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Everything posted by Psych

  2. Soul is basically around where I am with 3 chapter left, only 50 turns less than me, and Silver and Lancelot have around half my turn count. Iris is the only one who hasn't shown much, but eh. Really it's obvious I've lost. And besides ^ what Soul said.
  3. I have. >_> The SD one hasn't even started yet.
  4. 1. To be done on easy mode. 2. No grinding on cave battles. You can go through them once, and then a second time only if you need to promote. 3. Norma, Mycen, Silk, Jenny, and Teeta will be free, leaving 25 units, 5 per drafter. 4. You can have your units on whatever team you want. So if Clea dies, and Celica revives her, go for it. It might hurt one party, but it's up to you. 5. You can not remove NPCs from battle with the Leave Map secret. 6. 2 turn penalty for villagers (Grey, Cliff, Robin, Atlas); 3 turn penalty for tier 1 units; 4 turn penalty for tier 2 units, mages, and pegasus knights (Clea, Catria, Palla, Est, Sonia, May, Ryuto, Dyute, Boowy, Matilda, Valbo, Dean; 5 turn penalty for tier 3 units (Zeke). 1. Psych 2. 3. 4. 5.
  5. And I haven't done one of these lately. I'll do it.
  6. Psych

    Disgaea Mafia

    Also, the only thing revealed upon death is allignment. So lynching really can't help us as much as usual.
  7. Mercy kill? If it makes you feel better, I've been home sick with the flu since Saturday.
  8. Then we send him to hell and eat grass?
  9. Psych

    Disgaea Mafia

    Can we lynch? Can we have a party? D:
  10. Psych

    Disgaea Mafia

    Well, seeing as how he was our doctor...>_> If Asch had listened to me...
  11. Psych

    Disgaea Mafia

    Don't worry Excellen. Raymond has Night 1 death reserved for him. :P
  12. Psych

    Disgaea Mafia

    So, let's kick it off. ...What is Disgaea?
  13. Magic only. All mages have to be used, and 1 additional cleric, mage, and dark mage.
  14. You missed the Navarre Cavalier -> Swordmaster up there. General Astram?
  15. They're best for the zombie fights in the caves and things. Later when Matilda fights with you in the jail, go back and you can recruit her, and don't fight Zeke until you save Teeta from Nuibaba's Mansion. Palla and Catria will be in Sophia Port after their battle, and the three knights for Celica are in the Pirate fort after battle. There's a lot of people that are easy to miss.
  16. I'll give you Barst Hunter -> Warrior. Have him use bows mainly as a Warrior. :P
  17. Psych

    L4D2 Mafia

  18. There's a ring later in the game at either Nuibaba's mansion or I think Sonia comes with that makes the range of all spells 1-5. There's also a Speed ring will increase move by 5 and give someone 40 speed. That's why I said you need to feed Silk kills. Mages level up to gain different spells, and promoting them early is...confusing to explain unless you go look it up on the site. Just don't. Like, wait till 15 for them all, sometimes later. Like Silk learns Warp at level...7 I believe. Group exp goes to the lowest level person I believe, but don't quote me, I've never seen it actually count for them. You've now seen where FE8 comes from. And you can only use those Lion head statues 3 times each. So one twice and one once, or one three times. Also, Falcon Knight attacks are super effective against all monsters. So definiatly promote Palla, Catria, Est, and Clea and take them to the final, cause it's a lot of monsters. And I noticed you've been ignoring those other commands. Assualt will move all people towards enemies and attack if possible. Gather brings everyone to Alm. And you can't open doors for later. Trust me. It's annoying. >_> Feed Silk 2 defense and 1 power. Favoritism! There's probably more I want you to know, but I can't remember....OH At the end of Chapter 3's Celica route (the desert) you have to get to the mansion way out on the left and inside is Est and a priestess. If you talk to the priestess, Celica promotes, so don't do it before you're ready. And in Chapter 4 after the floodgates, Celica goes to the Mysterious Woods! And a Sage in there promotes Alm, so don't talk to him if you aren't ready either. You can also recruit that guy at the entrance of the Liberation HQ so do it before you leave.
  21. She looks a little pale though.
  22. Thief in Manster only needs like, 2 door keys for 4 for Leaf and the exit door. You can capture some keys in 4x, and 5 the door opens if Evayl dies. 6 opens if you step in front of it, though you have to go through the swarm of enemies. 8x I'd rather just say tough luck.
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