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Everything posted by Psych

  1. I hope your beary prebeared for this unbearable bear of a battle.
  2. [spoiler=So This?]Ending_event: FADI 10 BACG 0x0D TEX1 0x0804 MNCH 0x01 ENUN ENDA
  3. What about the ending dialogue? What do I do about that?
  4. All this goes over Prologue. But it's Chapter 1 for space saving stuff. I don't have a Prologue.
  5. Actually he would be right, only because there is not Prologue. But then where do I put in the conversational piece pointer?
  6. Cam give me this. Ending_event: MNCH /**/0x02 ENDA How the fuck do I fill that in?
  7. Okay. But what do I fill in in the ending events section? Do I use yours, or Astra's? 8] The events thing makes sense. I understand how to do it. I just don't get what I need to fix once an error comes up.
  8. Admittedly, they can't take any hits in this game, as opposed to some untransformed last time. But hey, they can attack! [sarcasm]
  9. FE4 draft's vile mistress: Levin and Sylvia. Excellent Gen 1. See Soul's example for Gen 2. Really though, the best draft for that is either Ethlin and Ayra, or Ayra and Aideen. Hell, ClaudexAideen could be good fro that draft since Reserve and Rescue for Chapter 6 = . Downside is the really only good thing for Lester is a Pursuit Ring since they have no natural skills. @Astra If you're wondering about those conversations, REMAKE A GOGO BABY. AKA me adding lots of bonuses. And you finally get money in this game.
  10. NO I haven't touched maps yet. I'm using an open one to test out these events first. Here's what I have. I included the unit definitions in another txt doc. I followed Arch's videos to the letter. >_>
  11. ASTRA I BROKE IT "Unhandled exception has occurred in your application. If you click continue, the application will ignore this error and attempt to continue. If you click Quit, the application will close immediately. Could not find any recognizable digits."
  12. The word of the day is futile, as in "Your futile existance is meanlingless." Can you think of any other words that start with F Chie? Fsteak.
  13. Uh, yeah I have. I don't care if Gummy is just plucky relief, we need him! D:
  14. Phoenix is the attorney. >_> We need Gumshoe, idiot.
  15. I DON'T CARE. I CAN MAKE EVERY FE5 WEAPON OTHERWISE besides Berserk and Sleep swords and a Kia staff. And Lara gets a fancy personal weapon. 8]
  17. Eh. Oh well. Sara's just gonna be less useful. Veld can just Warp Evayl out of the map rather than stone her. That's one cool thing from FE7. Though I might make a Dark ranged tome that causes sleep for Veld and lots of 8] moments.
  18. I know how to go about editing ASM, but what I'm looking for is...:/ Wait, that's Hex right?
  19. Anyone know how I might go about making a Rewarp staff? >_>
  20. Oh. I think you can still do that on normal too. You just have to push fancy buttons when making a new game to put it in normal like how you get Elite Mode in FE5. If you do decide to grind, it's a lot easier to steal the shield from Dozer at the end of Part one. And level Celica to like 7 before you fight the Dracozombie later in her route. Also: Decide if you want a mage or a merc later since you have to choose between one or the other. Uh...I believe that's all, but make sure you visit the fort in the upcoming battle to get Clea since you need her to get Clerve I believe.
  21. Cliff: Mage Robin: Archer Third guy: Merc Cecilica's guy: I like cav, but he doesn't even matter. Use all the clerics D: I totally told you to play this before Lightning did. >_>
  22. With my favoritism of her, I can't get her there on EM. So yeah. Though most BEXP does go to Laura. 8D
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