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Everything posted by Psych

  1. Dear is like 14 for each. You don't need it on Jenny as much as Silk, but you'll still want it.
  2. Falcon Knights do super damage to all monsters. Which is why you probably wanted to promote Claire. GET DEAR FOR JENNY AND SILK. I'll just keep yelling it until you do. I do congradulate you on the Summoner with the Dracozombies though, you finished that before the fucking over on yourself commenced. Either check the map, or listen to what I told you about the tree in the bottom right corner.
  3. I said when you get him~ It's not for a while SINCE YOU NEED TO GET CELICA LIKE DONE. It's at the last Baron on the map I believe. Just go there once you win.
  4. NO YOU WON'T Hurry and get Celica to Doma's tower before you go past Rigel town and fight the dracozombies, or else more will spawn and stuff. Get Dear, I'm not even kidding. Do it. Now. Grind Silk till she gets it. And Integrity, what have we learned about waterfalls from movies, there's always something behind them. *hint hint* I also finally got to the final boss, and you're gonna want to hurry when you get down there, what with the "Jenny took 4 damage" popping up all the time. Fun fact: Matilda is the only female that's not a mage, pegasus knight, or cleric. Magic Ring, Magic Ring, Magic Ring, Magic Ring. Put Teeta and Zeke in your top 10 now. Get rid of Robin and since Claire is horribly under leveled, even though you'd normally want her, get rid of Claire too. Zeke is an NPC type and if he lives next battle then you get him. I told you about swamps in Celica's route. And when you get to the Lost Woods, look in the bottom right hand corner of screens, and you'll either see a blank spot or a tree which tells you what square it is. Just use the map on the site here.
  5. Why is Astra getting people to make tutorials just to avoid doing work...
  6. Narga is the King Perv of the forest. Just ask Nightmare.
  7. Alas poor Yorick, I knew thee well.
  8. Teeta has Fortify at level 4, and starts at level 1. He also should be getting sages soon, which, while should be doing magic and have 5 range with the magic ring, can also heal too.
  9. Best: Dandelion Gang Worse: Is there even more than one reference? Uh...Celica hasn't grown crops in 3 years?
  10. I'm feeling a bit nostalgic. Anyone wanna argue 2, 4, or 5?
  11. Okay, seriously, get Dear for Silk soon. It's like level 14, or just promoted her at 12 and raise her like 1-2 levels. Magic Shield makes all magic have like 10 hit on the person that has it. Holy Shield gives 13 defense, but only when fighting monsters. It also heals 5 HP. Holy weapons like the bow do super damage to monsters, but I think you knew that. Nope, Arrow is like pew pew pew. Turn on the animation for it. It has like 18 mt or something insane. But it takes a lot of health. Magic Ring favoritism is coming up in Nuibaba's mansion. It makes all magic have 5 range, though I'm not sure of if it does it to Silk and Teeta's White magic. I say give it to Cliff, and the Speed Ring to Silk or Matilda. Promote SIlk soon man. And move people around so that Teeta and Zeke will be in your top 10. The first ten units in the list go to the fival chapter, so remember that.
  12. I didn't say Astra, I sai Lux! D:<
  13. Well there's always Bowey. And Maisen.
  14. Yes, except the chest is on Alm's route.
  15. Nightmare x Shota Since that sounds just dirty enough...
  16. Admittedly, I forgot about Sleuf, Sara, and Linoan, though Sleuf isn't attacking anything anytime soon, Sara doesn't come till 17, since when she comes earlier, it's the much less favorable route, and Linoan....well I guess she can do something.
  17. Shorts are comfy and easy to wear. Let's go check out this awesome Ratata.
  18. Salem, Mr. B rank Staves after promo and basically your only other warper besides Saphy or Cyas, would like to say Hi.
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