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Everything posted by Psych

  1. Psych

    Abysmal Souls

    Like he even knows what sarcasm is. I mean, come on.
  2. Yeah, saving the last member of royalty is totally better than being a wuss who never asked out a girl he had the hots for. And not being a lord anymore. I'm sorry. When did this turn into the Cuan and SIgurd vs Ayra debate? Secondly, Ayra has better movement through the forests than either of them do, thanks to not being on a horse. She can easily clean up some of Jamka's squad while Aideen is busy recruit him, can take care of the squad around Verdane, since after a good use of Silence, AKA Diadora's only use this chapter other than screwing Sigurd, those Hunters are just bait. Not to mention there are two options until we save Aideen and Dew. Dew's sudden religious movement, or a nice day at the beach. Either one, I don't see Dew killing many bandits, and Ayra is perfectly positioned to get there while the others are cleaning up either of the two squads, leaving plenty for her. Plus she wants that skill ring, since, hello! 5 more percent of Astra. Okay first off no. Ayra can easily clean up 5 levels from the bandits, and Aideen and Ethlin do have Return/Warp. So she's clearing the chapter 1 Arena while Lex goes off to find an Axe. Not to mention chapter 2. It should look more like this. 12 Holyn 40HP - Iron Blade: 26 atk | 23 avo | 11 def | 1 res 10 Ayra 36.2HP - Iron Blade: 24.8 atk | 29.8 avo | 8.2 def | 1.3 re Funny, now it doesn't seem so different. Especially considering the fact Ayra has more attack speed than him. It's 18 Speed for Ayra vs 17 Speed for Holyn. There's almost no way that Ayra isn't getting a point up speed until level 11 either. It's not good that you're taking an extra hit from one or two of them when you face higher hit rates. Especially in this game Cam. Let's give that Skill ring to Ayra, since the only other person who could have wanted it in Chapter 1 was lolEthin or Noish, who we'd have had to waste a bunch of turns for since oh yeah, no Pursuit/Instakill sword skill. 10 Ayra 19.6 Skill +5 Skill with ring. Look at that. About a 1 in 4 shot of Astra. And versus anything but armours, which she should only be fighting in the arena and even they don't stand much of a chance, that's a pretty good shot it's dying. Just fixing some numbers for ya. Only Ayra has a higher chance to proc something. Inflating her level? Ha. A limbo contest has seen higher levels. 3.2041% chance? Whut. Since when did he have Nihil? Also I presume by "hilariously inferior" you mean "kicking Holyn's rear end". But I also seem to be missing the most important job in Chapter 2 for Holyn and Ayra. They're on foot. And what do most foot units do in Chapter 2? That's right, go to Mackily. Ayra is easily getting levels off of that place and on the way to Augusty. I was even betting on Holyn getting levels from there. --- Inflated like my rear end. Holyn is low too. With the later half of Chapter 2 and the Arena for 3, they should be looking more like: 16 Holyn 44.4HP - Iron Blade: 27 atk | 26.2 avo | 12.2 def | 1.2 res 14 Ayra 39HP - Iron Blade: 26 atk | 33 avo | 9 def | 1.5 res Also, why aren't they taking the Cross Knights? They're on foot, so they really should only be waiting around for them with Lachesis so she can ban the Earth sword. Having them walk to Madino while the mounts nab all the exp and then wait there so the mounts can be warped to keep taking exp is silly. They can easily walk up to Madino while the mounts deal with the armours, wyverns, and killing Shagal. Plus Holyn might be looking better durability wise, 5 HP and 3 Defense, but... 14 Ayra 22 Skill + 5 Ring 16 Holyn 20 Skill Ayra is still doing better than Holyn with the help of the Skill ring. Deserve? Let's see who can use the Hero Sword before promotion. Ardan - Ha Alec, Noish - Unless they're fathering a kid, unlikely Ethlin - Ha Lachesis - Could be possible here, but has the Prayer Sword and Earth Sword Fury - Gets the Hero Lance Beowulf - Um, why? He has Charge and Pursuit already Sigurd - You're joking, right? Holyn and Ayra really are the only ones who have a claim to it right now. Holyn if fathering Patty, probably edges it out in Chapter 5, but before then Ayra really is the sole user of it besides to clear pesky arenas. We get it as soon as we leave the castle, and unless we want to waste turns by sending Ayra and someone back inside, she's going to be keeping it, at least until Madino. After that, it's likely you'll keep it on her the rest of the chapter. 20 Holyn 48.8HP - Iron Blade: 33 atk | 33.4 avo | 15.4 def | 4.4 res Silver Blade: 41 atk | 33.4 avo | 15.4 def | 4.4 res 20 Ayra 43.2HP - Iron Blade: 32.8 atk | 47.8 avo | 12.2 def | 4.8 res Hero Sword: 32.8 atk | 53.8 avo | 12.2 def | 4.8 res 20 Holyn 25.4 skl 20 Ayra 29.5 skl + 5 ring 7 levels each seems a bit much for either of them. Yes, there's a lot of pirates, but the main group of them will go after Briggid and towards Claude and Tiltyu and possibly Fury. Pizaro's group might come after them, but even with Chapter 4 arena, unless there's some Elite Ring action, it just seems doubtful. Why wouldn't they go North? Even if we're waiting for Aideen and Lachesis to return the whole group, Dew has to go, and if we're waiting on Dew, Ayra and Holyn can go with. Secondly, we have to wait for Mayhna to die and for Silesia to be captured, which is a good 7 turns, so no one is going to be mad if they have to warp Ayra and Holyn back for some more exp either. Just look at Bal's runthrough. Not to mention Ayra now has almost equal if not better offense than Holyn thanks to the Hero Sword unless he pulls out the Silver Blade. He may still have a durability lead on her, but she's also packing a good 20 avoid lead. Plus now is when Caps and Skills come into play. Ayra has a 3 more skill and speed cap over Holyn, which while not al ot, can allow for more Astra-ing and lets her double a few things he can't. Not to mention her shiny new Continue skill that Holyn doesn't have. I have no idea where you're pulling these numbers from other than your ass. Ayra is facing hit rates in the 50's, while Holyn has 70's. By the way, Ayra doubles her. Hero Sword makes that a quad, and a shiny Continue (which allows for even more Astra goodness) would surprise me if she didn't 1RKO Lamia. Holyn can only 1RKO her if he pulls out the Silver Blade and gets a lucky Luna. And while good, is a lot less likely than with Ayra's bonuses. 5 HP, 3 Def. Definitely a great lead. >_> And with an avoid of about 30 more than Holyn once they both reach level 30, it doesn't look good for him. I'm going to try and stop this from turning into a pairing debate, but... Lex brings Elite and Ambush to the table, and while that allows you to spread more exp off of the twins in Second Gen, it really only helps to get Lakche in low HP, give her her mother's Skill ring and Hero sword, and hope she gets lucky and kills like Ishtar or someone bothersome like Ishtor. Which by then, Shanan will have shown up/Holsety!Arthur, so it's not really doing anything besides letting them promote early. Not to mention Shak's only inheritance is a 0 kill Silver Blade and Thunder Sword. Holyn gives them overkill skill and little else, which they already have, not to mention the fact that Astra and Luna can't activate together. Next. Noish is possible. He has the exact same rate as Lex, only loses the conversation in 3. You'd get plenty of adjacents in 1, while Noish is slowed moving through forest, or in 4 waiting for Mayhna to die. If you're really slow, there's Chapter 5 while a horse actually hurts and Noish hates sand. There's what I consider Ayra's best pairing. Dew. Yes, Dew. He's going to be hardly contributing to combat in Sigurd, Levin, or Ayra level rates, but he can nab a few kills here and there for cash. Plus, since Ayra will be swimming in cash (I've never seen her not clear the arena) she can give her money to him, to help finance other trouble people like Aideen. With Sol and Bargain, the kids won't have money issues and can tank a lot more people. Dew really can only help us with Ayra, since they both have similar move which allow for adjacents, they come early too, and won't be paired so early that you don't get the Hero Sword. I have no issues with Patty!Holyn. tl;dr Holyn looks all cool, but is a wuss, Ayra is the Aunt of someone with a Holy Weapon, let's her daughter preform incest, has a super cool sword skill that beats everything, doesn't afraid of anything and survived the Battle of Barahara too. Can Holyn say that?
  3. My vote totally counts, cause it's gonna end up as the majority.
  4. I should totally win then.
  5. Well, not necessarily. She can switch to Fire for more might.
  6. Isn't it fun when Lux is wrong.... Oh wait, it's always fun.
  7. It's like when you stuff Lux in a box. You don't know what he's doing till you open it. ...or something like that.
  8. Psych

    Abysmal Souls

    I should totally join
  9. ....Cam, you know my sprite is the copy pasted sword from FE12.
  10. I'd like to see Soren against Ilyana in this, but I doubt it would do more than help Soren, since he'd get higher magic and resistance and get Adept. But Ilyana would have more HP...which does nothing.
  11. WHAT THERE IS AN ILYANA BADGE I MUST GET IT At least I have Vika back instead of Sigrun.
  12. Someone should go post Lumi's Lakche solo and say she's better than both Sety and Arthur. Or just any Arthur thing, like Bal's AAAA run.
  13. I think the girl needs some shading where her hair falls on her chest and neck.
  14. You never know. Paper cuts can be fatal. Or you wrote it on a Death Note.
  15. He's not a doctor, but he plays one on the internet.
  16. I'll take Ayra Holyn if I can be Ayra. You can open though.
  17. Fury (Me) vs Ayra (You) ? Or Azel (Me) vs Jamka (You) Or Ayra vs Holyn Though if you'd be up for 2 maybe Shanan vs Aless or Levin!Tinny vs like...Claude!Fee.
  18. Why is there a gaiden. WHY IS THERE A GAIDEN
  19. I want to debate SNES though. Unless you want to do Gaiden or something.
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