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Everything posted by Psych

  1. Rita: Rita walked with the others through the castle gate. The palace was huge! The floors gleemed, and maids could be seen every so often, running through the halls carrying buckets, plates, or things of that sort. Rita stood with the others in the hall. "I hope they believe you, your highness. If not, they may try to take us to some sort of Crimson chamber!" Rita tried to laugh her joke off.
  2. Well, my parents decided to surprise me with a vacation the morning we left for it, <_< so! I'll be home on Sunday, but until then, I have very limited access and it's a fucking snail's pace. The short time I do have, I'll be focusing on Rita, since that's more pressing. Remind me to send Sage the proposition I have regarding him when I get back. @Kai and Pheeny-sama-kun (♥) You'll never break me! I've seen things that would make Phoenix gag, and Kai aroused. I will prevail! Unless you go all Jack Bower on me, then you won't want to know what I do next.
  3. How bout Fury + Major Narga + Charge? Sety can take the Aura now, and you can just get Yuria the Rezire tome.
  4. Psych

    Reverse Mafia

    Fayt, as a matter of fact. But I'll just kill someone tonight to prove it, and then you'll all trust me
  5. Well, his draw was the CW's, and when he met Morgan, but Chase has that covered, and now they're kinda boring. @Phoenix I didn't say they're not useful. I meant they joined kinda weirdly.
  6. *sigh* Maria and Est <_< I want an Ohm user.
  7. Oh, how I wish this was untrue. He's becoming a sort of Irina/Helios/Tessa tag along.
  8. Psych

    Advance Wars Mafia

    Aw. Bizz, you hurt me. I loke you. ;_; :awesome: ~The plan is working~
  9. Psych

    Reverse Mafia

    ##Unvote Snike ##Vote Weapons You should follow your leader more, but I'll go with it.
  10. I assume it be like multiplying negatives or something. Anyways, let me see what's happened.
  11. Awwwww. Pheeny-sama-kun is angry. <3
  12. Rita: "Um, I suppose I can buy us some clothes. I have some diamonds left over. And maybe the town really does have good shopping, I mean, they are the capital."
  13. Rita: "Ow...who were those three? Why did they attack us? I didn't even get one shot in."
  14. @Sage Which the numbers and powers were both cut down. Like your point. I can just go to Cynthia. Snowy was vocal about the others disappointment, other stuff, not too much.
  15. @Sage Not really. Again, Cynthia and Snowy have final say. But you don't have to be vocal about everything. Some things you can keep to yourself. @Phoenix You were. >_> Plus I want your opinion.
  16. @Cynthia It seems if they don't win or get it they're way, they're unsatisfied. @Sage I meant characters. Not the other players. And sometimes, I do not feel like expressing my ideas to the others, simply to Snowy/Cynthia/Phoenix. Phoenix just sprung a demon attack on us the other day, which once it happened, I didn't particularly like it. But I shut my mouth and went along to get along, which you seem incapable of doing, as well, and rolled with it. I only need permission from Snowy and Cynthia. If you don't like it, I don't have to care. @Whistler I did not do it without permission. Did you see me capture anyone? I asked everyone single person about it, and they said no. I did not force it on anybody. They attacked, and beat them. They left. It happened, see end of Sage segment.
  17. Cess: Cess walked in from the stables. He had set Morrey in for the night, and chatted with Arrin, and apparently there was some commotion. There was some mage holding a tome in the lobby talking with Esphyr. "Can somebody fill me in? What's going on?" --------------- Pary: Pary could hear the noises from his room. First Reika and Irina, and now someone new. He headed downstairs. Reika passed him on his way down. "Outta my way!" "Well, excuse me." He saw Esphyr talking to someone. "What's going on?"
  18. @Sage I'm saying you like no one. @Cynthia I understand that. This battle affected a much smaller portion. 3 people in fact, other than me. I took the criticisms about what to do, and what not to do. However, now if people are angry about look alikes, I want to know why we have Captain Travis. And if I can't do anything involving the mages, no battle, no nothing, then that is part of the reason I ignored some of Snike and Sage's ideas. As I said:
  19. @Snike Explain to me why Cynthia gets a Captain Planet look-alike then. Please, do. Besides, I also felt that if Shanice was the only re-occuring demon against us, Helenos needed minions as well. We are also provided with convenient NPC's later in the game. Someone the group cares about. Which everyone kept reminding me of. In this case, I wanted quantity over quality.
  20. @Whistler I don't know why you're angry. Nothing I've done involves you. Now, Sage can make his own enemies for the group to fight. What I'm saying, is it was approved, and so he must deal with that. I'm not forcing plot like Phoenix towards the capital. I don't care about that. I've dropped the islands. I'm forcing battles, which apparently no one likes. @Sage I never ignored anyone. But when I can't do anything without stepping on someone's toes, but have them sit down for a tea party and happy-fluffy-bunny time, I'm going to screw your suggestions, and have them battle anyway. You're being just as hostile to Damian now, as you were in the begging. It's gotten worst, and now you'll attack anyone. I could care less what Phoenix does. I was neutral on that subject, but I didn't mega-oppose it, nor wave the banner supporting it.
  21. I see Narshe'ns armor. But not sure about the pony tail. Third sprite uses Syrene. Can't remember who first girl's head is. But they really are quite good.
  22. @Sage I'm not acting snotty, I'm asking why, because apparently I'm at a road block no matter what I try. I told Snowy, as well as Phoenix, what they were going to do at the graveyard, and they were fine with it. It wasn't a major struggle. It was a minor backstory detailed, which was fixed by swapping one word. You should have paid more attention. You act snotty everyday, saying so-and-so's a sue, or, xxx is bad writing, or I don't like this. I have stood up on two points. The mages, and the pegasus dying. I let the pegasus go, and let her die. I'm staying with this. @Snike I needed certain people, not Dani, in order to actually have a reason to kidnap. Now, even without Alf, there's still more of them than the girls, and that's unfair. But when I tried having a straight, three on three, PC's go first, with Iso, Helios, and Arrin, everyone was against that. So instead, I have to resort to them attacking first, outnumbered and out gunned.
  23. @Sage I would have sent signed up skeletons after the group in the graveyard, and some pick pockets right now if I hadn't signed up the mages. I signed them up, they were approved. You don't like it? Tough. I got approval, and also before I did my plans, and battles. Now, you could sign something up, and I'd be fine with fighting it, as long as it isn't ridiculous, or something that forces us to lose. I didn't force a loss on the group. They did lose, but I retreated. @Snike Eric was more. That's why double teaming happened. But had the kidnapping happened, I had wanted to leave Alf and take Eric. It made more sense to push Alf out of battle and round up the battlers, than to take someone who didn't fight.
  24. @Snike I'm not blaming anyone, I'm saying there are reasons, and loopholes for what happened. No double teaming? Eric attacked Berry, than Dani did. Alf would have attacked them. I needed some way to remove him from battle. He could have been plot combat while the others were stat, but that would be semi-confusing. You didn't want them to go to the station, or to follow the tour guides, so you get a square fight. @Cynthia Not all the time, but they can warp in around the group or something, and listen. An inn keeper could have been one of the girls, but I didn't state it. They could have been a hobo. They could have been hiding in a tent during the fog. They could have warped in and planted bugs. I'm moving to Cess/Pary now, unless the group is going to dust themselves off and explained what happened to Rita. @Sage I'm not throwing a fit. I don't see how I'm doing things how you want them, IE: No kidnapping, no traps, no magic warps, no duels, no back up, no plot battles, then get angry at me for following your rules.
  25. @Snike It was because Alf needed to survive. And the group didn't want to start things, but the girls did. It wouldn't have made sense if the group attacked first. There's no rule about ganging up. You did it to the mages too. So they get to to the players.
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