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Everything posted by Psych

  1. @Phoenix You do too. D:< So Pegasus is back in. @Snowy Wait! Tell us! D:> @Lightning Make her permanant. I gave Pary a Barrier staff, and now FE12 gave us ones that boost strength and speed. Her abilities could be like +2 to a stat other than HP, use swrods, or let us skip the 5 post limit. I thought of stats for them myself. HP 5 STR 4 MAG 2 SKL 3 SPD 6 LUK 4 DEF 4 RES 3
  2. I've never used Flyers religously. (Except Caeda) I'm more for magic. But if I can fit one in, they might get a spot. Classes with less than two people: Armors Cavaliers Bandits/Fighters Archers Wind Mages Fire Mages Pegasus Knights (Not too sure what's gonna happen with Daneka) Mercenary Nomads Dancer Do the dancer! Gogogo!
  3. @Snowy No, please. Not another wyvern. ;_; Anything but that.
  4. Psych

    Reverse Mafia

    .................>_> ##Unvote Raymond ##Vote Tables I'm going through the whole thread now, and Weapons is making some sense.
  5. @Phoenix You have no heart. I was thinking of godmodding Ixion in.
  6. NinjixTables I SAID IT!
  7. BAD PUN Nightmare x Sirius
  8. @Phoenix Read the HM and Verry rant. It made us cry. ;_;
  9. Verry: Nothing. No pain. No blood. Nothing. She lifter her head to hear the Headmaster. "But if humans aren't willing to change, it's just as worse. If there is no reason for them, we have to reason to live. You astound me. One able to stand the human's marvels and failures. But I must go. My sisters are calling. I shall return." Verry dissolved into the shadows, leaving the Headmaster in the empty fields.
  10. Verry: Mear instinct. Just plain, old, stupid instinct. That's why people hated them. Because no one understood them. Verry sobbed harder. "We have no ill intent. I don't wish to hurt you. I want to understand you. What you do. Why people love you. But that's impossible. Go on. Kill me then. Rid the world of the horrible violent shadow spirits. The ones that bring misfortune to all and scourge to the earth." She released the Headmasters arms, letting her stand. Verry stayed on the ground sobbing. (OOC: Don't actually kill her. <_< )
  11. Dude. Me too. ;_; And yet no one wants her to join. You bastards.
  12. Sadness. ;_; Even Phoenix isn't that heartless.
  13. Verry: Not violence. Words. But not just any words. The words she heard time and time again. The ones she cried nights and nights over. The words that caused her and her sisters to run, hide. The words that lead her to join Helenos. The words that lead to everything. To finally meeting someone like her and her sisters, someone she'd be able to talk to, and understand. But those words. The ones that cause her to have contempt for humans. All because she was a wrong type of spirit. Not a good, friendly one like a Wind, a Fire, or a Thunder spirit. Not a holy, whorshipped, loved, Light spirit. No. A forbidden darkness spirit. One that cursed those around them, that deserved the asylum of being lonely. No. It was all the same. Like all the other times. The flames. She could see the torches, and smell the pitch. The villagers trying to run them out. Berry holding onto her. Marry looking away, unable to stare at the mayor and his wife. Didn't she spend time with their son? The yells. "Get the scourge out of town!" "Demons! Kill them all!" "Cursed children! You should do everyone a favor and just die!" Verry couldn't stand it longer. She dropped to her knees, tears rolling down her cheeks. Hands on her face, sobbing, barely choking out the words. "Why? Why does everyone hate us, just because of our blood? It was never out fault? You. They love you. Spirits like you. You're the leader of TISME after all. And us. We're reduced to working for demons. Nothing more than canon fodder, to serve Helenos for all eternity. Please. Tell me why. ;_;" (OOC: Don't have the HM be totally heartless. And this freaking made me cry. ;_;)
  14. Verry: The flames had trailed the Headmaster's cloak, going for the opposing mana force. They were quickly burning the cloak to shreds. The woman had tackled Verry to the groud, dispearsing the flames, and wrestling with her. Struggling, the girls tossed and tumbled, before Verry sank into the ground through her shadows. She drug the woman's arms with her, locking them in place, able to decide when to let her go. Verry reappeared over the woman, trying to talk to her, while the Headmaster struggled against the mysterious bonds. "Ow. You scratched me. *sniff* How did you just go through my spell? Answer my questions, and I'll let you go." (OOC: She's wearing a cloak right?)
  15. So....what did I do wrong now? I know what would happen, and she's thinking of ways to try and stop it. And good job Bal, killing the goddess and all. >_>
  16. Verry: "Please stop! Let me talk to you! What are you?" Verry had to think quickly. Her sisters were too far away, but if Berry got here first, she might try to hand over the woman to Helenos. But....she felt different. Not like a typically mage or anything of the sort. And the wings were certainly a give away. She had to find out more. She disspelled the flames, instead creating an orb of flame around her as a guard, hoping it would block whatever was confusing the woman.
  17. Psych

    Reverse Mafia

    I was suspicious of Raymond. ##Vote Raymond. I want more info.
  18. Verry: Verry couldn't understand her. What was going on? She quickly melted into the shadows, reappearing several yards behind the Headmaster. She sent flames up around her, trapping her. "St-stay back! I know how to use this! Just calm down!"
  19. Verry: "*sniff* Go away! What are you? I don't want to hurt you. No! ;_;" Verry tried using her spell to create a shield out of the flames, defending herself.
  20. Verry: The sounds were getting louder. What was that thing? It broke through the clouds, and she saw it. A girl, not much older than herself. But she had wings coming out of her back. "Wh-who are you? Why do you have wings? What are you? Where's all this mana coming from? Just, just go away! I don't want to have to hurt you! *sniff* ;_;" (OOC: Now seems more likely)
  21. So by maybe Chapter 16. Eh, it's still close. None of my posts are junk....like some others. >_>
  22. So I need like 11 posts for a 7th dot? Sweet! Edit: @Snowy Fix'd
  23. Verry: Her mind was clouding. This type of energy wasn't natural. Even when they had faced the weilders, she was fine. It was a nagging feeling. She remembered it from the graveyard. "No!" Verry started running. ----------- Pary: Pary handed Katie the carrots, and saw Tessa head over to Aiya. He had already healed her. Had something gone wrong? He saw Tessa heal, and stumble. Something was wrong. He rushed over. "Are you okay?"
  24. How many do I have? I know I have 6 dots....
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