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Everything posted by Psych

  1. Rita: "Yeah, I'm from the islands. One of the smaller islands though. Most people go there to sight see or things like that. Why? Have you ever been there?"
  2. I played more then two.....>_> And I trust you anyway.... Plus, I'm not in this. So it's up to you all how you act. I'm conversing with Snike things to change/how to do things differntly. It'll end up fine.
  3. Psych

    Insanity Mini Mafia

    I'll try to be more descriptive this game, but I don't look for tells as much as other people do. I'm more I see how they've been acting, be it overly defensive or agressive, or something, but most of the time I go with my gut. I sorry my gut doesn't let people believe me. ;_;
  4. But this is much larger than other games we've had. Plus, going by the list I wrote up, I'm not sure who else I can get besides the regulars, and I'd need all the regulars. I want it open kinda early while I think of things.
  5. Psych

    Insanity Mini Mafia

    So Bizz is angry for Advance Wars. -_- Should we kill her?
  6. Psych

    Insanity Mini Mafia

    I see someone has failed at Copy Pasta....>_> Edit: Damn. Ninja'd
  7. Well, going by typical players/who I think will join, we have; Bal Lightning Spoon Tables Core Bizz Fayt Raymond Sync Life Weapons Ether Draco Ulki Ninji Yoss And then Bizz appearently has warm bodies I can use as well. Plus I was trying to get maybe Clockwork and Cynthia in. We'd have enough. If not, I know which 3-6 I need to cut out. You know, I should just go sign you all up right now. >_> If Bizz get's us at least two fresh people, I know the perfect role for her, and the perfect role for Tables.
  8. That's not what I asked Tables. He dropped my mini-mafia game. I asked him to switch this one with my other normal sized mafia game, and put that one at the bottom of the list. I didn't ask him to drop my mini, and put this one in. I'm still a ways down the queue. Lightning, I have 25 people, I need quite some time.
  9. I'm not revealing any plot actually. Let's just say, going by absolute worst circumstances, IE: Healers miss, Bodyguards and BP's miss or are lynched, Unlynchables are shot at night, Cult recruits, and Town misslynches, the game should end Day 3/Night 3.
  10. Some of the roles are going to be interesting, since a few powers will be a bit new, but Snike's helping me with them. The game will start on Night 0 with no kills for a reason, but Day 1 the town will have to lynch. Actually, it won't be going much by story. Just who the people are really, so like if Yuri is a good guy, he'll be the town. Nothing game breaking I don't think.
  11. You could sign up. The roles are awesome.
  12. I'd prefer you to mod, as I have some roles I need to discuss with you.
  13. So, my mini was canceled due to inactivity, and no one joining. I had a better idea. You don't have to had played the game, but it might help in understanding why some people are certain things. The roles will be revealed upon death, but right now, I'm only showing who the characters are that you might play as. Rita Judith Yuri Repede Estelle Karol Flynn Ba'ul Patty Raven Don Whitehorse Kaufman Seifer Adecor Boccos Belius Yeager Gauche Droite Barbos Zagi Alexei Clint Nan Tison 48 hour day time, will extend if no majority, tie will result in a 6 hour grace period in which you can only vote for those two. If a tie occurs again, a random number will be rolled to decide the lynch. 24 hour night time, may extend if neccesary. Other basic rules apply. Note: Three characters have minor experimental roles I'm trying out. I will reveal them when they die/win the game, and would like feedback when it's over. Sign ups ---------------- Lightning Maaaaaybe Bizz.... Keltik Life Tables Amelia Slayer (7/25)
  14. Psych

    Mafia HQ

    Sign me up for a Tales of Vesperia Mafia. It'll be interesting. Switch it with my normal mafia in the list, so that the normal one is near the bottom.
  15. You'd all just kill me the first day/night. >_>
  16. You don't have to be so mean. Some people don't always play to win. ;_; Just to cause chaos.
  17. But, but, it was awesome. ;_; I screwed up everybody's mind, then they got angry. Super awesome fun time.
  18. Plus it was awesome seeing the look on your guys faces when I turned out to be Villager. Bizz was all like "No! Don't do it! He's fool!", then she was all like, "Wait...whaaat?" I should do that again next time I get Villager. That could be a tell.
  19. Rita: "You could send him hunting right? My brother just does that with his wyvern. Who's Viveka? I'm Rita by the way. I'm Cess's friend." ------------------ Pary: Pary poured himself another cup of tea, and leaned against a rock. It looked like that stupid bandit was back as well. Just his day. The oils had soothed his sore muscles. Should he go save Morgan? She was his employer after all. Eh. That wyvern rider and the archer could handle it. He could just tell her he masterminded the whole thing, and stay out of trouble. No need to get his hands dirty.
  20. @Ether You know what I meant. >_>
  21. Rita: "What'cha writing? Is that wyvern yours?"
  22. ......I just realized Irina probably won't like Rita, due to her.....excellent swordmanship. >_>
  23. Is it bad I have no idea who those three are? I am the Co-mod after all. *squee* I'm still excited I can say that. They should go see my awesome tactics in Advance Wars Mafia.
  24. Rita and Cess: Rita stood up, and looked around camp. "I'll go see all the people. And I already found someone to train with me too Cessy!" Cess began getting himself some lunch from the area around the campfire. "Well have fun." Rita strolled off, until she found a girl writing in a notebook. Her head was down, and a large wyverns was playing behind her. She poked her in the head. "Poke." ------------------- Pary: Great. Another bandit. Pary crawled over to the river. He hadn't had a bath in a while either, and he could stand to relax. He brought over a pot of tea, and took a small vile out of his pack, before pouring it into the small pond. No one seemed to be around, so he disrobed and waded in.
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