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Everything posted by Psych

  1. Number 9 leads to implications for Soul, and Bal obviously plays the Trombone. It's the most destructive instrument alive.
  2. Integrity's "Minimal" = Dear lord what did he do now
  3. Those were my thoughts. Though actually I'm probably the only one who wouldn't mind a Gaiden remake, if they manage to do the world map, monsters, and promotions and things like that well.
  4. Well, no, I mean it's been a month and I was just wondering... Since this is apparently the ask Tangerine Corner Time. What's the Issues tab on our user page do? Cause it doesn't display my Warn Logs or anything like that.
  5. Does warn ever go down? If I remember it was like 3 months or something.
  6. The one you were with Hatari?
  7. It looks like 5. Because otherwise you could fit 10 inside of the bar.
  8. There was a typo when Leen was speaking with Aless. She said "What's all the conmotion?" Also, I was wondering, why don't you just insert the Mage Knight sprite and have Kempf use it? And why did Darna start all set out?
  9. I couldn't help notice, but was there any reason you never gave Tornado to Tinny? It probably would have been better than Tron for her, and you could just give Tron to Leaf.
  10. The Weighted Crimson Dagger holder will never threaten to stab you and, in fact, cannot speak."
  11. I'm not aware of what is actually being tested, but this hasn't been being covered by practically any large news corporations, just showing they don't want something unless it'll make them money.
  12. Source: http://hubpages.com/hub/Scientists_cure_cancer__but_no_one_takes_notice And apparently no one cares.
  13. Is it because you use military time?
  14. See I don't like OC either, because you guys are all so tricky and use your keen powers of persuasion to get me to tell you things I shouldn't.
  15. Yes, but he's still an armour knight that's a hassle to recruit. You could maybe give him another Leadership star or something or like a support and up his Lance rank since he's one of two indoor lance users. Plus for some reason he's got 50% speed growth, which is weird.
  16. You might want to think about giving Xavier something, if only for the incentive to actually recruit him.
  17. The shading on the paws and tail of the dragon looks a bit off though. I can't seem to get a good look at the video, but if there was a screenshot could you put that up? It just looks a little off for some reason.
  18. At least have it be Elphin Bard and not Nils. :x
  19. No, but it's on my other computer which is broken atm, so once I fix it I'll finish the thing I guess.

  20. Yeah...but Integrity can buy double rings in the secret shop if he recruits Hannibal and keeps the soldiers alive.
  21. Ronan, Tania. Johalva after promo Leaf after promo Pull an ASDF and make a Bow General for Hannibal
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