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Everything posted by Psych

  1. I'm being him at Animezment. :/
  2. Sewaddle and them are half grass.
  3. Sunlight streamed down on Niles face, having been asleep for most of the journey. The carriage rode over a bump in the road, and he awoke with a start. "Hmm? We there yet?" Niles stretched his arms and rubbed his face. Time to go get chewed out by Rachele again. Might as well get another delivery.
  4. I liked that better gameplay wise, and I also bet that the manga did that too. I always thought a better story would be them competing for Lakche than one of them dying. That said, it's still a bigger error than just recruiting them. That could be a lot more reasonable, but it's also cause you decided to include that Gaiden chapter. If you're going to have Evayl and Lifis and Asvel and them, you should probably get the rest of FE5 right.
  5. SALEM Yesssss-wait. :/ Now I have to be a stickler here, cause I love Salem and all, but even since Thracia is in the middle of 6-8 and all that, Salem is with the Dandylion gang right now. Since Celice rescues Leaf around chapter 18-ish when they retake Lenster, and Salem is already with the party by then. So, as much as I love seeing him there, I'm going to have to ask how.
  6. 1. Why am I Woobat? But, I kinda like Woobat, so it's okay. >_> 2. You should use me instead of Astra.
  7. If there is still room I'd like to join.
  8. "Rachele, why can't I sleep?" Niles pulled himself up, rubbing his face again. No naps today. As usual, the world was conspiring to keep him exhausted and sore. "Hmm? Who are you? I had been trying to walk to Europa, but those men were after you and blocked the road. If it wasn't for you, I'd be almost half way there by now. Plus I'm lucky I didn't die. I think I can catch a ride to settle debts. I did help heal your group too." Niles laid back down, face first. He reached into his bag and pulled out a letter. "This is for you." Though that last sentence came out a bit muffled.
  9. Guys! Eclipse is pregnant and Obviam is the father! In other news....Tangerine recently held up the First National Serenes Bank
  10. Niles looked around, noticing everyone seemed to be fine. He was still a bit tired from when that woman had woken him up earlier, and then the battle happened, so he decided to take another rest. He climbed into the wagon and laid down. Hopefully he could get a ride the rest of the way. The group had put him in danger after all. If it weren't for them, the road wouldn't have been blocked and none of this would have happened. They owed him. He could have died after all.
  11. Can be sung to the tune of Gilligan's Island.
  12. Because we like the newer staff members more HAVE LEARNED WHAT NOT TO DO BY WATCHING TANGY AND THE OTHERS.
  13. "We just put it there cause it looks cool." Swimming, anyone?
  14. You said something I just felt like correcting. "Since I'm not pairing Azel, no one can inherit Elfire." Sety can inherit Elfire regardless of his parents. Well, someone has to buy it to pass it down, but you get what I'm saying. Though I guess since Claude is his father, you can't. :/ Levin!Sety can have it though.
  15. But the fire just makes me hungry. I eat fire for breakfast. Here, have one of these.
  16. Niles walked over to the wagon, as he noticed several people were congregating nearby. He noticed a man trying to heal a young woman's leg, and decided to step in to help. "Um, do you need my help with anything? My staff is a bit more effective in healing wounds, and a mage girl told me to look out for those that were injured."
  17. Cool. In that case....Niles Level Up. Raw Stats: HP: 3 STR: 0 MAG: 6 SKL: 3 SPD: 3 LCK: 1 DEF: 1 RES: 3 Simplified Stats: HP: 9 MT: 6 HIT: 3 AVO: 4 DEF: 1 RES: 3 AS: 3 VVVV Raw Stats: HP: 3 STR: 0 MAG: 7 SKL: 3 SPD: 4 LCK: 1 DEF: 2 RES: 3 Simplified Stats: HP: 9 MT: 7 HIT: 3 AVO: 5 DEF: 2 RES: 3 AS: 4 15 points remaining.
  18. Niles grasped his head. The adrenaline was a bit much, and his head was throbbing with pain. Luckily, the group that had arrived earlier had both rescued him and distracted the enemy, so he was lucky to end the battle with no scratches. With his Mend staff in hand, and the rest of his belongings, he looked for the pirate girl that the mage had spoke of. Maybe she was in charge. Hopefully he could get a ride to Europa. He walked up to the pirate woman. "Excuse me, that mage girl over there told me to keep an eye out for you. Are you hurt? Should I heal you?"
  19. Did I earn any points last battle? I'm not sure what with the whole Other thing.
  20. Oh, Arch...Oh.... I love the amount of conversation I can make by asking about a color.
  21. Rath wears red too though. :/ Some marriage thing? They had uh...animal blood and berries I guess.
  22. If Kutolah's wear red, should Prasad wear red too? >_> Just something to think about.
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