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Everything posted by Psych

  1. How am I coming to you too late? It's next chapter due to it happening after Jace, I'm accepting Snike's ideas, as well as Lightning's, and I am getting consideration. Fine, I don't need Viveka, so thus, I don't need you. I will write up the plan, and give it to Snowy. Goodbye Phoenix's input.
  2. @Phoenix Actually, this time you have no ammo. I'm doing what you suggested and getting others opinions, and such. Should you still disprove, when the people involved are checking off, then again, too bad. I'm taking some of Snike's and Light's ideas anyway. I'm having Snike put a villain in, as well as have Lightning give the setting. And while Snowy hasn't given approval yet, I have not presented the plan yet either. It's not happening till after Jace anyway.
  3. Clocky's job has been upgraded to Firemanwoman. Are you even reading the PM Pheeny-sama?
  4. @Phoenix Oh! So you googled it did you.....I can hope. I just realized it'd be more funny to do that to Morgan or Irina though.... Alright, Phoenix is being added to the plan PM, but just to add Viveka relevance. That's all I need him for, since I could just as easily do it with Conrad.
  5. .....It's like a sex addict or something like that. @Clockwork Just you wait. You'll get a turn. @Phoenix I'll either send you the PM, or let Snike fill you in. I don't want people knowing too much, and counter acting things. <_<
  6. @Psych ....Nymphomaniac. If you didn't know that, I'd be scared for you when you google that. ....I could plot using Clockwork's characters. They've been strangely absent from my evil thoughts lately. But once Rita meets Kelas, you might want to watch out.
  7. All right then Snike. But it's for your eyes only. Then I'm showing Snowy. I'll tell Phoenix the absolute minimum before I ask to borrow Viveka, since I'd like the rest to be a surprise, and to see how much Sage will freak out.
  8. @Lightning I'm dropping Ether. Chase is much more fun now.
  9. Yay! Lightning likes the plot! Take that Phoenix! By the way, how do you feel about making Viveka a Nympho, giving her a curse that's actually totally awesome, or exposing what disease Morgan really has? One of the three.
  10. @Phoenix They're really personalities of the Lord, and when combined, can take over the world. Things for the epilogue I plan on pulling out. Or you could check their backstory. ....Actually, that's a pretty damn good idea.
  11. @Ether Actually, Chase is turning more fun, so I'm leaning that way. You're no fun, I'm dropping you. @Kanami Shut up. You know what I said, and it helps having the HM. She can find her whenever she wants. And another thing. You quit. Do something relevant, or get out.
  12. @Phoenix Well too bad, because I do. Drawing up the Ning plans now. (I like the nick name! ) Alf's plan is no longer fun. So that's out.
  13. I told Ether his plot, I'll PM you the detail Ning (New nickname, yay!), but dinner calls. Be back momentarily.
  14. Tch tch tch. Who's to say the group will be the first to see her? You know nothing of my plan, and thus, not how to stop it. You're thinking she's going to ask the group to join, and simply not tag along, or (secret plan not yet going to be revealed).
  15. @Phoenix Again, taken care of. Just because I don't tell you, doesn't mean I don't have a back up plan. It'll still work regardless. Verry can reach the group quicker than the HM anyway.
  16. @Ether (I'm phasing Phoenix out right now) The water would have a muscle relaxer/knock out agent in it while they soak. I had planned for them to stab him enough, so his lance craves enough and he can't control it, that he can't hold it back, then expose him to Aiya. They'd warp out then. The point is to try and make him lose control. He's also the one with the weakest hold, I think. They're trying to get it to overwhelm his soul, and lose his mind. @Kanami I have that handled. It will work, as long as the HM doesn't reach the group first.
  17. Well, how do you suggest they attack Ether? This plan is actually very good. But in the different cases, they only require 1-2 people's imput. Damian: Ether, for Damian and Aiya Alf: Sage, for Alf and maybe Reika Snowy, if Sage says no to Reika (In this case, I'm not throwing Reika or Esphyr into a jail, they just have to save him) Chase: Lightning, for Chase and Conrad Phoenix, for Viveka @Phoenix This involves the mages, and 1-3 random characters. Unless I recruit a one-shot enemy (which actually I had planned on happening, which was my idea for Sage to control) I don't need anyone else's imput, besides those characters. They weren't even going to attack her, just hold her as bait.
  18. Um, probably not. Alf and Charlotte are the only person to have fought them twice. Dani and Eric didn't participate the first time, and Rita just met them. I'm helping people show back story, creating new drama, making a place for the plot to move, giving us exp, and yet you still don't like it, and I don't know why. -_- @Phoenix Ether said no, Lightning said no, and I can guess Sage's reaction. But if Lightning changes his mind, can I capture Viveka? Just throw her in a cell, not kidnap.
  19. Psych

    Reverse Mafia

    Tables, if you knew what I knew, he'd be a 0. I'm certain of it. But since people don't want to believe my claim....
  20. Well, I'll think of something to have them live. This time it'd be Verry relevant in more ways than one. Damian plot: Damian might lose control of the lance and go berserk, leading to happy fun times, as well as Esphyr saving him. Aiya would be trapped, leading to Damian to have to save her. There's a second half to this plan, that would involve the rest of the group, potentially related to Alf, but I'm keeping this shadowed in the event it goes through. Alf plot: Alf gets tortured, and saved by either Reika or Esphyr, either of whom's weapon goes out of control/gains new power. Shadowed part from above. Maybe have a flashback. Another shadowed part, that would require finding a master sage or something, furthering plot. Chase plot: Ditto with torture, involving either Chase's weapon or Conrad's. Viveka saving/flashback to her dragon attack. Shadowed part. Final shadowed part, would involve going into some mountain caves or things. @Phoenix They all build backstory, as well as give the group a next destination. Plus, the torture causes Verry to resent her sisters, making it important.
  21. Psych

    Reverse Mafia

    Alright Tables, fine. Balcerzak - 2 Ninji - 0 SlayerX - 4 Tables - 1 WoMC - 1 Kleine - 3 Snike - 3 Raymond - 4
  22. Yes, but not kill them, only wound them. I would have to allow you to do so, and I'm not. They'd lead Damian and Aiya to a special bath, that's really drugged, and Aiya would wake up in a cell, and Damian would be tied to an operating table while they stab him a bunch trying to force the lance out. They would all live....
  23. Last one on the last page. Damian is bath house plan, Alf is mountain inn/desert plan, and Chase's scenario I have yet to come up with. Personally, I'd prefer it to be either Damian or Chase, because then I can lock up Viveka or Aiya as leverage. @Phoenix If I don't tell people they get angry. So I end up having too. -_-
  24. Hmmmm, either Ether and Lightning didn't see my post about torturing their characters, or don't care. Win-win either way.
  25. Well then I'd still like to know what happened to her. She sort of was just a loose end we dropped. But Verry will end up disliking her sisters next plot, and joining after the one after that. (Note: Depending on the plan, it will either involve torturing Damian, Alf, or, mixing things up with Chase)
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