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Everything posted by Psych

  1. Oh, I ment Sackninja. He asked what he could do with his team. My next two picks should work, but one might be taken....
  2. Berry, Marry, Verry: "Right away, mistress!" Berry quickly dissolved into the shadows and off of the beach. She reappeared a couple miles inland, watching her sisters sitting in some trees eating fruit. "Come on girls, we have a new mission." "But Berry! Should Helenos know that the group-" "Yes, I know. But we'll get them all except one, and he can run back to the others scared and crying that his friends were taken. We strike tomorrow! Let's go!" "Guh!"
  3. Well, Linde is the only starting mage left. You could take maybe Norne, Castor, or Palla, and keep them from getting any kills then reclass them to magic. It might work. You really do need a healer that's not Jaigen.
  4. You need some magic. Not reclassed magic, but like Linde, or Wendell or something.
  5. @Snike Well excuuuuuuuse me for not playing the PS3 version! I don't get Flynn or Patty, and you have to rub it in my race that Rita doesn't get Indignation either!
  6. @Snike No! You combo Champagne and Spread Zero!
  7. Oh, no. But it would be suggested to strip them of the weapons and shove them in a corner ASAP.
  8. I could just do it here~ They're really cool. ;_;
  9. Yes, it does. So don't use Ogma the first 3 chapters if you don't recruit him. But it's only 4 turns that whole chapter. So you can use him once and get the penalty, or clear the map and get the penalty. It's 4 turns for every character you didn't draft that you used.
  10. @Snowy Mages talked to Helenos Could someone post in the music topic? I can only post two songs per post, and I have like 5. ;_;
  11. Yeah, so if you deploy them, unequip them, or you get the penalty. Each time you receive a penalty, it's adding 4 turns onto your score.
  12. >_>" [spoiler=Lot's and Lot's] http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=yOqW6GxPVbU&feature=related Deathy musics, nomad/desert musics, and some party musics too! I'm stuck with just posting two. ;_;
  13. Rita "Somehow, I doubt you know them. And that's why. I only know important sword fighters! He's probably just some big weirdo who lives with wyverns and keeps one in his back yard." OOC: I love making jokes with knowledge I have, but the characters would never know of.
  14. @Clock Probably @Snike Which one?
  15. OOC: Actually, she did.... Rita: "My name's Rita. But, um....who's Ivanko?"
  16. I just like reclassing Catria to Archer. That seems to be her best option. But I'm probably out of axes unless I get my next pick. (I mean an A rank axe user)
  17. Marth 4 Abel 17 Frey 11 Cain 13 Draug 17 Norne 10 Caeda 8 Ogma 10 Bord 1 Cord 10 Barst 6 Darros 11 Castor 6 Lena 10 Julian 10 Navarre 17 Merric 21 Hardin 10 Wolf 10 Zagaro 11 Roshea 5 Athena 12 Bantu 4 Caesar 6 Radd 10 Roger 10 Jeorge 11 Minerva 14 Linde 10 Jake 10 Midia 8 Boah 10 Dolph 6 Macellan 10 Horace 10 Beck 10 Astram 10 Palla 22 Catria 8 Samson 8 Chainy 10 Etzel 19 Est 10 Tiki 10 Elice 15 Nagi 15 Gotoh 10
  18. Rita: "Um, I think so. I remember hearing something about it being called Colossus, but that's all I know. There's one for lances as well, but I'm not sure about other weapons." She turned to Eric. "I've been working on speed, but my attacks keep having openings. People are able to stop the skill mid hit. The most I've been able to do in a row was two, so I'm long far off." ----------- Cess: "I'm just curious. Since Septimus invaded Jerdon, I had wondered how other countries were doing. The Shoon islands have never been invaded since their far off the coast. They don't even have an army. We probably got the least during the Azure war."
  19. Rita: Rita walked back to the table with a plate piled high. "They have so much good stuff here, it's ridiculous! I'll probably eat too much, but oh well!" Rita took a bit of the steak. "Were you talking about Astra? Do you know the skill, could you teach me? I'm only at the first too hits, I tried it on you back when we sparred, but you disarmed me before I could get the second hit in." ---------- Cess: "Well, since we were going to Septimus, and the others decided to split up, I've been thinking. Since Jerdon was invaded, they lost their home. But were do nomads mainly live? I know you were seperated from Kelas, but you probably knew where she's from, right?" ---------- Pary: "Really?" Pary bent down aand exaimined Morgan. He took his staff out, and held it over her chest, letting the energy seep down. "You may want to take some tea with dinner, and try to avoid the stables for a while. Now, if you'll excuse me, I'll take my leave." Pary turned, and headed into the inn they were staying at.
  20. Well whatever, I'll think of something. @Sage Was that comment directed towards Eric? Cause Rita is with Dani at the buffet, away from the other three.
  21. Yeah I know. Because they're heroes? And Jace is sorta semi-in charge or Septimus? Or something like that. Evil brainwashing to get them to join Helenos!
  22. Well it'd be after the fight, so either Jace and Naelia will be weak, or people in the group will, and they'll capture them. It won't be for a while. We're still technically in Halton.
  23. Well, they might capture Naelia or Jace too. Plus I have other ideas I don't feel like sharing as well.
  24. Yeah, I suppose. But if the princess-ness is revealed, that gives a new reason. But she wasn't in the first castle!
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