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Everything posted by Psych

  1. @Kai The darkness thing is Morgan, the quiet thing is Katie. @Phoenix The civilians see how she acts and dressess when they walk through town. They think she acts that way. Aiya doesn't have a southern belle accent either.
  2. Whoops. I forgot Arrin. That was an accident though. Appearently, civilians think nomads eat wolves whole. @Snike Yup
  3. The play is how civilians see the group. The new people like Alf, Derek, and Pary, were left out on purpose.
  4. Flanderized characters. Guess who's who!
  5. Rita: "Wait! I'm your sister! I'm a vicious nomad, and I eat wolves whole! You're one of us!" "Fire, fire, fire, fire, fire. Oooooh, cute little disabled girl!" "Wyvern, wyvern, wyvern, wyvern." "Helloooooo ladies, check out my huge lance! I'm a captain!" "*Southern Belle accent* Damian! Come help me! The bull wyvern's so vicious! Oh my!" "I hate you all. Darkness is my only friend." "......" "Ouch. A tree fell on me." "I am a cleric! You can not expect me to sleep in the dirt! You filthy nomads!" "I love you Damian, but you have Aiya. I need to survive! No one truely loves me!" "Boom! Boom! Boom! Sorry, Viveka where are you?" "*Valley girl accent* Like, I'm so ready to kill stuff! OMG, this shirt totally clashes with my hair. My legs are awesome!" "I-I just want to help! Arrin, are you okay? Let me heal you." "Thunder, thunder, thunder, thunder. Brother, brother, brother." "Stabby, stabby, stabby, stabby, stabby. I'll let the bandit live." "Um, uh, Morgan? I, uh, um, sorry. Never mind." "Girls, girls, girls, girls, girls. Save Irina, sexy pegasus knight, Ivanko." "Blah, blah, blah, blah. I'm a virgin, and an idiot!" -------------------------------------------------------------- *Curtain closes* :lol: "Bwahahahaha! That group is so stupid! If I ever run into them, they'll need my help. Aw, it's too dark to leave already. I might as well get a room for tonight."
  6. @Clock I took it for Cess, and he scored 10. Very non-sue-ish.
  7. @Cynthia I never said that. Once Rita meets Jerdon + Bandit group, she's gonn challenge Eric to a duel, and be all BFF-ie with Dani. Then when they rejoin, she'll be all, "Kelas is so handsome, I bet I'm just his type-what?" and "Cessy!". The play's basically as much of a parody of our group as I can make it.
  8. It won't happen unless she trains with Eric, Derek, and Esphyr, and that's not for at least a few good chapters. If she meets a hero or something though, that'll help. It's not for a while though, but if/when it does, I might try to think about Luna around then too, since Sol is for Valkyries.
  9. @Sage That's what I'm saying. You're not a perfect writer either. You have bad moments too. Heck, Damian can be a Sue if he wants. I don't oppose it. Sue's aren't a bad thing, just unoriginal, but Damian has managed to be an original Sue. Lay off everyone's back.
  10. @Sage You whine a little too much. None of us are professional writers, we make up whatever we want as long as we have approval, and you're not so original either. "Oh, my parents abbused me, no one loves me." Not that new. We don't know what's perfect, but we deal with it. I gave Rita a plot Astra, that after a few chapters, I'll see how it's doing, and maybe propose to insert it. But it's far from close. She's only able to do 2 consecutive hits right now, not 5. So it's not even happening immeadiatly.
  11. ??? (Rita): As she walked out of the shop, purchases in hand, she headed towards the West side of town. She saw a tiny theater troupe in the park, and walked over. "Come one! Come all! Here about the magical Crimson group! The Crimson bandits! The play is starting! Just 2 gold each! A night of laughs! Of pain! Of love!" Hmm...She walked over and paid the admission, and sat down. She had nothing to do till dinner, then she might as well hit the road.
  12. Since there's no comments, I'm guessing Rita's okay? In that case, prepare for some funny, which would help if the rest of the group was with her, but it works either way.
  13. My plots were to simply kidnap, and harm the group. Not destroy the world. Let Phoenix set Kai on fire. Cynthia, Snowy....somebody? Approval/changes?
  14. @Snowy Waiting for approval/things I have to change. How bout we pull out an old fan favorite, and kill the guards and blow up the town?
  15. Did no one go check? ;_; Waiting... Can the non-Septimus group at least TS? Rita's friendships will be: Mistake Kelas for a dude, and total have the hots for him her. BFFs with Cess and Dani. Rival with Eric, slight crush.
  16. Backstory's up. Go look. She's trying to learn Astra.
  17. Name: Rita, the insane broken mage. Age: 20 Gender: Female Appearance: A woman from the Shoon islands. She has short blue hair, and pure skin. Her long white cloak helps her move quickly when fighting, and helps her being noticed from a long distance. Element: Thunder Class: Myrmidon Crimson weapon?: No Stats: HP: 3 STR: 3 MAG: 0 SKL: 5 SPD: 5 Luck: 0 Def: 2 Res: 2 Simplified stats: HP: 9, STR: 3, Hit: 5, Evade: 5, DEF/RES: 2/2 Weapons: Armorslayer, Wo Dao Items/gold: 20, Spirit Doll Skills: Miracle (Might change this later. I don't really like the current ones avaliable for her.) Backstory: As a little kid, Rita picked up a sword. From then on, she wanted to become a master of the sword. She practiced night and day, until she became old enough to become a mercenary, and set out into the world. She took her childhood friend with her, and roamed, searching for the perfect rival. She began studing the qualities of blades, and their strokes, forming how to make the perfect strike. She began practicing to learn the Shooting Star Strike, five consecutive sword attacks. Hoping one day to compleate her training, she needed to find a master of the blade. Think plot Astra. She's at 2 hits right now, but if she meets like Harold or someone, she'll either compleate the training, or maybe get it as a real skill, but that's a ways off.
  18. @Ether You totally need to have the girl that deflowered him show up and meet Esphyr and Aiya. @Snike Yeah, she's already cheap at like level 25 with me Over Limiting her and spamming Splash and Champagne.
  19. Pary: Pary walked over to Derek."Do you mind if I ride with you? I don't have a horse." --------------- Cess: Cess looked around. It felt different with the others gone. He mounted Morrey, and rode over to the others, ready to go. --------------- ??? (Rita) She walked down the street, swords at her side. The town had tons of shops and she could buy anything she wanted. The weapons were excellent quality, and there was hundreds of foods anyone could ever want. "Woah! Look!" She ran over to the glass window of the shop. "Look at all these magic tomes! I wonder..." She headed into the shop to see what they had. (OOC: It's day time for her. When she meets up with the others, it'll be night though.)
  20. @Snike I like Repeade better than Raven. I good with Rita and Repeade, but I keep those two and Yuri and Estelle in the party. I'm at the forest you get Raven in. Appearently I'm good with fast people and mages, since I'm good with Sheena, Genis, and Collette from Symphonia. I've only played Symphonia 1 & 2, and Vesperia. I watched the Phantasia OVA though... Going with Rita, finishing sheet, than signing up.
  21. ....I'm playing that game right now. Yes, that's where I got the name Rita from. It's cool someone can finally use dark magic. I like Champagne. Snike has found me out!
  22. @Kai Blue And I'm leaning towards Rita.
  23. Okay, finishing stat sheet. I had items and portrait done, I just need stats. Name choices: (I can't decide) Lyria Cora Rita Mint Lora
  24. I have a name, but I might change it. It was Lyria, but I'm not liking it anymore.... @Snike I'm not sure how much the battles have been giving.
  25. Um...so... Is anyone sure of my characters exp? I haven't been keeping track, and I need to, since I'm going to update the sheets plus add another one. @Cynthia Eric, not necessarily, she could just stalker-with-a-crush him till the groups meet back up. And she doesn't need a boat either. The harbor was she was going home, and the islands, she was already there.
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