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Everything posted by Psych

  1. There's class base stats and there's character base stats. The Character base stats are added to the class's to get the unit's stats. :/ So Ardan's bases are added to the Swordfighter rather than the Armor.
  2. Requesting a mug or two. :/ Just put me in the queue or whatever for later.
  3. Yes. Right now I'm playing through as a test to see if any glitches happen or if items are in places they shouldn't be. Base stats aren't being changed but a few people's growths are, particularly the ones switching from being magic to being physical or vice versa.
  4. Yeah, now I realize that Leaf gets Pursuit on promo. I didn't realize that.
  5. Eh. I'm sorta screwing things. I gave Cuan Pursuit and Continue just so Leaf and Altenna don't totally suck. Sigurd and Diadora weren't able to be placed because I haven't changed them at all and am not going to. :/ Well, I made it so Diadora could promote (as if), and gave her Rezire to just in case. Though now Alec and Aideen can use them and Rezire and Aura are in Blume/Ishtar's Chapter 8 inventory so which ever I don't pick I get both.
  6. Priest Master Knight works :/ But I forgot about Holyn.
  7. We have no more skills either, and again, Big Shield can't be a personal skill. We also need Midir.
  8. Better. Because basically every good pairing for her would already give Prayer. :/
  9. I actually don't hate you right now. But. Why the fuck does everyone and their mother literally have Prayer or Ambush.
  10. New screening question all newbies must answer: How do you fell about Arthur and Sety?
  11. No, Leaf will change to something with staves, and Altenna has to be flying, so she's a Flacon Knight. I tried to make Altenna something else before, but she can't get through the gate and if you seize that once castle before Arion shows up, then she'll disappear, so Altenna has to fly and I'm reserving the right to change her myself. Yes, someone can be a Master Knight in 2 because I don't have one yet. Also, Enemy Holy weapons will be: Leptor/Blume/Ishtar: Holsety Alvis: Swanchika Trabant/Arion: Also Gae-Borg because apparently I miscounted Axe People: Gae-Borg
  12. Noish, Holyn, Midir, Dew, Aideen, Cuan, and all the kids are left.
  13. I can still give her ThorHammer to start with, only thing is she can't visit the village unless she's a dancer. That still works though so no biggie.
  14. Enemies also won't steal the Crusader scrolls.
  15. You'll either have to give Sigurd a different Holy Weapon too or pick a different blood, sorry. :/ I don't caaaaaaaare.
  16. Someone already picked Major Odo, so I'm gonna have to go with them first. Yes, I know I can, but tiers are wrong so no.
  17. I was already planning it. Jormung is going in 1 of the two empty slots and I'm not sure what'll go in the other yet.
  18. I can do that if you want, but there aren't conversations for Azel to get something. So yay Prologue Ichival.
  19. And mages and maybe a cleric.
  20. No more guys as in, no more Master Knights. And no one's gone twice. :/
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