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Everything posted by Psych

  1. Wasn't Reika Kanami's in the beginning? So wouldn't Snowy be able to write Reika till around the graveyard?
  2. Did you forget the Brave Axe? I fully expect Integrity to visit all Gaidens too. 8] What?! I have Boyd now?
  3. Is this the one that allowed Pegasus Knights to use staves correctly or the one Arch had with FE4A?
  4. I feel so proud. And yet, disappoint in no Amnesia. Metal Gear/Penumbra/Silent Hill/RE
  5. Gonna have to go with Astra. All the others either look too low, or the ones that don't (Glenn, Cam, Feaw) look either too dark or dull to me.
  6. I had 5 I believe when the reversal happened, so that would make what?...10? That would work for me having Vika.
  7. You want to murder your dad and sleep with your mom?

  8. No need to be so formal, I've seen you naked.
  9. http://serenesforest.net/forums/index.php?showtopic=25551
  10. Astrid could maybe be combined with either Meg or Fiona.
  11. There are 11 preferred weapons if Dark magic counts Pelleas as it's only user since he's the only PC user of it. But only 10 can be blessed at a time due to Ragnell and Etard both being for Ike.
  12. That kinda just proves we'd rather be part of Lumi's mercs than hold a revolution in Fox's name.
  13. Tangerine should have Leanne cause she's a girl. D: Then admins can have Rafiel. :P
  14. I wonder who I have... Vika, hell yeah!
  15. What's up with the random ruin tile? Did you guys make a female soldier too?
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