for the mess hall. It had been a while since he had been there, but he easily remembered where it was. He walked through the doors of the cafeteria, and looked out upon the various tables. Some students were eating, others studying, but the majority of the tables were empty. Niles sat down at a table, and took out a small book from his bag. Leaning his face on his hand, he started to yawn. Even after a nap he was still tired. He'd probably go home, since concerts weren't really his thing, but he was unsure. Hopefully he wouldn't run into Rachele there.
  15. Druddigon doesn't evolve to or from anything.
  16. When did Nightmare get a fancy new Admin bar...D:
  17. Charmander Have a water type, and a bug which is basically a grass type that has different weaknesses. Also, I had no idea Geodude could learn Flamethrower. Go figure. :/ Geodude Right before Misty, so...gonna help clear Surge, and then probably Blaine and help with Koga. Not gonna do much against the other leaders, but definitely a good choice. Too bad I don't get a Golem. I predict he's going to end up falling behind around the E4. Pidgey Early game bird. Basically the first thing I'll see. Definitely nice to have, but since I'll get Charizard, probably won't make the E4 team. Ghastly One of my favs. Best moveset ever: Psychic, Shadow Ball, Giga Drain, Thunderbolt. But will probably have Hypnosis instead of Psychic and something else in place of Giga Drain so that Venomoth and Jynx have some moves. Jynx Another fav, I used her a lot in 1 and 2, but after that kinda fell out of my team, and I got really disappointed she didn't get an evolution with Magmar and Electabuzz. I usually pull a Lovely Kiss-Mean Look-Parish Song set, but I don't want to end up stalling much here (even though Geodude would probably be able to help with it) so it's looking like a Lovely Kiss, Shadow Ball, Psychic, Ice Beam set. I'll be the one who ends up gambling his life away. Too bad you can't get Smoochum either, cause that means no natural Psychic moves. What's up with that? Vaporeon Pretty good too. Coming in around Erika, so that's not great. Iron Tail/Dig/Bite/Surf. Eevee is my top favorite, but Litwick dethroned it. :/ Venonat One I've always thought about using, but never able to fit into my team. I mean, it looks good on paper. Poison/Bug with Psychic moves like Butterfree, but no 4x weakness to rock or Ice. Gonna have to grind it to 52 so it gets Psychic without a TM. And I don't get a good poison move till Sludge Bomb which is after the E4 too. >_> Bug needs to be the move relearner too. (Silver Wind) Has Aerial Ace though. And with that I'm off, Charmander. Playing Fire Red too. TOTALLY DIDN'T PICK GIRL. Turbo button is just as good as Running Shoes, and take a potion to kick Gary GREEN's butt....And Charmander is female. Didn't even need the potion. BLAHBLAHBLAH GET YOUR OWN DAMN PARCEL BLAHBLAHBLAH GRINDING BLAHBLAHBLAH FOREST BLAHBLAHBLAH Kicked Brock's butt. why does pidgey not have gust till 9 ;_; Pidgeotto: Did nothing so far. Just sucking up EXP. Needs to get to a better typing zone and will probably pick up. Charmeleon: Like a boss. Smash and burn baby.
  18. Yeah, I thought so. Guess I can just grind Pidgey and Charmander since I'm using an emulator and just Metal Claw Brock.
  19. Who should my starter in the FRLG draft be? Charmander or Bulbasaur? Team: Pidgey, Geodude, Jynx, Ghastly, Venonat, Vaporeon Not sure who'll sit out either, since Geodude can learn Flamethrower and Venonat and Ghastly can learn Giga Drain. Probably Pidgey.
  20. I have a shiny Sawsbuck. :/
  21. Looks like Seph will finally be.... *puts on sunglasses* Black and Blue YEEAAAAAAAAAAH!
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