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Everything posted by Psych

  1. I caught the name tool.....;_;
  2. @Cynthia They still use magic. And we should have just a Monk that doesn't use staves. >_>
  3. Dani, Pary, Charlotte, and the mage girls must not exist.
  4. More Wind Archsage probably. Blah~ I should post something, but I don't know what, other than Rita's part sort of.
  5. Female EtherxMale Ether
  6. @Lightning They need HP more than Skill. And I'm liking giving them Arcanium or Charisma or Daunt or something like that. Let's go with Ether's caps near the top of the page. The 2nd ones. Not the 1st ones.
  7. Psych

    Reverse Mafia

    But then I at least know who to steer away from voting off my partner. I have to get rid of immeadiate threats before focusing on the cult or masons. Now, while I thik Raymond is Mason, I'm not sure who is the other cult leader. I'd be happy to hear your opinion however.
  8. Should we TS the minor group? >_> Cess: Rita: ;) Pary: <_< Verry: Marry: Berry: >:)
  9. Psych

    Reverse Mafia

    If we could get Snike in here, he'd back me up. @Ulki Because the traitors are supposed to work with the mafia. And say I'm fingering Raymond, it'd help to eliminate someone I want Day-phase, then someone more suspicious Night-phase. Getting rid of two people the mafia wants, helps from firing relativily blindly, and not just a random person they want to keep.
  10. Psych

    Reverse Mafia

    Yes, but Ninji didn't even want me as a partner. Something about me being to risky. I must protect him now, and since the traitors are supposed to work with the mafia, and you aren't, I have to get rid of you.
  11. Psych

    Reverse Mafia

    Well, He's my partner, so I'm not joining in. ##Vote Ether Sorry, but you're moving in on the mafia. You must assimilate or die.
  12. ;_; I could just make a new thread.
  13. Psych

    Reverse Mafia

    This doing it for ya?
  14. Psych

    Reverse Mafia

    That we voted to get rid of Core? Quote the PM? Otherwise I don't know what you want.
  15. Psych

    Reverse Mafia

    I already told people my mafia partner back some pages. It was his idea to go after Core. I want to get rid of Raymond, Snike, or you tonight.
  16. Psych

    Reverse Mafia

    You don't think I'm impulsive? You obviously don't know me that well Ether.
  17. Psych

    Reverse Mafia

    I'm going to kill you tonight. Just for that. <_<
  18. So give them Arcanium? Eh, looks good to me.
  19. Psych

    Reverse Mafia

  20. The STR should at least be 3. Myrmidons have 3. And that's too dodgy. Like literally, nothing can hit them. Not even 6 skill classes with a 6 rolled. Give them normal Luck, and give 1 point to both DEF and RES.
  21. But then you were like, "Neh, I can work with that." And I was like, ?, so I thought you were changing your mind.
  22. Psych

    Reverse Mafia

    You know what! ##Vote Ether BECAUSE I CAN!
  23. What Ether said. HP 5 STR 4 MAG 2 SKL 3 SPD 6 LUK 4 DEF 4 RES 3 She can either attack with swords, give +2 to stat to someone for 1 player phase and 1 enemy, or let that person skip the 5 post limit. Male pegasus would be cool. No to the skirt though. >_>
  24. Psych

    Reverse Mafia

    FINE! ##Unvote Tables But not everyone can just say something and get rid of my votes. I'll just kill someone tonight since I can! You should listen to one of the mafias. -_-
  25. @Phoenix By that the party has less than two now. Fire does at least, but Wind is a little less. Could we add the dancer stats to the main page?
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