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Everything posted by Psych

  1. Master Knight works cause we don't have one yet since I'm waiting on Nightmare to change his stuff. But no more guys. >_>
  2. I'm not gonna bother with subs this time. :/ It'd just be a hassle. ASDF so few Pursuits.
  3. New Rule: Ignore Rein
  4. Needs a Promotion I'm also probably going to end up applying the Sword Skill patch to it and I'll end up changing the weapon list too. But if someone wants the patch or whatever once I make it just ask.
  5. For now guys just one person for each, but if I don't have enough then later you can go again. Also Nightmare, Axe Fighter isn't available for Females and I'm pretty sure I can't give Big Shield as a Personal Skill.
  6. No Valkyrie or Skills? And she needs a previous class too.
  7. It was a class skill before. Not really.
  8. Um, yes I am. New rule: No making people the same stuff.
  9. Whatever major bloods are left over I'll just shuffle between Reptor, Alvis, Trabant, and what's his face. Unless people want to pick that too.
  10. Still more availability than if Sety had it.
  11. I planned on hacking the available weapon list too. So if Aideen becomes a Sword Fighter, when she gets the Warp staff it'd be like the Fire Sword instead. I've changed things like that several times. I gave Lachesis the Swanchika once and I gave Tiltyu the Valkyrie staff too. :/ I thought Holy Weapons always showed up in inventories anyway? I miscounted skills and blood. :/ Like you can make the Earth Sword a Holy Weapon for Lachesis or something, or things for Aideen or Ethlin or Ayra or Aideen's lover. The others can just start with it, but it might be a bit early for them. I can just make Holsety like Tornado when Levin gets it.
  12. *Want* I have a DW Tailow, Lotad, Mareep, Ponyta, Sunkern, Shiny Deerling, French Snivy, and a Japanese Joltik.
  13. Boredom for everything Up for grabs: 32 skills for First Gen, 12 for the fixed characters in Second Gen Everyone's Classes and Promotions Holy Weapon Allocations (EG: Alvis with Holsety [Only thing is no Player Loputousu, Yurius has to have it, and Narga stays Narga]) 13 Minor Bloods for people 7 Major Bloods and Holy Weapons Gogogogo Noish Prince Emperor Baldo Charge, Continue Alec Bard Sage Narga Pursuit, Charisma Ardan SwordFighter Swordmaster Odo Pursuit Cuan Great Knight Pursuit, Continue Ethlin Pegasus Falcon Knight BLAGGI Nihil Fin Fire Mage MageFighterM FALA Ambush, Prayer Azel BowFighter Sniper ULIR Astra, Ambush, Wrath Lex Pirate Warrior Neir, Ulir Elite, Pursuit, Prayer Midir Free Knight Forrest Aideen Wind Mage Sage Narga Continue, Critical Dew SwordArmour MageKnight Dain Awareness, Critical Ayra Thief ThiefFighter ODO Bargain, Pursuit, Luna Jamka Priest Dark Bishop Fala Awareness, Ambush Holyn Arch Knight Bow Knight Wrath Lachesis Priest Sage Holsety Wrath, Ambush Beowulf SwordFighter Dragon Master Charge, Elite Levin Cavalier Master Knight HEZUL Wrath Sylvia Mage MageFighter TORDO Pursuit, Awareness, Critical Fury Paladin F Dain, Noba Pursuit Claude ForrestKnight Hezul Astra, Prayer Tiltyu Troubadour Paladin F Lopt Sol, Charge Briggid Dancer Nihil Oifey MasterKnight Luna, Sol, Astra Lakche SwordFighter Dragon Master Shak BowFighter Bishop Fee Dragon Rider Dragon Master Arthur Arch Knight Bow Knight Leaf Priest High Priest Nanna Dancer Shanan Axe Fighter Great Knight Patty Pegasus Falcon Knight Aless Fire Mage Mage Fighter Fala Luna, Ambush Tinny Princess Foresst Faval Pirate Warrior Sety Paladin Corple Priest Baron Hannibal Emperor DAIN Pursuit, Continue Altenna Pegasus Falcon Knight 0 skills left. 0 Major Holy Bloods, 0 Minor Holy Bloods. Briggid Inheritance reversed.
  14. I didn't mess with Text yet, but I'm pretty sure text wouldn't cause the rest of that stuff to happen.
  15. But it should be Lumi only cause Lumi is special. D: Lumi should have her own class slot.
  16. So I'm not the only one who noticed that. Kicked her ass too.
  17. So um Cam....why is this happening still? :/
  18. "You got your Ilia in my Caelin!"
  19. Psych

    slice 'n' spice

    Red, the trees edges don't seem to match up with each other. Blue, just seems weird to me.
  20. Psych

    slice 'n' spice

    The peaks actually look pretty good except for the east side where it should taper off and the middle parts at the bottom. Other than some of the darker trees being messed up and a couple of grass tilespams it looks pretty good.
  21. Honestly with better writing Katie probably could have ended up really good. :/ Kiryn should try and bring her back and take her over.
  22. I'm pretty sure it is for Thief Fighter. But Patty with the Hero Sword and C ranks swords probably outweighs any C swords Alec can give with his Pursuit. Since Luna is also helping and it's unlikely Patty is going to be fighting any sword skill users.
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