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Everything posted by Psych

  1. Just recolor Meg. Rita is going to go talk to Irina or Iso in a sec Phoenix.
  2. We must elect a vice leader. Who should it be....
  3. Rita: CESS! *glomps* Cess: Ow. Go fight Esphyr and Derek. Rita: Okay. Who's that handsome nomad? Cess: She's Kelas. Rita: Who's the red fire mage? Cess: Istov. (How my conversation is planning to go. >_>)
  4. Rita and Cess: "CESS!" Cess looked up from his fortune telling items. He saw Rita running towards him, before jumping and knocking him to the ground. "Hi there." "Hi Rita. You found me. Now could you please get off?" Rita stepped off of him, before sitting back down on the ground. "Oh, sorry. So, guess what! I got the 2nd stoke for my Starlight Sword!" "Nice. Have you met the others yet? We're probably gonna stay with them for a while."
  5. Mage girls Headmaster Lev Dammit Ether. now you burned that into my head. Next story, ArrinxLev.
  6. Psych

    Screw The Rules Mafia

    to the pic. Beiber is most certainly not
  7. You do not kill Athena and Malice. They're too awesome. Caught up. Let me post something real quick.
  8. Pary: "Well then we don't have to listen to you." Pary took his staff, slamming it down, aiming to hit her collar bone, hoping to knock her unconscious. "Want some tea or coffee?"
  9. Pary: "I already ate some genius. Oh well, your lose. We can leave you here to starve and get picked clean by buzzards while we go find Jace. Suit yourself."
  10. Pary: Having finished his tea, Pary started making some grits and eggs. He helped him self, then put some on a plate, and walked over to Alex. "Here. Eat."
  11. Wouldn't FE2 be considered more as introducing Gaiden chapters in a way? And I don't remember if anyone else could use the Raiper in FE1 except Marth? I guess Gaiden had alternate routes as well.
  12. ???, ???, and the wyvern known as Aquine: The wyverness quickly landed, her passengers dismounting. "Whoever these three are, they owe me Xenia's bounty. They just let her get away. Go see if they have wounds. They may be more willing to pay us." "You owe me a dress for this." Bounding off, the healer found a man with a bow. "Um, excuse me. Did you get hurt back there? I have this staff." Walking towards the Plains Wyvern, the rider cut him free. "Hey boy. Where's your master? See? I'm helping you go. You don't want to bite me. Aquine! Get over here! Help me calm this guy down!" Aquine slowly trotted over to Krinkov. She gave him some sniffs, alerting him to her master's generosity in freeing the wyvern, and his safety from that other Sea wvyern.
  13. @Phoenix Then explain Arrin x Tessa? >_> Now he'll want Lev to pay him Xenia's bounty for getting away.
  14. Half twins. Eirika doesn't use staves.
  15. @Lightning Um, I don't think I did. They're also just watching. They'll land if you get rid of Daneka.
  16. ???, ??? and the wyvern known as ???: Sitting atop his mount, he looked down upon the battle field. This was the last known location of those two mercenaries, and just his luck, he ran into Xenia too. His mounted lifted her head, smelling Svetlana. Not her again. She was always plagued by the dried up, scaly creature. Always trying to take her catch, the best sunning spot. Then someone took her away, and she thought she'd finally be rid of her. But her master's line of work seemed to be in the way quite often. "So, we have a bit of trouble." "Can;t we just avoid this all? You said you were taking me shopping in the capital. I wanted a vacation." "Yes, but I'm working. After I turn in those two idiot, I'll have plenty of money. Xenia should net a tidy profit as well. I'll land, and you can just-" "No! Brother always makes me stay home where it's safe. I can heal you better this way anyway."
  17. @Phoenix ...................................................................................Maybe. >_> And a mysterious passenger with him as well. I'll give them mysterious ramblings from the sky to let you guys decide.
  18. @Phoenix He's a bounty hunter trying to get Synt and Travis.... And it causes much intrest when Rita and Cess meet him.
  19. Let me use the bounty hunter and his friend. It'll cause more drama when they meet the rest of the group too. But they don't want to attack anyone. They aren't violent towards them.
  20. @Snike, Lightning, and Phoenix You guys sure you don't want me to save your asses with the bounty hunter?
  21. @Snike You mean the bounty hunter? And his friend?
  22. She's wearing a white cloak? Otherwise, there's not much else you don't already know. When it comes to sprites however, I trust you. >_>
  23. @Phoenix Go with Rita first. Not sure what you mean by details though,
  24. So....if Miranda is done, and HM was lost.....I think I know who's next.
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