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Everything posted by Psych

  1. Berry, Verry, Marry, Rita: "Grr! Girls! There are too many soldiers! Get them!" The girls warped behind the group of soldiers, and fire some spells at them. Their formation scattered, and prepared to attack the girls again. This time, they warped on to a near by building, attacking the guards again. "We're out of here. We'll get your princess." The girls dissolved in to dark shapes, and left. "Ow...what happened? Who were those people? I didn't even get a hit in."
  2. Okay, they're retreating. But let me say something. I went after the smaller group, because the numbers were equal, and I didn't have to send in faceless enemies as backup, which I'd have needed to fight the larger group. Otherwise, they'd have been horribly outnumbered, and shouldn't have bothered. Now, I could have plot battled with them, like how Phoenix did, but our group was still massively beaten, and we lost. Yet no one seemed opposed to that plot battle. But when I suggested it, Snike insisted on stat battle, and then complains it was too hard. So when they come back, and they will, you either have to be fine with the plot battle, or be fine with the difficulty of the stat battle.
  3. What are they doing that's bad control? I haven't captured anyone without permission. I simply keep talking about it. You even said to have them capture someone. Everyone is giving me different signals and messing me up.
  4. Do you want him to be combated KO'd? Then go ahead. He's back. But he wouldn't be kidnapped with the others.
  5. Sage, stop being an otaku, and actually talk. I'm following the rules, and yet people seem to be angry. Now can you tell us why? @Cynthia What? There was Rita, Eric, Dani, and they had a healer. Eric and Rita simply kicked the bucket too fast. It was actually semi-equal. All of them moved because it was how many fought against them. @Snike Still don't know what you're saying.
  6. I'm not forcing the plot, I'm forcing the meeting. If Eric had beaten them, and that was a serious possibility, then they would have retreated. I meant if Dani and Charlotte go ahead and attack, they could battle again then get a final warning from the guards then retreat. Hell, they could set something on fire and grab something before leaving.
  7. @Cynthia I still have a post before it's considered ultimatum. So I could go, *Battle, final option, retreat*. And would someone tell me what personal skill?
  8. @Snike The second round was entered when they started attacking Charlotte. I don't get what's wrong. It's entirely following the rules, nothings going wrong, and it was thought through. What personal skill? I could have either simply had them instigate a fight between the group and soldiers, or gotten the group thrown in jail for an hour or something, but I picked the quicker route, and the one that would lead to more possibilities.
  9. @Snowy Capture who? I can capture? And I don't care she hates them. They'll do good and prove her wrong.
  10. Then they could capture Alex. He's simply plot. I'll have them go after all the heroes, and have Helenos brainwash them or something. @Snike Come on, buddy! How bout Charlotte?
  11. I'll have them leave now if they can take Eric. They need something as a prize. Otherwise, it's simply hurting the group and their pride.
  12. OOC: Dani can just get exp for existing. "We'll deal with you soldiers later. We're finishing this." The girls focused tightly, and used their shadow abilities. They quickly warped around, leaving images of themselves behind. The images went over to the guards, distracting them. "Who's the real one? Hahahah!" Berry chugs a vulneary. Berry 4/9 ------------------- Verry vs. Charlotte Roll Hit! Damage dealt, 3! Charlotte 6/9! ------------------- Marry vs. Charlotte Roll Hit! Damage deal, 3! Charlotte 3/9!
  13. @Snike The girls would just admit defeat, and warp out alive. @Cynthia I'm fine with the guards trying to fight the mages, but either lower the stats or the numbers. I did that with the skeletons as well, and the girls were out numbered against the group from the start. It should go up that much.
  14. @Sage I am listening as a matter of fact. If I went purely by doing my own plots, they would take the group to a shadow world, and fight them there, as well as making the soldiers unable to fight them. The girls will still fight the soldiers, just that battle will only effect the PC one once they loose. There are too many soldiers, and they're stats are too good. I'm fine with there being 5/infinite, but their stats should reflect such.
  15. Besides, I'm not really railroading, more funneling. They were going to attack sooner or later. However, it was easier to attack the smaller group alone, than the large group with another fleet/make all but a few people unable to fight. Also, seeing as there are so few fighting, I'm taking it as I can post again.
  16. @Snike What? You have to hit over their avoid to classify as a hit. I needed to leave someone alive, and: Dani would be a bit oblivious Eric would keep fighting to get Charlotte back and ignore the others Charlotte would go the the emperor first Rita has no idea where they are Alf was the obvious choice to leave alive.
  17. Would you rather have me say something like. "The girls push Alf into some barrels, and he hurts his head and can't fight. I tried not to have a stat battle, but Snike say he'd only go along with it if there was one, and no one wanted obvious traps, such as the tour guides. Hell, Pary could have been healing Jasmine the whole time. I let that go. I fought for it for like 5 minutes, then dropped it. And otherwise, I'm questioning how they would have eventually joined back up. Not that they wouldn't, just how.
  18. Okay, Alf isn't killing them, they aren't killing Alf. They just aren't fighting him. Or he can, but his interaction will be plot, will the other's are stats. Because she's the princess. She's good bait whether they're angry or not. I did think this out. For like 3 days even. They hit the group first, not the other way around. They would all attack before the others, since they are provoking them. And see Snowy's post on the CW's.
  19. @Snike How? She killed Eric before he hit her. Berry would be the one with low health if any of them are.
  20. Actually here, I'm being fair. It's even numbers, and they're following rules. I mean Eric has two skills. But they needed to make a reappearance, and so did Helenos. The retrieval of the group can happen after Jace, and I won't even make it the Shoon islands. It'll be that desert in Halton even. @Snike They knocked out your character, and have rule-alligned stats. I don't think so.
  21. @Sage I don't want to hurt him. We need someone alive to run to the others. You get to live this way. @Snike Then they have three less resistance.
  22. Alas alack. It's Charlotte and Dani versus the three now. Unrelated note, we're on the Snowman page!
  23. Well, I can deal with them. Stats make the world go round.
  24. Berry, Verry, Rita: "You can't just attack someone and run off! Guards! Someone help us! These Septimian bandits are attacking us!" Suddenly, a girl walked over to see what the commotion was. "Oh, sister! You're safe! We thought the bandits got you! Are you okay?" "Guh!" "Someone stop those bandits!" Marry quickly fired a bolt of lightning at Alferis, knocking him out. They had no use for him. The girls threw off their wigs, revealing their hair. "We'll get you this time!" --------------- Berry vs. Eric Roll Hit! Damage dealt, 5! Eric 4/9! --------------- Verry vs. Eric Roll Hit! Damage dealt, 6! Eric KO'd! --------------- Marry vs. Rita Roll (I swear on my life this was an accident) Hit! Critical! Damage dealt, 22! Rita KO'd!
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